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Limited Edition/rare drop items
this kinda goes with dei's suggestions. How bout we have special items during events or holidays that give good stat boosts,but are only available for a limited time?
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Yea like a christmas hat that boosts special attack, special defense, and health!

Big Grin
dat would be cool.
4 PJ
5 Pein
6 Rain
7 Snorlax47
8 Guider
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
how about christmas and halloween items boost one stat and slightly boost rare item/item drop chance? Tongue
*I know the item drop thing is new...but there are gold boosts...and exp boost...why not item drop boosts Tongue*
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
hm..maybe an item that increases monster appearance rate?
(many ideas going at once)
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Hmm items that increase selective classes apperance rate...should be a rare drop...maybe from some legend/zenith class monsters?
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
i support
(2011-11-16, 07:43 PM)Quanto_Konami Wrote: Hmm items that increase selective classes apperance rate...should be a rare drop...maybe from some legend/zenith class monsters?

(2011-11-16, 07:44 PM)Dark.Zero Wrote: i support

Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I think this idea needs to be made fuller. It sounds like it could be a great idea but it lacks sustance.

Stat boost always sound great but would it unbalance things? Would it be for PvE and PvP or just one or the other? Balance is a fine line to walk.
If you get an item that you can use, say legends pop increase for 2hrs... would be cool, but that item would have to almost be as rare as a legend. If that item is easily obtained then the low rate for legends would break and we are overran on the market, breaking the market. Snowball effect.

I think you can see where I am going with this. I know its easy to get excited about an idea. I really want to be for this one. I just think you should outline the idea more and give it body so we can look at it and go, bam, thats the idea. There shouldn't be speculation on what the idea could be. (there is always going to be some, but this seems like complete speculation.)

Also, orbo this could kinda sorta combine three topics. ~.^ ... not only rare monsters available at holidays, but items only then too.


I would like to add that certain items could be common... health potions, revives, status cure stuff.... or is this more for dei's post... sigh... you two should collab a bit and condense information and form idea's better. lol
(2011-11-16, 07:48 PM)Snoozn Wrote: I think this idea needs to be made fuller. It sounds like it could be a great idea but it lacks sustance.

Stat boost always sound great but would it unbalance things? Would it be for PvE and PvP or just one or the other? Balance is a fine line to walk.
Quote:If you get an item that you can use, say legends pop increase for 2hrs... would be cool, but that item would have to almost be as rare as a legend. If that item is easily obtained then the low rate for legends would break and we are overran on the market, breaking the market. Snowball effect.
one time usage?
Quote:I think you can see where I am going with this. I know its easy to get excited about an idea. I really want to be for this one. I just think you should outline the idea more and give it body so we can look at it and go, bam, thats the idea. There shouldn't be speculation on what the idea could be. (there is always going to be some, but this seems like complete speculation.)
Also, orbo this could kinda sorta combine three topics. ~.^ ... not only rare monsters available at holidays, but items only then too.
help me flesh this out then snoozn.

Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
(2011-11-16, 07:48 PM)Snoozn Wrote: Stat boost always sound great but would it unbalance things? Would it be for PvE and PvP or just one or the other? Balance is a fine line to walk.

If you get an item that you can use, say legends pop increase for 2hrs... would be cool, but that item would have to almost be as rare as a legend. If that item is easily obtained then the low rate for legends would break and we are overran on the market, breaking the market. Snowball effect.
Since you posted that, I thought we should only be able to buy items like that for.. 2m+ in the market lol.

Quote:I think you can see where I am going with this. I know its easy to get excited about an idea. I really want to be for this one. I just think you should outline the idea more and give it body so we can look at it and go, bam, thats the idea. There shouldn't be speculation on what the idea could be. (there is always going to be some, but this seems like complete speculation.)
Suggestions are always changed/improved when the thought comes to mind.

hmm way to make the item type I suggest viable...have a epic quest that the reward is that the item is able to be dropped...very rarely from certain monsters Tongue
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjk8wO2t6sHmKt_B-_FtO...vOjUyihBSc]
take it to my new thread quanto.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
i support this fully!!!
just so u know i'm pj146 Smile

peiny supports
[Image: ZekromSig.png]

Credits to SparrowHawk
alright. waiting for snoozns revisions before i seal the deal and send to cefurkan.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Like st.patricks day could raise critical hit rate? Just a thought to your thought >.>
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
Analyzing thread:

Okay, The idea is, Special Item drops During Holiday Events.

Listed Idea of items:

Dei : Yea like a christmas hat that boosts special attack, special defense, and health!

Quanto: christmas and halloween items boost one stat and slightly boost rare item/item drop chance?

Orbo/Quanto: maybe an item that increases monster appearance rate? items that increase selective classes apperance rate...should be a rare drop...maybe from some legend/zenith class monsters?

Snoozn: Generalized here... One time use for duration useage.
Working with what is already here first, slim picking, but good potential.

To start with, I feel that if these are items that drop, rare drops as originally posted, they should have a small limited duration. A couple hours tops. That way you have to keep working to find them. It would help from "breaking" the game so to speak. Items in no way should be able to loophole the system that is in place. I will give more details as I discuss what is suggested.

On the Holiday drop stat boost item idea Wrote:For Dei's stat boosting items. I don't have much knowledge with stats yet, but I have a wide background of different games under my belt that use stats. These would be best used in a PvP match. In PvP the idea is min/max everything to gain an edge. The way the players now do tourny's, we ban all item except held items. Yes, we the players, can change that but it is how I see things here and now, today as well as yesterday and most likely for tomorrow. PvE side of things it could help with training, you can hit harder or take more hits, have more hps, yatta yatta yatta, you could train more easily.

First off, what part of the stats are we changing? We can boost UV. We can get a bonus to base stats. How long will the buff last? Will it be for a single fight? Will it be a timed duration? Is it permanent?

Buffs for a single fight I see being easily done. Once used, its gone, buff goes up and after the battle ends, the buff ends. We should have someone figure out what kind of buffs these are.

Time duration, it gets a bit trickier. I think maybe an hour or two tops. I can viable see 30mins. One time use only in my eyes. We should have someone figure out what kind of buffs these could be also. Possible same as single fight ones, just a different duration method.

Permanent ones I brought up because of an idea that jumped in my head. How cool would it be for a very rare item to drop that you could boost UV points. Im not saying it should be an uber amount like whoa, max UV!!!!! Sweet!!!! I think it should be maybe one or two points. As an example. UV Boost Atk +1, or UV Boost Speed +1. You get the idea. (this idea fits other places too.)

On the item that boosts item drop chance idea I Wrote:Items that can boost the chance to find a rare item. I firmly believe these should be a one time use, duration buff. Great Idea. If it was permanent, then it would take the rare out of rare and make it all common.

On the items that boost monster appearence rate idea I Wrote:Where I use Legend, its for legend/zenith.
Items that boost appearance chance of certain class monsters. This is pretty tricky I believe. The item itself should be a very rare drop. Period. Lets think about this for a minute and talk about the snowball effect. If the item is easy to get, we will flood the market with legends and zeniths. They will no longer be special. Think of the halloween event of how many were caught. That said, if the item dropped off a legend with a decent chance to drop, then once used you will catch more legends and increase your chance of getting another item. Fear, 100% uptime due to getting more drops since you are finding more legends. After some thought, I am leaning away from having this item drop off the monsters it would boost to find. It sounds like a bad idea. Someone try and think of a fool proof plan here!! lol

Inserting an idea. An idea I had was if you could only own one of these items at a time and you could not obtain the item while you have the buff on. It would help I believe. Problem, Unsure if CF knows how to code something like this. So we can still use ideas here.

Buying this item like Dei said would be alright but it would need to be more than 2million. I am thinking 10million easy. 2million is easy enough to get to buy frequent were as 10million seems like a hearty chunk to not want to buy a lot but still affordable for a once in a while splurge. Fears, having a low cost you can spam buy and having a high cost would raise the price of legends sold. Need more thoughts on this.

Random Ideas without to much thought Wrote:XP/Gold boost for small durations. Something like 10%
Some of the more expensive items such as but not limited to, exp max, ultimate balls.

Okay so this is my book on the subject. This is what I meant by a fuller idea so people know what they are supporting. I think we have a lot of wrinkles to iron out before showing the boss man.

Thank you,

Special Thank you to Quanto for doing the quote tags, edit, proof. I now know how to insert my own quotes.
Shoe Port.
Constantly dying yet never dead
(2011-11-17, 06:20 AM)Snoozn Wrote: Analyzing thread:

Okay, The idea is, Special Item drops During Holiday Events.
thats correct.
Quote:Orbo/Quanto: maybe an item that increases monster appearance rate? items that increase selective classes apperance rate...should be a rare drop...maybe from some legend/zenith class monsters?
That was my suggestion yes.if this gets approved ill open a thread for people to generate items.
Quote:To start with, I feel that if these are items that drop, rare drops as originally posted, they should have a small limited duration. A couple hours tops. That way you have to keep working to find them. It would help from "breaking" the game so to speak. Items in no way should be able to loophole the system that is in place. I will give more details as I discuss what is suggested.
This seems good.
On the Holiday drop stat boost item idea Wrote:For Dei's stat boosting items. I don't have much knowledge with stats yet, but I have a wide background of different games under my belt that use stats. These would be best used in a PvP match. In PvP the idea is min/max everything to gain an edge. The way the players now do tourny's, we ban all item except held items. Yes, we the players, can change that but it is how I see things here and now, today as well as yesterday and most likely for tomorrow. PvE side of things it could help with training, you can hit harder or take more hits, have more hps, yatta yatta yatta, you could train more easily.

First off, what part of the stats are we changing? We can boost UV. We can get a bonus to base stats. How long will the buff last? Will it be for a single fight? Will it be a timed duration? Is it permanent?

Buffs for a single fight I see being easily done. Once used, its gone, buff goes up and after the battle ends, the buff ends. We should have someone figure out what kind of buffs these are.

Time duration, it gets a bit trickier. I think maybe an hour or two tops. I can viable see 30mins. One time use only in my eyes. We should have someone figure out what kind of buffs these could be also. Possible same as single fight ones, just a different duration method.

Permanent ones I brought up because of an idea that jumped in my head. How cool would it be for a very rare item to drop that you could boost UV points. Im not saying it should be an uber amount like whoa, max UV!!!!! Sweet!!!! I think it should be maybe one or two points. As an example. UV Boost Atk +1, or UV Boost Speed +1. You get the idea. (this idea fits other places too.)
very nice.
On the item that boosts item drop chance idea I Wrote:Items that can boost the chance to find a rare item. I firmly believe these should be a one time use, duration buff. Great Idea. If it was permanent, then it would take the rare out of rare and make it all common.

On the items that boost monster appearence rate idea I Wrote:Where I use Legend, its for legend/zenith.
Items that boost appearance chance of certain class monsters. This is pretty tricky I believe. The item itself should be a very rare drop. Period. Lets think about this for a minute and talk about the snowball effect. If the item is easy to get, we will flood the market with legends and zeniths. They will no longer be special. Think of the halloween event of how many were caught. That said, if the item dropped off a legend with a decent chance to drop, then once used you will catch more legends and increase your chance of getting another item. Fear, 100% uptime due to getting more drops since you are finding more legends. After some thought, I am leaning away from having this item drop off the monsters it would boost to find. It sounds like a bad idea. Someone try and think of a fool proof plan here!! lol

Inserting an idea. An idea I had was if you could only own one of these items at a time and you could not obtain the item while you have the buff on. It would help I believe. Problem, Unsure if CF knows how to code something like this. So we can still use ideas here.

Buying this item like Dei said would be alright but it would need to be more than 2million. I am thinking 10million easy. 2million is easy enough to get to buy frequent were as 10million seems like a hearty chunk to not want to buy a lot but still affordable for a once in a while splurge. Fears, having a low cost you can spam buy and having a high cost would raise the price of legends sold. Need more thoughts on this.

Random Ideas without to much thought Wrote:XP/Gold boost for small durations. Something like 10%
Some of the more expensive items such as but not limited to, exp max, ultimate balls.

Okay so this is my book on the subject. This is what I meant by a fuller idea so people know what they are supporting. I think we have a lot of wrinkles to iron out before showing the boss man.

Thank you,

Special Thank you to Quanto for doing the quote tags, edit, proof. I now know how to insert my own quotes.

thanks snoozn for everything.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
i support
[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
thanks for updating the list guider
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
thank you very much

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