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Attack Elemental Images Not Loading
It started a while back, but since I have not been leveling any monsters or training I thought it was my browser not finishing to load images. It happened today though. When I finish a wild monster or NPC battle and a monster wants to learn a new move the Element Images of the moves doe snot load. I do not know if it is a problem on my end or it is happening to others, bellow is a screen cap of what i mean. Thanks for taking the time to read this and answering. ~[CM]ANIKI

[Image: 2507dvp.jpg]
.: If The Sky Is Blue... Then I'm A Muffin :.
[Image: stromeleon_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d6bgozd.png]
.:My Alt Accounts:.
But I Do Not Play Anymore
hit ctrl 0

the old design really sucks that is why this kind of errors may happen if you change the zoom ratio
I never do that, I always use the normal zoom in window, that is just a screen cap cropped, will try it though, if it helps I will let you know on here, the same if it does not. Which I will delete cookies and all my caches and hope that helps.

Okay I did what you told me to and it did not work, so did a browser clear and it fixed it, so if any one is having the same problem I did, you can try that. Might be that with the update my browser FAILed to update the images and just decided to not load them (=_=")
.: If The Sky Is Blue... Then I'm A Muffin :.
[Image: stromeleon_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d6bgozd.png]
.:My Alt Accounts:.
But I Do Not Play Anymore
if you are using some blocker etc plugin it may cause that

did you try with google chrome and firefox ?
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