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Shop part 2 how can sell any item at NPC?
For new player

Read Shop part 1 how can buy any item from
if you did not Read 

There is something you must understand 

Player's items are buying by the game system. Anyone can sell any item anytime in 1/5 part of gold means in 20% gold of NPC selling price.

let's start 

1st Find shop 

This is a blue building (you can find Shop in every city or town)

[Image: shop_by_gurvinders1666-d9p9r92.jpg]

2nd Enter in shop

[Image: 6_b_by_gurvinders1666-d9p9r4j.jpg]

3rd In the shop you will find 6 button

Button no. 2 is “Sell Item at NPC”

[Image: npc_at_m03_by_gurvinders1666-d9xes9p.jpg]

click it
These are all your Items 

[Image: item_at_npc_in_m3o_by_gurvinders1666-d9xetcl.jpg]

you can see how many bags you have and how many bags are on The Bazaar (which are not sold)

[Image: my_items_at_npc_in_m3o_by_gurvinders1666-d9xetpk.jpg]

See in which price you can sell you one Item

[Image: price_of_items_in_m3o_by_gurvinders1666-d9xeu55.jpg]

4th Find that item which you want to sell

You have 3 ways to find your item 

1st Filter by the first letter of Item and 2nd Filter by the Item type

[Image: filter_by_name_by_gurvinders1666-d9xeuo8.jpg]

3rd by the page 

[Image: filter_by_page_by_gurvinders1666-d9xeuwc.jpg]

after found item 

5th Sell It

1st Enter how many amount you want Sell

[Image: enter_amont_by_gurvinders1666-d9xevo7.jpg]

2nd Click on sell button

[Image: sell_item_by_gurvinders1666-d9xevtb.jpg]


[Image: done_by_gurvinders1666-d9xew5q.jpg]

Read part 3 how can buy any item from bazaar

If anyone thinks I made any mistake or something is missing can reply. MOST WELLCOME
ty pm me in game for get a legendary reward Smile

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