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Canines Guild!!! ~>Reopened<~
Wow thank you prysma for those rank thingies!!! Glad to see this guild finally picking up again!! :) Sorry for being inactive for these last few days I was on a really nice campout with cub :) hope to see everybody soon in game!! :)

Rank pictures inserted! :)

Orbo, I have a request from you, would you be able to make all the members names link to their player profile? ^_^
Resident noob
Uhhh. Gimme till Wednesday because then I can be on an actual comp.
I assume in game profile?
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Alright, no rush :) it's just something cool that could be added.
Resident noob
No probs brospeh
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
OMG you say Broseph too?!?!? *brofist* lololol
Resident noob
Nah Broto you're doing it wrong you gotta be like /brofist
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Hahaha okay then if you say so
Resident noob
I frequent dgames, land of marshy and kevs brocode.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Resident noob
It's a dgames thing, you wouldn't understand.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I guess not lol
Resident noob
If Romeo.and Juliet was actually more like 21 jump street with those two ex jump street cops being the main characters, you'd have marshy and kev
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Uh huh.....
Resident noob
YOu haven't watched jump street have you?
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I don't watch TV lol jus movies and MMORPGs lol
Resident noob
This is a movie.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I thought that 21 jump street is a tv show.... :O
Resident noob
Movie.with tanning chatum amd thT dude who played darius stone the m triple x.movie.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Him. Sounds.. Uh.. Interesting.
Resident noob
It's a funny.movie.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I'll check it out lol
Resident noob
Hrrrnnnnnngggghhjhhhhwhich is wookie for Chewbacca joining
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Resident noob
Are guilds going to actually mean something after V3? I /might/ consider throwing myself in one, despite the fact i've basically only got a simple team and nothing really to speak of anymore Big Grin
CeFurkan Wrote:
@Nitz_X u really should leave this game
[Image: kSLYA.png]
Hm... 21 jump street was pretty funny but I'm somewhat indifferent towards it (didn't think it was really good/bad). Apparently the original was better but I haven't seen it...

Although, my opinion is subjective and based off the countless 'good' films I have seen... >_>

Bleh. I'm still in exam mode... =_=

Anyways... Welcome to the guild Chewbacca! Big Grin
[Image: attachment.php?aid=448]
~^±|I|±^~Pyro Piglet~^±|I|±^~ 
»»»»»»[IGN: Tanklet]««««««
Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
(2013-09-03, 06:18 AM)Nitz_X Wrote: Are guilds going to actually mean something after V3? I /might/ consider throwing myself in one, despite the fact i've basically only got a simple team and nothing really to speak of anymore Big Grin

Cef is gonna lay in a whole guild system in v3
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Yeah but at this rate we'd all have just maybe forgotten about this game.. :-/
Resident noob
I won't forget about this game Big Grin
[Image: attachment.php?aid=452]
(2013-09-03, 03:35 PM)zscout1288 Wrote: I won't forget about this game :D

I'm gonna try not to forget.. :)
Resident noob
I will do donations for people for 1mil/$1. But only for guild members and if i can afford it
[Image: attachment.php?aid=452]
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