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Batma(n)fia:Game Ovah! Town wins! Role PMs up.
(2013-03-06, 09:30 PM)iRemember Wrote: Unlikely but evidently not impossible, there is no reason why this game could be different to the typical small mafia game and making the assumption that it is based on previous games just doesn't make sense to me -
You contradict yourself here.This game won't be the exact same as any other, but there are certain rules of balancing which need to be taken into effect, and these show that a town this small should not be able to shoot themselves in the foot. Imagine we had mislynched last day and that you shot a townie as a vig. that makes it 2V1V1 and we'd be damn near screwed. You didn't take this into consideration? Who's your character btw?
I'm the Batman
Quote:I always thought that a new mafia game was completely different to any previous ones, and that any characteristics/reads I built were unique to that game alone.
Covered above.
Quote:Had strong townie reads on Scar, Quanto with his crumb and Snorlax with his gigantic crumb (initially took him for his word), only suspicions I had were you and Knost, and I honestly thought you were both mafia. I decided not to kill you because you did indeed introduce some momentum to an otherwise stagnant mafia game, hence the Knost nightkill which paid off.

Bolded implies you no longer take him at his word?
If we were both mafia, why not shoot me? Knost was easier to lynch, and thus easier for town to get rid of. Underlined-strange choice of words. Night kill implies scum, while town would say vig shot or something similar.
Quote:I was not going to waste my nightkill given that I did not know scum roles, so there is my reasoning. Generally am a fence sitting player, I don't like to make presumptions unless I am absolutely certain, especially in a game like this where you can't simply erase or forget an action.
You aren't going to waste your shot, so you fired at someone knowing that there were multiple BP's in the game. which would amount to a wasted shot?
Quote:Hence the acceptance of the no vote despite a small desire to induce one so as to a) force a reaction out of you/Knost and b) not waste the extension. However, I did not because I knew that you were both probably stronger players than me and that attacking you both or indeed even independently would not have been a smart move. Call it cowardly, I call it survival.
Why would you need to survive, considering that numbers wise an with your own information, it was smarter to not shoot? Town shouldn't be worried about survival. INdies do
Quote:.Now I am not so sure of Snorlax's professed Doctor role, and as I have knowledge that there are 2 bullet proof players, occurred to me that maybe Snorlax knew and was using this as a backstory to suggest he is a doctor. Believe you and Scar although I am still suspicious and believe there is a slight possibility that you are in league with each other (with networker role being a disguise),
You had this information form the beginning of the game. Why wouldn't you disbelieve snor earlier, as opposed to just now?

>.< anyone there at all?
Snor- what made you protect yourself?
Can you still doc?
Char claims? quanto is catwoman, I'm batman, Scar's ras al ghul, knost was the joker. It seems flavor lines up
Quanto Konami

Snorlax: Zach>Remmy>Snorlax>No Lynch
Knost: Zach>Snorlax>Scarlet>Unvote>Snorlax
ScarletRaven: Snorlax>Quanto>Unvote
RF>Unvote>Scar>Unvote>No Lynch>Remmy
Quanto Konami: Scarlet>No Lynch
Remmy:Silverwhite>No Lynch
3/5 to lynch
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Like i told yall..i'm horrible at picking up cues from posts...but i will say this

it's late game...there are supposedly 2 mafia left...

and scar and rf seem to be working together now...

The only reason I'm not attempting to lead a lynch rf party...is because I trust scarlet not to outright lie...

But I'm deathly afraid that if me or snor vote's remmy...scar is going to come in for the hammer...
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
Okay, I just finished a midterm and I see quanto saying there are two mafia left when I've got mod info confirming we have two indies. which makes it impossible via numbers for us to have a mafia faction. 2v2v1v1 is not a valid setup as town has no way to win whatsoever.
By the By, scar and I actually been arguing about me trying to lynch her. Does a Mafia RF lynch his scummate d1 in a game this small quanto? Do you want me to make a rem case for you to see why he's indy?
no...sorry forgot about there being 2 indies..
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
Vote: remmy
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
Someone hammer this thing home. Scar I see you viewing. orb's on too, we could finish this today.

you said he was indie...so how would that end this game for town with 1 mafia still out there?
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
truth behind me voting for myself.In a previous post i stated that  i would save righteouse.With that being said i devised a plan to get him lynched this turn bcuz i feel like hes mafia.I said i would vote for him,so that if someone were gonna try and kill him they would now aim for me.So i protected myself and in this turn i brought up the point that no one tryed to kill him even though he was key player,to get everyone to lynch becuz  i think hes Scumm!

If  you dont understand it ill try to re-explain parts you dont understand.

[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
you say there are 2 indies...lets see how the math goes with:

 remmie being town vig   I'm town,knost was confirmed indie...so that would mean there are 1 town 1indie and 1 mafia still to account for......snor as doc would be either t/m if town you and scar would be (i/m or m/i) if mafia you and scar would be (t/i or i/t)

 remmie being the sk I'm town,knost was confirmed indie...so that would mean there are 2 town and 1 mafia still to account for..snor as doc would be either t/m if town you and scar would be (m/t or t/m) if mafia yall would both be town

so 1/4 scenarios you would be the town duo you claim to be...
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
quanto we just need you to vote for righteouse then if its not him then we automatically know its scarlet
[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
We still have plenty of time in this mafia day no need to rush

snorlax...who do you think is mafia...independent and town? *label all players other then yourself*

rem...who do you think is mafia indpendent and town? *label all players other then yourself*

rf...who do you think is mafia indpendent and town? *label all players other then yourself*

scarlet...who do you think is mafia indpendent and town? *label all players other then yourself*
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
Scar=mafia Righteouse =independent
[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
(2013-03-07, 09:56 PM)Quanto_Konami Wrote: unvote

you said he was indie...so how would that end this game for town with 1 mafia still out there?
because it's not guaranteed that there even is a mafia faction. With two indies it's impossible to have a mafia faction because a mafia is by definition more then one person. Let's look at the OP.
OP Wrote:I do not confirm the presence of a mafia faction.
With this being the case, I think we can safely assume that with remmy claiming the only kill we've seen, that there is no mafiosi faction.
(2013-03-07, 10:19 PM)Snorlax47 Wrote: truth behind me voting for myself.In a previous post i stated that  i would save righteouse.With that being said i devised a plan to get him lynched this turn bcuz i feel like hes mafia.I said i would vote for him,so that if someone were gonna try and kill him they would now aim for me.So i protected myself and in this turn i brought up the point that no one tryed to kill him even though he was key player,to get everyone to lynch becuz  i think hes Scumm!
If  you dont understand it ill try to re-explain parts you dont understand.
How about the fact that scum DOESN'T WANT TO SHOOT INTO A PROTECTED PLAYER. Your argument is full of bad WIFOM. What about my actions have been scummy?
(2013-03-07, 10:29 PM)Quanto_Konami Wrote: you say there are 2 indies...lets see how the math goes with:

 remmie being town vig   I'm town,knost was confirmed indie...so that would mean there are 1 town 1indie and 1 mafia still to account for......snor as doc would be either t/m if town you and scar would be (i/m or m/i) if mafia you and scar would be (t/i or i/t)
NO NO NO NO NO. Where are you getting the idea of a mafia faction from?

Quote: remmie being the sk I'm town,knost was confirmed indie...so that would mean there are 2 town and 1 mafia still to account for..snor as doc would be either t/m if town you and scar would be (m/t or t/m) if mafia yall would both be town
If there is a mafia faction, town is dead from the start. They have to lynch mafia, hope the indies kill the mafia at night, and then lynch indy during the day. Anything but a mafia lynch D1 would screw the game up for town. I trust orb to not do that.

(2013-03-07, 10:42 PM)Quanto_Konami Wrote: We still have plenty of time in this mafia day no need to rush
rf...who do you think is mafia indpendent and town? *label all players other then yourself*
There is no mafia faction. Remmy's the indy. everyone else is town.

EBWOP-not to mention, DEADLINE IS SUNDAY. although it's really monday asa orbo get's to a comp.
Vote Remmy
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
Thank you for seeing sense.
Someone hammer this thing.
Snorlax that includes you. If remmy isn't scum and I'm not dead by tomorrow, I'll let myself be lynched in exchange for snor hammering.
WHat u mean in exchange for me hammering?
[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
I think RF is indy tbh....
Snor is not smart enough to pull off lying about being the doc,
Quanto cannot lie.... And I'm pretty sure Remmy isn't scum either...

Vote: Righteous Fury
Vote: Righteous Fury
You're all idiots. Lynch remmy tomorrow. Orbo's gonna be here in five.
(2013-03-09, 02:39 PM)iRemember Wrote: Vote: Righteous Fury
Quanto Konami
Remmy:2(RF, Quanto)

Snorlax: Zach>Remmy>Snorlax>No Lynch>RF
Knost: Zach>Snorlax>Scarlet>Unvote>Snorlax
ScarletRaven: Snorlax>Quanto>Unvote>RF
RF>Unvote>Scar>Unvote>No Lynch>Remmy
Quanto Konami: Scarlet>No Lynch>Remmy>Unvote>Remmy
Remmy:Silverwhite>No Lynch>RF
3/5 to lynch

A lynch has been reached! flavor in a moment
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
It was a cold night in Gotham City. Their bravest had been fighting crime all night, when they saw a flash of hope. The vigilante of Gotham, Righteous Fury, The Batman, Town FBI Agent, has been lynched. It is N2. N2 ends tuesday morning about 11 AM EST. get yer Actions in
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
If night actions happen in the next hour I can start the game immediately!
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
The people of gotham had no time to react, as another onslaught occured overnight. Almost before the Dark Knight could be mourned, the people discovered that...

ScarletRaven, Ra's al Ghul, Town networker, has died in the night!
day 3 ends next saturday.2/3 to lynch
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
snor vote rem
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
Quanto Konami
Remmy:1( Quanto)

Snorlax: Zach>Remmy>Snorlax>No Lynch>RF
Knost: Zach>Snorlax>Scarlet>Unvote>Snorlax
ScarletRaven: Snorlax>Quanto>Unvote>RF
RF>Unvote>Scar>Unvote>No Lynch>Remmy
Quanto Konami: Scarlet>No Lynch>Remmy>Unvote>Remmy>Remmy
Remmy:Silverwhite>No Lynch>RF
2/3 to lynch
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Yea  so sad ,

[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
A lynch has been reached!
Remmy, Bane, the Independant Inquisitor, has been lynched!
Quanto, Catwoman, Town BP, and Snorlax, uninformed Paranoid Doctor, have won in endgame! Town Wins!
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Well played guys! Good game Smile
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