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some of the minor bugs ive met while playing the game
1. instant kill bug: when battling, if you spam your attack moves, like lets say, 10 times in 1 shot, you would be fast forwarding 10 moves all in 1 move.
2. the teleport-to-monster-center bug: when your "screen" is empty, with no monsters, if you press "enter", you would be directed to the home page. and when you click on "game page", you would be just outside the monster center even if you were previously on another map. and no, i didnt fly with hm.
3. the item bazaar seems to be closed.
4. some images for items and mt moves like minor potion and powerful throw do not seem to load, at least for me.
5. individual battle scores for pokemon are not working. i would assume it should be since the scorelist is now working.
6. spelling errors:
-"Mega Tackle sucessfully executed. The move used monster, as a result of its move, took 10 recoil damage."
(enemy move)
move used monster=move used by monster?
-"Error: Fighting"
this is seen when you click on the "show details" about monsters, i think it should be "second nature" or something?
-at the monster selection page in a battle, you would see this message.
"At this page you will select your battleing Monster. Selectable Monsters are only Monsters that you have in your team. Since you can hold maximum 6 Monster at the same at your bag, if you own more than 6 Monster the other Monster that you own is placed at your store. You can change your team Monsters by visiting Monster Center (MM).
1. the 5th move: kakashi copy move bug
when you battle, click on "select monster ball", and select a ball with low capture rate. click on "throw monster ball" multiple times. when the ball fails to capture the wild monster, it will copy the attack of the enemy. the link below shows the bug. my monster obviously dont have "gore" move, but its using it when the enemy used it. theres
also a missed hit by the enemy but he dealt damage.
2. "cryout" move bug.
seems to me if i use it, and if its a success, it will deal 0 damage while if it missed, it will actually do damage. not sure if this is a word error lol.
3. the invincible pvp bug <.<
if you challenged a person in a pvp, and he accepted while you afk, he will eventually take out your first monster with the timer thingy. but after the first monster faint, subsequent monsters wont be randomly chosen and he will get stuck. in the end, he will have to surrender and bingo, you became invincible.
in addition, when youre a victim of this invincible bug, the pvp board will mark your battle strangely-the timing arrangement between my record and the others will be an anomaly.
4. filter bug
in the monster center, when you go to "set team", the "filter by location" is not working. only "all" is working, and "bazaar" is confused with "store" i think.
5. Spelling errors
-in the monster center set team page, the filter button is spelt "filtrele".
-The move delt 5 damage to the enemy Monster.
-when you try to transform a monster which havent met the requirements, you get the message "our Monster could not transform because required level not reached yet!"
but when you ctry to transform a monster at its highest transformation, you will get" Your Monster is already at maximum stage so it can't evolve anymore."
1. battle win/lose bug
after this recent update 1.0.5, the win/lose is working but not correctly. lets say you have 6 monsters in your team. and in this particular battle, you chose "volshii" to battle and he won. the end result is, volshii's battle win goes up by 1, while the other 5 monsters in the team have their battle lose up by 1, instead of battle win.
2. jammed message box bug
okay, one day i decided to transfer like a bunch of monsters to another account, and leaving the "Do Not Receive Market Information Messages" to "no" to test its limit. after the transfer, it seems the message box far surpassed its limit. in addition, it jammed. i could not delete any messages after surpassing this limit. the limit is 500, and i have over 1k. <.<
however i can still continue to receive messages, just cant delete them.
3. pvp cloning bug
once in a battle, i had 2 monsters in the team while the other has 6. when the battle started, the monsters cloned themselves and became 4. i was able to use all 4 of them in the battle. it happened once, but havent happened a second time. i thought i had report it just incase.
4. stat overload bug
in a battle, i used "charge ray" multiple times and it resulted in a graphical glitch where the stat "sp attack" went out of the box as the move increase sp attack. although after this current update 1.0.5, the stats of my monster have diminished so it couldnt cause this bug anymore, but i think the monsters in the legend and ancient category will still be causing it. in addition, ive read that charge ray only provides 1 level of increase in sp attack per use for 5 times. since 1 level is 50%, the max it should be able to reach is 350%, but in the battle it reached 400%. it seems like the last level, the 5th charge ray was a 100% increase in sp attack, and im not sure if its supposed to work like this.
5. nature filter in bazaar
the filter is working fine in the buy category. but if you go to "sell monsters" and try to filter the natures, you will find that they are the old natures.
6. monster level filter
when you want to look for a level 30 and above monster, you would type in min-30 in the filter. but this filters the level 30 too. so im getting to see only the level 31 and above monsters. however, the max is working fine. if i have the max at 50, they will show up to level 50 monsters.
7. spelling errors
-in the bazaar, the "sell monster" or "put monster on trade" filter has been spelt "filtrele".
8. (contributed by Pein)
-if you place your cursor over the "set team monster" button in the monster center, you would see "manage my pokemons" instead of "manage my monsters".
-"Selected move succesfully learnt by selected Monster".
1. get-to-level-100-in-3mins bug (fixed)
okay i wont say how the bug works, as ive already reported it. just so you guys know theres such a bug going on around. <.<
in 3mins, i got 8mil exp for my hansiglov, and its level 50. the next 50 battles i battle, will give me the next 50 levels to 100. but i dont think im doing that anyway.
2. item cloning bug
ill give an example.
lets say you have 6 "experience armor" and 6 "double money" in your inventory. you equip all 6 experience armors to 6 monsters from your team. after that, you engage in a battle. while battling, you go to "your items" and equip the 6 "double money" to your team. so after equipping, the 6 experience armors are returned into your inventory. everything is fine here. but when you finish the battle, you will notice your held item is reverted back to 6 experience armor instead of 6 double money. which means, after the battle, you would have 12 experience armor and 0 double money left. experienced armor was cloned and doubled.
3. training point (tp) bug
there are 2 issues
-when you equip your main monster with "double training" and the rest with "educational armor", by right, after a battle, only the main monster should gain double tp. however, in this case, all of the monsters obtained a double tp. im not sure if its supposed to work like this because educational armor description only states sharing exp and not tp.
-massive tp gain bug
when you equip all 6 of your monsters with "double training" and you send all of them out in a single battle, you can obtain a massive amount of tp in just 1 single battle.
4. error in the bazaar
in the bazaar, under "search trade", you will see "Error" on the right of the levels of monsters.
5. multiple accounts login bug
i dont know if this is considered a bug but.. xD
it seems that i can login 2 different accounts at the same time using "google chrome" and "mozilla firefox". i always thought its one account to one computer.
1. instant kill bug: when battling, if you spam your attack moves, like lets say, 10 times in 1 shot, you would be fast forwarding 10 moves all in 1 move.
2. the teleport-to-monster-center bug: when your "screen" is empty, with no monsters, if you press "enter", you would be directed to the home page. and when you click on "game page", you would be just outside the monster center even if you were previously on another map. and no, i didnt fly with hm.
3. the item bazaar seems to be closed.
4. some images for items and mt moves like minor potion and powerful throw do not seem to load, at least for me.
5. individual battle scores for pokemon are not working. i would assume it should be since the scorelist is now working.
6. spelling errors:
-"Mega Tackle sucessfully executed. The move used monster, as a result of its move, took 10 recoil damage."
(enemy move)
move used monster=move used by monster?
-"Error: Fighting"
this is seen when you click on the "show details" about monsters, i think it should be "second nature" or something?
-at the monster selection page in a battle, you would see this message.
"At this page you will select your battleing Monster. Selectable Monsters are only Monsters that you have in your team. Since you can hold maximum 6 Monster at the same at your bag, if you own more than 6 Monster the other Monster that you own is placed at your store. You can change your team Monsters by visiting Monster Center (MM).
1. the 5th move: kakashi copy move bug
when you battle, click on "select monster ball", and select a ball with low capture rate. click on "throw monster ball" multiple times. when the ball fails to capture the wild monster, it will copy the attack of the enemy. the link below shows the bug. my monster obviously dont have "gore" move, but its using it when the enemy used it. theres
also a missed hit by the enemy but he dealt damage.
2. "cryout" move bug.
seems to me if i use it, and if its a success, it will deal 0 damage while if it missed, it will actually do damage. not sure if this is a word error lol.
3. the invincible pvp bug <.<
if you challenged a person in a pvp, and he accepted while you afk, he will eventually take out your first monster with the timer thingy. but after the first monster faint, subsequent monsters wont be randomly chosen and he will get stuck. in the end, he will have to surrender and bingo, you became invincible.
in addition, when youre a victim of this invincible bug, the pvp board will mark your battle strangely-the timing arrangement between my record and the others will be an anomaly.
4. filter bug
in the monster center, when you go to "set team", the "filter by location" is not working. only "all" is working, and "bazaar" is confused with "store" i think.
5. Spelling errors
-in the monster center set team page, the filter button is spelt "filtrele".
-The move delt 5 damage to the enemy Monster.
-when you try to transform a monster which havent met the requirements, you get the message "our Monster could not transform because required level not reached yet!"
but when you ctry to transform a monster at its highest transformation, you will get" Your Monster is already at maximum stage so it can't evolve anymore."
1. battle win/lose bug
after this recent update 1.0.5, the win/lose is working but not correctly. lets say you have 6 monsters in your team. and in this particular battle, you chose "volshii" to battle and he won. the end result is, volshii's battle win goes up by 1, while the other 5 monsters in the team have their battle lose up by 1, instead of battle win.
2. jammed message box bug
okay, one day i decided to transfer like a bunch of monsters to another account, and leaving the "Do Not Receive Market Information Messages" to "no" to test its limit. after the transfer, it seems the message box far surpassed its limit. in addition, it jammed. i could not delete any messages after surpassing this limit. the limit is 500, and i have over 1k. <.<
however i can still continue to receive messages, just cant delete them.
3. pvp cloning bug
once in a battle, i had 2 monsters in the team while the other has 6. when the battle started, the monsters cloned themselves and became 4. i was able to use all 4 of them in the battle. it happened once, but havent happened a second time. i thought i had report it just incase.
4. stat overload bug
in a battle, i used "charge ray" multiple times and it resulted in a graphical glitch where the stat "sp attack" went out of the box as the move increase sp attack. although after this current update 1.0.5, the stats of my monster have diminished so it couldnt cause this bug anymore, but i think the monsters in the legend and ancient category will still be causing it. in addition, ive read that charge ray only provides 1 level of increase in sp attack per use for 5 times. since 1 level is 50%, the max it should be able to reach is 350%, but in the battle it reached 400%. it seems like the last level, the 5th charge ray was a 100% increase in sp attack, and im not sure if its supposed to work like this.
5. nature filter in bazaar
the filter is working fine in the buy category. but if you go to "sell monsters" and try to filter the natures, you will find that they are the old natures.
6. monster level filter
when you want to look for a level 30 and above monster, you would type in min-30 in the filter. but this filters the level 30 too. so im getting to see only the level 31 and above monsters. however, the max is working fine. if i have the max at 50, they will show up to level 50 monsters.
7. spelling errors
-in the bazaar, the "sell monster" or "put monster on trade" filter has been spelt "filtrele".
8. (contributed by Pein)
-if you place your cursor over the "set team monster" button in the monster center, you would see "manage my pokemons" instead of "manage my monsters".
-"Selected move succesfully learnt by selected Monster".
1. get-to-level-100-in-3mins bug (fixed)
okay i wont say how the bug works, as ive already reported it. just so you guys know theres such a bug going on around. <.<
in 3mins, i got 8mil exp for my hansiglov, and its level 50. the next 50 battles i battle, will give me the next 50 levels to 100. but i dont think im doing that anyway.
2. item cloning bug
ill give an example.
lets say you have 6 "experience armor" and 6 "double money" in your inventory. you equip all 6 experience armors to 6 monsters from your team. after that, you engage in a battle. while battling, you go to "your items" and equip the 6 "double money" to your team. so after equipping, the 6 experience armors are returned into your inventory. everything is fine here. but when you finish the battle, you will notice your held item is reverted back to 6 experience armor instead of 6 double money. which means, after the battle, you would have 12 experience armor and 0 double money left. experienced armor was cloned and doubled.
3. training point (tp) bug
there are 2 issues
-when you equip your main monster with "double training" and the rest with "educational armor", by right, after a battle, only the main monster should gain double tp. however, in this case, all of the monsters obtained a double tp. im not sure if its supposed to work like this because educational armor description only states sharing exp and not tp.
-massive tp gain bug
when you equip all 6 of your monsters with "double training" and you send all of them out in a single battle, you can obtain a massive amount of tp in just 1 single battle.
4. error in the bazaar
in the bazaar, under "search trade", you will see "Error" on the right of the levels of monsters.
5. multiple accounts login bug
i dont know if this is considered a bug but.. xD
it seems that i can login 2 different accounts at the same time using "google chrome" and "mozilla firefox". i always thought its one account to one computer.
He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right -Confucius
Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity -Will Smith
Be cool. Be an Akatslowinian -Slow
2011-05-12, 03:29 PM are a grammar nut like me and squall
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
2011-05-12, 04:03 PM
thnx for telling instant kill bug
now i can use it till its fixed xD
now i can use it till its fixed xD
2011-05-12, 04:05 PM
i just fixed many of the bugs you mentioned
keep up good work
please update your topic and since you work really good i made you super moderator
keep up good work
please update your topic and since you work really good i made you super moderator
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Hmm. With creatures like Trapit, is it supposed to have a branch evolution? As in, ether male of female evolve at level 30? Because it says that I must first have a female Trapit before I can evolve my level 36 male Trapit. And I'm not exactly sure how a creature can switch genders...haha. I believe I also noticed something similar to this on other creatures but I cannot seem to remember which ones.
I remembered another. It was Wolvy. I have not encountered the problem yet with Wolvy but based on Wolvy's Monster Dex page, I assume the same issue will happen.
I remembered another. It was Wolvy. I have not encountered the problem yet with Wolvy but based on Wolvy's Monster Dex page, I assume the same issue will happen.
2011-05-13, 12:19 PM
lol well tbh im alright with misspellings xD
youre welcome <.<
awesome lol.
and anyways ive just updated the list.
lol well tbh im alright with misspellings xD
youre welcome <.<
awesome lol.
and anyways ive just updated the list.
He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right -Confucius
Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity -Will Smith
Be cool. Be an Akatslowinian -Slow
2011-05-13, 01:20 PM
i think u like to give names to bugs
1. needs to be fixed
2. if it succeeds,0 damage, if it fails 6 damage lol
3. it made me lose 5 battles >.> and one battle took 30mins to end D:
4.gonna check right now...
5.good catch
1. needs to be fixed
2. if it succeeds,0 damage, if it fails 6 damage lol
3. it made me lose 5 battles >.> and one battle took 30mins to end D:
4.gonna check right now...
5.good catch
2011-05-13, 10:20 PM
expect this all fixed
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2011-05-13, 10:59 PM
i just tried to catch a Lvl 50 fluther with a ultimate box and it says The thrown monster box were not able to catch wild monster!
Use Item successfully executed.
Since used item this turn could not use any move!
Turn: 1
not sure why
Use Item successfully executed.
Since used item this turn could not use any move!
Turn: 1
not sure why
Credits to SparrowHawk
(2011-05-13, 10:59 PM)Pein Wrote: i just tried to catch a Lvl 50 fluther with a ultimate box and it says The thrown monster box were not able to catch wild monster!
Use Item successfully executed.
Since used item this turn could not use any move!
Turn: 1
not sure why
well not quite possible
catch rate of ultimate box is 100.000
so probably it was something else
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2011-05-13, 11:05 PM
(2011-05-13, 10:59 PM)Pein Wrote: i just tried to catch a Lvl 50 fluther with a ultimate box and it says The thrown monster box were not able to catch wild monster!
Use Item successfully executed.
Since used item this turn could not use any move!
Turn: 1
not sure why
that is some bad grammar lol.
Just your not so typical Gunblade Master.
mnxenx001 is my hero. If you dont know who that is...
Look 'em up on DA or Furaffinity.
Heh you didnt hear it from me.
mnxenx001 is my hero. If you dont know who that is...
Look 'em up on DA or Furaffinity.
Heh you didnt hear it from me.
ok heres another in monster center the if you drag your mouse over Set Team Monster it says Manage My Pokemons, Instead of Monsters
EDIT: Selected move succesfully learnt by selected Monster (successfully is spelt wrong)
EDIT: Selected move succesfully learnt by selected Monster (successfully is spelt wrong)
Credits to SparrowHawk
2011-05-17, 05:34 PM
just updated.
He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right -Confucius
Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity -Will Smith
Be cool. Be an Akatslowinian -Slow
2011-05-17, 08:21 PM
i just did an update
1 fixed
2 fixed
3 well if it happens again immediately let me know and don't do anything
4 max is 400% it is correct and i will correct bars later
5 fixed
6 fixed
7 fixed
8 fixed
i just did an update
1 fixed
2 fixed
3 well if it happens again immediately let me know and don't do anything
4 max is 400% it is correct and i will correct bars later
5 fixed
6 fixed
7 fixed
8 fixed
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2011-05-18, 02:01 PM
thats alot of messages...0.0
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
2011-05-18, 02:11 PM
woah slow down Slow >.< "didn't mean to make a joke" thats a lot of stuff in there well great job on finding those and good job on the game cefurkan and im sorry about the poll i made before dont worry it's closed now
lord vorpal is the best with his steel Tydrill
2011-05-18, 02:12 PM
nice job finding all these slow.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
2011-05-19, 09:59 PM
thanks guys =)
anyway ive did another minor update.
anyway ive did another minor update.
He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right -Confucius
Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity -Will Smith
Be cool. Be an Akatslowinian -Slow
2011-05-20, 05:25 AM
cool hangslilov needs negative exp to level up
Constantly dying yet never dead
2011-05-20, 02:08 PM
that log in 2 different browsers has always been there.its one account,one email address.the two browsers rule id perfectly legal i believe
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
2011-05-24, 05:11 PM
1 fixed
2 fixed
3 fixed
4 fixed
5 - multi account is allowed. account share is not allowed.
1 fixed
2 fixed
3 fixed
4 fixed
5 - multi account is allowed. account share is not allowed.
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
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