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Myth Training center
This training center is designed to help novice players learn the game
and what to look for while playing it.

As you complete the steps below simply move on to the next one.

Step 1: Just Starting

Capture at least 20 different monsters.
Level your starter to level 24.

Step 2: Important Features

Have a monster with Expert Leader in your party.
Have your expert leader hold the Double Money item.

Step 3: Basic Hunting Party

Have two monsters with careful strike.
Have 1 monster that inflicts sleep and damage over time.
Level your entire team to at least level 24.

Step 4: Early Catches

Learn what good natures are and how UV affects your monsters.
Acquire all the nets, monster player, monster radar, surf, ram and stone smash.

Useful Links

Join below to be a part of the MYTH Training Guild.
We will be happy to get you started and on your way to excellence!
Early PvP Guidelines

I see many players enter the game and attempt to challenge people blindly with a starter and a couple of level 4 monsters so I am adding this.

1. Make sure your team is of consistant level, preferably a challenge level since those are the ones most monsters take a temporary stop at while training (24, 49, 69, 84).

2. Check the level of the person you are offering PvP to. This can be done by clicking the middle icon that looks like an ID Card under the name in chat, or "Show Player Profile" when you mouse over the character on the map.

3. Learn about the different classes of monster. Understanding your level 60 ancient is still more powerful untrained than a fully TP trained level 69 regular is important. Conversely, your level 24 Ampsta is not a match for that 24 Kelvice no matter how much you want it to be. Classes have more to do with power than level does unless the level difference is pretty extreme. For this reason you should try to stay consistant with your monster class throughout your team and on the opponent's team you challenge as well.

4. Natures, UV's and TP's are important, take the time with these early PvP matches to learn why. If you see something where the statistics look unbelivably high, check the nature/uv/tp combination to see how it got that way.
Roles on Team


A starter on a PvP team goes into the fight blind, so it needs to be
flexible. Status effects such as sleep, confusion or paralyzation allow a
starter to switch to another monster with relative safety. If your team
uses weather changing effects for a team wide boost these are usually
included on the starting monster.


A harassing monster is more about setting up the other monsters on your
team than doing the fighting itself. A good harasser encourages some
switching from the opponent or baits a certain type of monster into the
battle (such as a wall). Achieving these ends can be done with status
conditions, debuffs, or an obvious counter to the monster that you want
to draw out.

Physical Wall

A physical wall can frequently attack very well physically as well.
Think of the momentum nature here and the quantum nature for the special
wall below. These monsters excel when the weakness they have is
ignored. Keeping pressure on your opponent while minimizing damage you
take and forcing them to switch monsters is the goal here.

Special Wall

Like a physical wall except using the special stats. Remember that to
maintain pressure you must use attacks that will have negative effects
on the monster switched in against you more often than the monster you
switched in to counter (this monster is losing to you anyway right?)
Damaging attacks with secondary debuffs are good picks on walls.

Full Wall

These monsters have extremely low attacking abilities while being very
hard to kill. Healing Aroma, Black Mist and damaging status effects are
the staples of full walls. These monsters can take hits from just about
anything that isn’t exploiting a type weakness. This is the main purpose
of the wall, to be switched in and take a hit when the hit would have
been devastating to your team otherwise. Having some type of plan to
remove the other monster or setup to switch back to an attacking monster
is generally required so your wall isn’t just sitting and waiting to
die. In this game, Walls can survive KO moves. Planned correctly, you
can switch in against bomber and survive.

(Physical) Dancer

Knife Dance, Drake Dance and similar moves win games. This is why you
see them all over the place, even when it’s not a good idea, on random
teams thrown together by semi-competitive players. It’s very hard to
argue that 2k attack and speed won’t sweep the other team, so being able
to achieve that is what these monsters are all about.

(Special) Dancer

As above but with special attacks. It is also important to have a
strategy to get these monsters setup. Fully pumping these guys up takes a
minimum of three turns. That is enough time to shut them down from an
alert opponent if you don’t have a plan.


This is how you shut down the other guys dancer. Put those stats back
to normal with black mist. Trap it and blow it up with bomber. Just do
something to get those stats back to normal. This monster does one of
these things. It’s not always pretty, but because there are a variety of
ways to get it done you can find one that suits you.


Hallucination, Trembling & Potential all have the common traits of
speed, damage and inability to take a hit. You’ve spent your battle
switching to the counter monsters, poking small amounts of damage when
you opponent does the same. Trying to set up your main path to victory
and having it countered while you accomplished the same. With both teams
fatigued, out comes your sweeper and six hits later the match has
ended. That’s the plan on a full sweeper like this and success or
failure of this plan is really dependant upon the rest of the battle so

Ideally you will fit all the roles onto your team. It’s not actually necessary
to have your monsters multi-tasking like that though, because sometimes a
clear focus and ease of execution is more effective.

Remember that even if a choice looks odd on a monster alone, it’s the
interaction with the rest of your team that really matters the most. A
special wall that knows shriek for example, is setting up for the
physical attackers on the team to clean up after it.

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