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Cheating Prevention System - reCAPTCHA
This is our newest security system

It is far better, advanced and easier than our previous security question

Click I'm not a robot and once it is green click Verify Recaptcha button

Also since we have tightened our security system, forced battles are removed

Ty very much please leave feedback here

This security question will appear after every 2000 actions (battle or run)

Also, each Struggle move usage will be counted as 1 action to prevent macro tools

Moreover, after you have verified the anti-security question for 1 hour you won't be asked again even if you surpass 2000 actions

Furthermore, if you can't see or solve the captcha, please disable all plugins and antivirus and try again. Alternatively, you can try from your mobile device from your phone as well

[Image: security_english_by_monstermmorpg-d90cpwq.png]

I like the lower forced-battle rate, and I also like the convenience of the new security captcha.
WHEN FIRST I APPEAR, I SEEM MYSTERIOUS! But when explained, I'm nothing serious. :3
Find me on deviantART, FanFiction, or YouTube!
Co-Composer of the Monster MMORPG Soundtrack
This security question will appear after each 1000 actions (battle or run)

Also each Struggle move usage will be counted as 100 actions to prevent macro tools

Moreover if you cant see or solve the captcha, please disable all plugins and antivirus and try again. Alternatively you can try from your mobile device from your phone as well
This security question will appear after every 2000 actions (battle or run)

Also, each Struggle move usage will be counted as 1 action to prevent macro tools

Moreover, after you have verified the anti-security question for 1 hour you won't be asked again even if you surpass 2000 actions

Furthermore, if you can't see or solve the captcha, please disable all plugins and antivirus and try again. Alternatively, you can try from your mobile device from your phone as well
Dang, this prevents me from stacking up monster escape counters though.

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