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monster/gold give away
I am not on a permenent leave so I am going to give away my monsters and gold. But only to noobs to help them out abit. So if you are a noob you can have a choice either choose one of my monsters and mail me the name of the monster you want and I will trade it for a really weak low level monster or you can have 1mil gold and I will buy I weak low level monster off you now it has been fun farewell to all and I will keep checking back on my account to see who wants what.
[Image: 10fdx8l.jpg]
one day monster power will conquer monstermmorpg and all the guilds in it!!!
Good luck with life John Wink
[Image: GildartzSigfinished.png]
Be Blinded By My Prowess
(2013-07-09, 04:27 PM)uchiha clan Wrote: Good luck with life John Wink
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
Thanks guys if you want to chat to me still I play a game called colony attack username captain funk
[Image: 10fdx8l.jpg]
one day monster power will conquer monstermmorpg and all the guilds in it!!!
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