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Disregard the title. THE GAME is played by making a sill meaning for the acronym the previous poster posted.
1st poster: MMORPG
2nd poster: My Monsters Owned Rollie, Pein and Guider's. JPEG
3rd poster: Jumping on Pein's Elegant Gown
Constantly dying yet never dead
[Image: 9s5dhk.jpg]
Zip A Cherry Hippo
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
Nanny Sam Eats Walnuts

Pokeballs Never Grow
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
first of all why include me
[Image: ZekromSig.png]

Credits to SparrowHawk
(2011-11-13, 07:43 PM)Ghost Wrote: RUFNBIK
Really Un Funny new brick instant kommandos

Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
JImmity? o.o

Johnny is more mighty in the yondie

you never posted a new acronym.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
My bad.. Edited. Post a new acronym Orb (I just saved you time).
(2011-11-15, 03:13 PM)Deidara Wrote: YNPANA
You no prepare angry new ancestors

Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Rhyming institute bugs belong in trouble.

quit annoying underage children kermit
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Many animals make more orange terror hares.


(I keep forgetting the acronym lol) =_=
you forgot the O in mammoth>.>
Dei angry rage mode :p
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Orb you're crazy with that acronym.. I shall try ;-;

In national sanity acronym nation, each kite rager and zoologist yacht go under yards.

(2011-11-15, 07:44 PM)Deidara Wrote: Orb you're crazy with that acronym.. I shall try ;-;

In national sanity acronym nation, each kite rager and zoologist yacht go under yards.

well done.

I order guacamole hombres enter an undersea store getting taco bell jingles

Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
o-o ... good job orb. These acronyms are about to get wild heheheh >=D

More elephant x-rays in costco oriented.

thank you.
an underground store transports Radio-Active lazers into america
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
that was too easy for you orb. where's the acronym? lol
oh lulz...
sphygmomanometer(the blood pressure cuff)
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I will not quit -.-

Super paranormal hybrid yaks greatly made orange monkeys and nymphs on massive earth territories electrical railroads!


still laughing.
finally done laughing)
so a great inferrer took a rangy robot in orbit until may.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Most ears take animal keepers near indonesia goblin hair tremble.

gunnar undertook a karate class using his lazy or lanky orbital limbs,.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
lmfao Orb.. Post the acronym XD
That was a nice one
sorry bout forgetting the acronyms>.>
(good luck dei)
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
*rage explodes* -.-

Yearly, angry rampaging grinding large elephant heavily eats in monkey electromagnetic neon frozen refrigerator insurmountably gaining great earthly necessities so cat health notoriously incinerated gravity.
(that makes no sense)

(five minutes of laughing later)
when I undertook gaining the operative understanding so I under yoodled giddyup in exciting sounds girls laughed really loudly pheles
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
jet in bad bats eat red dog attributes near genie lanterns each suffered manifesting apples that took every rabbit.

(epic revenge) :<

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