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2012-12-05, 08:55 AM
Here are my thoughts on a few things i noticed while playing on the Test Server:
Maps & Zones
While i like the general design of the zones, i feel like there are way to many maps.
I know you paid for them, and i'm not saying we should ditch any map design in general, but why are there 3-4 maps in a single zone that are exactly the same?
Having so many duplicates of the same map over and over, in every zone, does not add anything to the actual gameplay, nor does it add anything to the flair.
It is just frustrating for people that start fresh when confronted with such a huge world where you barely notice any progress.
And i am very sure it will scare a good ammount of people off that will not give the game a 2nd try when seeing how huge the world actually is.
The total Number of maps could easily be reduced by at least 100 and we would still have enough room for all the different monsters.
Also, about the random seeding of monsters - while they are placed completely random right now, i see no benefit in having an ancient or legendary monster
apppear on 5 or more different maps. it takes away the distinct feel of "that's the map where you can find that one special monster", though that is of course
just a personal opinion. Still - it is very hard to remember any map names ( especially with the current drop-down menu for flying and 500+ map names)
and then find them on the list, there's no benefit on having them on multiple maps.
I would really welcome a placement where you can find ancients and legends on max 2 maps, zeniths on max. 3 maps, and even emissarys and lower should be somewhat bound to
the zones of the matching element types. This way things won't be as repetitive, and it would help build a certain flair within each zone. I know placement of monsters is not final, so this is just a suggestion.
Abilities & Monster rates
First off a little bug (or whatever you can call it, it seems wrong): Monster that are immune to certain elements can still get the immunity ability for that element.
As it seems, you want to keep the random abilities chosen from the respective list of monster tier. While that sure makes for some interesting combinations, it is
completely game changing and frustrating for hunting zenith/legend/ancient monsters.
The chances to get a good nature and good UVs on a Legendary have been really low even before. Then we got the random not beeing able to run away from
a wild monster, and hunting those monsters with low appeareance chance got a lot harder. Fighting random stuff all the time makes it a stretch to finally find what you are looking for.
Not only are the chances on the test server right now much lower with a general 0.32 for zenith, 0.08 for legends and only 0.01 for ancients, but on top you have to pray to get at least 1 or 2 good abilities, even IF the nature is ok, even IF Uvs are ok. I could probably do a calculation about the chances to find a somewhat decent legend with matching nature/UV/abilitie, but anyone reading that number would never go hunt them again. Ever.
So my conclusion is, while the idea of random abilities is cool, it's just not really useful for rare monsters. It just makes it impossible to find good ones.
So while it is fun for up to emissary class, i'd suggest to remove random abilities from zenith class and higher monsters, or at least legendary and higher.
Catching Monsters
I like the change that you can not spam ultimate boxes anymore, it's a great incentive to actually play the game the way it is meant to play.
I also like the fact that wild monster encounters got a bit more challenging - up to a certain point.
Again, this is mainly a problem for newer players, but it still is a problem. Emissary Monsters on level 50-70+ get boosted so much in stats, they can actually
kill unprepared trainers quite easily. Newer players that use regular / superior monsters in their team, with just random natures, no tp training, will get crushed.
I can see a lot of threads come up in the forums in the future, stating "the game is to hard" or something similar. Toning down those stat boosts above level 50
might be a good idea to not spoil peoples fun in the long run. And for legends and ancients, it creates another problem:
They are boosted so high that it is now way to easy to catch them. While this may sound weird, it is true. All that people do is use a equality type move.
It instantly brings an ancient or legend into ultimate box range, and in the end nothing has changed. So toning down those stat boosts would actually
make catching them harder again, if you need to hit them 1 or 2 rounds before throwing that ultimate box.
With such a big number of new moves, and such a huge number of total different moves, i ask myself:
What's the benefit of having those? Sure, it brings some variety, but does the gameplay benefit from that?
It is almost impossible to memorize all those move names, and people will pick just the best moves anyways.
I would really prefer a more limited number of moves, but balanced in a competitive and strategic way.
There is no need to have 10 different moves of the same element that just have 2 more damage, 1 less accuracy or other very minor differences.
if we give every different elemental type, say, 120 moves. (just a random number)
35 physical, 35 special, 35 status, 15 unique ones that are very powerful and reserved for legends/ancients.
Make those 105 moves well thought out and balanced, and with a really different function, and just copy/mirror them for every element with a different fitting name.
The 15 unique moves can have various effects in every elemental type to show special characteristics of the element and to make legends/ancients feel unique.
That way we can strategically plan and balance monsters for pvp, and memorize moves easier, not having to look every move up.
General Thoughts
The concept for the new version is really great, i like it. But i am concerned about the competitive factor of the game.
Let's face it: it's not the casual gamer - logging into the game once a week, not caring for stats - that keeps a game running. Neither will those people ever donate.
It is the competitive people, trying to best their opponents, trying to achieve something, that keep a game alive.
And those people will demand one thing above all: a well balanced, working game.
And while adding new stuff is always fun, it can potentially damage more things then it fixes. Having 1k+ different monsters is cool, but with random abilities, it doesn't even matter.
Having 500+ maps is cool, but if half of them are the same, it doesn't matter.
I can draw a picture for you how i imagine it working all together, without any realistic chance of having it, just what a competitive minded player would like:
- Number of maps reduced by ~100
- Monsters are only found in the zones that represent their element; the mixed zone is the only exception
- Zeniths appear on max 3 maps in the game, legends and ancients on max 2
- Random abilities only up to zenith tier; legends and ancients get somewhat good but fixed abilities
- Catchrate for zeniths back up to 0.5% from 0.32% per map, increases the chances to get a decent nature/UV/ability combination
- Because of the very low chance of zeniths having superior nature/ability combination, a few of them are still viable in pvp
- Once we can donate for ability changes, no more then 1 ability per monster (regular up to zenith, not for the legends/ancients anyway) can be changed
- The fly MT dropdown menu has an option to choose the zone before going to map names for easy navigation
- 1 map per zone is a guild map, guilds can fight over it, it contains something people are looking for. e.g. easy TP training, a certain legend, sth like that.
- The guild controlling that map gets a low ammount of taxes for all monsters that are killed on that map to make it interesting.
- Real - time pvp that updates whenever both players have chosen a move.
- Longer time to pick a move before one will be randomly chosen, since we have to look up abilities for every single monster now... or at least for zenith downwards in my dreams
These are just a few of my thoughts, i could go on with that, but i won't. I think the general direction i am trying to approach should be clear.
I see the update as a great chance to make monstermmorpg a good, balanced, somewhat competitive game people like to play on a regular basis.
And i would be really sad if we mess it up just because features are added or things are changed just because they seem cool.
I want a feeling of "i need monster x, so i have to go to place y or z to catch it", i like clear structures. Maybe i am the only one.
But maybe not.
Maps & Zones
While i like the general design of the zones, i feel like there are way to many maps.
I know you paid for them, and i'm not saying we should ditch any map design in general, but why are there 3-4 maps in a single zone that are exactly the same?
Having so many duplicates of the same map over and over, in every zone, does not add anything to the actual gameplay, nor does it add anything to the flair.
It is just frustrating for people that start fresh when confronted with such a huge world where you barely notice any progress.
And i am very sure it will scare a good ammount of people off that will not give the game a 2nd try when seeing how huge the world actually is.
The total Number of maps could easily be reduced by at least 100 and we would still have enough room for all the different monsters.
Also, about the random seeding of monsters - while they are placed completely random right now, i see no benefit in having an ancient or legendary monster
apppear on 5 or more different maps. it takes away the distinct feel of "that's the map where you can find that one special monster", though that is of course
just a personal opinion. Still - it is very hard to remember any map names ( especially with the current drop-down menu for flying and 500+ map names)
and then find them on the list, there's no benefit on having them on multiple maps.
I would really welcome a placement where you can find ancients and legends on max 2 maps, zeniths on max. 3 maps, and even emissarys and lower should be somewhat bound to
the zones of the matching element types. This way things won't be as repetitive, and it would help build a certain flair within each zone. I know placement of monsters is not final, so this is just a suggestion.
Abilities & Monster rates
First off a little bug (or whatever you can call it, it seems wrong): Monster that are immune to certain elements can still get the immunity ability for that element.
As it seems, you want to keep the random abilities chosen from the respective list of monster tier. While that sure makes for some interesting combinations, it is
completely game changing and frustrating for hunting zenith/legend/ancient monsters.
The chances to get a good nature and good UVs on a Legendary have been really low even before. Then we got the random not beeing able to run away from
a wild monster, and hunting those monsters with low appeareance chance got a lot harder. Fighting random stuff all the time makes it a stretch to finally find what you are looking for.
Not only are the chances on the test server right now much lower with a general 0.32 for zenith, 0.08 for legends and only 0.01 for ancients, but on top you have to pray to get at least 1 or 2 good abilities, even IF the nature is ok, even IF Uvs are ok. I could probably do a calculation about the chances to find a somewhat decent legend with matching nature/UV/abilitie, but anyone reading that number would never go hunt them again. Ever.
So my conclusion is, while the idea of random abilities is cool, it's just not really useful for rare monsters. It just makes it impossible to find good ones.
So while it is fun for up to emissary class, i'd suggest to remove random abilities from zenith class and higher monsters, or at least legendary and higher.
Catching Monsters
I like the change that you can not spam ultimate boxes anymore, it's a great incentive to actually play the game the way it is meant to play.
I also like the fact that wild monster encounters got a bit more challenging - up to a certain point.
Again, this is mainly a problem for newer players, but it still is a problem. Emissary Monsters on level 50-70+ get boosted so much in stats, they can actually
kill unprepared trainers quite easily. Newer players that use regular / superior monsters in their team, with just random natures, no tp training, will get crushed.
I can see a lot of threads come up in the forums in the future, stating "the game is to hard" or something similar. Toning down those stat boosts above level 50
might be a good idea to not spoil peoples fun in the long run. And for legends and ancients, it creates another problem:
They are boosted so high that it is now way to easy to catch them. While this may sound weird, it is true. All that people do is use a equality type move.
It instantly brings an ancient or legend into ultimate box range, and in the end nothing has changed. So toning down those stat boosts would actually
make catching them harder again, if you need to hit them 1 or 2 rounds before throwing that ultimate box.
With such a big number of new moves, and such a huge number of total different moves, i ask myself:
What's the benefit of having those? Sure, it brings some variety, but does the gameplay benefit from that?
It is almost impossible to memorize all those move names, and people will pick just the best moves anyways.
I would really prefer a more limited number of moves, but balanced in a competitive and strategic way.
There is no need to have 10 different moves of the same element that just have 2 more damage, 1 less accuracy or other very minor differences.
if we give every different elemental type, say, 120 moves. (just a random number)
35 physical, 35 special, 35 status, 15 unique ones that are very powerful and reserved for legends/ancients.
Make those 105 moves well thought out and balanced, and with a really different function, and just copy/mirror them for every element with a different fitting name.
The 15 unique moves can have various effects in every elemental type to show special characteristics of the element and to make legends/ancients feel unique.
That way we can strategically plan and balance monsters for pvp, and memorize moves easier, not having to look every move up.
General Thoughts
The concept for the new version is really great, i like it. But i am concerned about the competitive factor of the game.
Let's face it: it's not the casual gamer - logging into the game once a week, not caring for stats - that keeps a game running. Neither will those people ever donate.
It is the competitive people, trying to best their opponents, trying to achieve something, that keep a game alive.
And those people will demand one thing above all: a well balanced, working game.
And while adding new stuff is always fun, it can potentially damage more things then it fixes. Having 1k+ different monsters is cool, but with random abilities, it doesn't even matter.
Having 500+ maps is cool, but if half of them are the same, it doesn't matter.
I can draw a picture for you how i imagine it working all together, without any realistic chance of having it, just what a competitive minded player would like:
- Number of maps reduced by ~100
- Monsters are only found in the zones that represent their element; the mixed zone is the only exception
- Zeniths appear on max 3 maps in the game, legends and ancients on max 2
- Random abilities only up to zenith tier; legends and ancients get somewhat good but fixed abilities
- Catchrate for zeniths back up to 0.5% from 0.32% per map, increases the chances to get a decent nature/UV/ability combination
- Because of the very low chance of zeniths having superior nature/ability combination, a few of them are still viable in pvp
- Once we can donate for ability changes, no more then 1 ability per monster (regular up to zenith, not for the legends/ancients anyway) can be changed
- The fly MT dropdown menu has an option to choose the zone before going to map names for easy navigation
- 1 map per zone is a guild map, guilds can fight over it, it contains something people are looking for. e.g. easy TP training, a certain legend, sth like that.
- The guild controlling that map gets a low ammount of taxes for all monsters that are killed on that map to make it interesting.
- Real - time pvp that updates whenever both players have chosen a move.
- Longer time to pick a move before one will be randomly chosen, since we have to look up abilities for every single monster now... or at least for zenith downwards in my dreams
These are just a few of my thoughts, i could go on with that, but i won't. I think the general direction i am trying to approach should be clear.
I see the update as a great chance to make monstermmorpg a good, balanced, somewhat competitive game people like to play on a regular basis.
And i would be really sad if we mess it up just because features are added or things are changed just because they seem cool.
I want a feeling of "i need monster x, so i have to go to place y or z to catch it", i like clear structures. Maybe i am the only one.
But maybe not.
![[Image: un76e.jpg]](
2012-12-05, 09:27 AM
>.< how do you get the time to type soo much!!
in real version everything would be as you say.
i have to go there to catch it n such. just on test everything is random..
if i'm answering this wrong o-o i'm not gonna lie.. i skipped through your thread instead of reading it all..
:< it was hard to read this on my phone XD screens too small makes everything look longer...
in real version everything would be as you say.
i have to go there to catch it n such. just on test everything is random..
if i'm answering this wrong o-o i'm not gonna lie.. i skipped through your thread instead of reading it all..
:< it was hard to read this on my phone XD screens too small makes everything look longer...
![[Image: Untitled-1_zps54942308.png]](
2012-12-05, 09:32 AM
well test server is not really the real server, it will still be fixed. For now, monsters are randomized everywhere. Rare monsters won't stack in one map. That won't be legit.
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation.
![[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]](
2012-12-05, 12:54 PM
Hammerbro13 did calculations,it was just under 13 years,at least.
(2012-12-05, 08:55 AM)Dandragoon Wrote: The chances to get a good nature and good UVs on a Legendary have been really low even before. Then we got the random not beeing able to run away from
a wild monster, and hunting those monsters with low appeareance chance got a lot harder. Fighting random stuff all the time makes it a stretch to finally find what you are looking for.
Not only are the chances on the test server right now much lower with a general 0.32 for zenith, 0.08 for legends and only 0.01 for ancients, but on top you have to pray to get at least 1 or 2 good abilities, even IF the nature is ok, even IF Uvs are ok. I could probably do a calculation about the chances to find a somewhat decent legend with matching nature/UV/abilitie, but anyone reading that number would never go hunt them again. Ever.
![[Image: 9s5dhk.jpg]](
2012-12-05, 01:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 2012-12-05, 01:36 PM by kunwarkharbanda.)
wow i read your full post and i really like some of yours idea like 100 map and limited moves but i dont like that what u suggest for random abilities because maybe random abilities to every monster is good thing )
like in real server now abilities are fixed there are only few mosnter with good ability so atleast with random abilities there is chance of getting better then those
edit :- also like the monster placing u said in zones that monster should be placed on zones of similar type of that of zone
like in real server now abilities are fixed there are only few mosnter with good ability so atleast with random abilities there is chance of getting better then those
edit :- also like the monster placing u said in zones that monster should be placed on zones of similar type of that of zone
ok now the main issue that you don't get right now is, this game will have over 10k monsters and maybe even more
so i am designing the game according to that. but you are thinking in a way that we will have 1k monsters and not anymore
This is your biggest fail point. I am planning constantly add new monsters to the game
That is why i have to have so many maps, moves. Right now it is natural that you are seeing same monster spawning at many maps. But imagine if there were 10x more monsters what would happen 
And the only thing here
First off a little bug (or whatever you can call it, it seems wrong):
Monster that are immune to certain elements can still get the immunity
ability for that element.
I thought i had fixed this problem. Can you give example monster ?
so i am designing the game according to that. but you are thinking in a way that we will have 1k monsters and not anymore

This is your biggest fail point. I am planning constantly add new monsters to the game


And the only thing here
First off a little bug (or whatever you can call it, it seems wrong):
Monster that are immune to certain elements can still get the immunity
ability for that element.
I thought i had fixed this problem. Can you give example monster ?
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2012-12-05, 03:18 PM
Unfortunately i didn't screenshot the immunity thing, it was on monsay, some emissary with either ice or psyche immunity that had the ability, can't remember exactly, sorry.
I can see the Number of maps making sense with more monsters beeing added to the game, i give you that.
I still don't see why there is a need for having the almost exact same move with very little differences in 20 or 30 versions, not matter how many monsters there will be in the game.
It still does not add to the actual gameplay or playability.
I am glad you took your time reading my feedback CeFurkan, and i do hope you think about the other statements i made, like the stat boosts for wild monsters
and the influence of random abilities and monster catch rates.
Because no matter how many monsters you throw out there, i'd still wish for the core mechanics to be balanced in a competitive way.
Also, Quality over Quantity anytime
Keep up your awesome work!
I can see the Number of maps making sense with more monsters beeing added to the game, i give you that.
I still don't see why there is a need for having the almost exact same move with very little differences in 20 or 30 versions, not matter how many monsters there will be in the game.
It still does not add to the actual gameplay or playability.
I am glad you took your time reading my feedback CeFurkan, and i do hope you think about the other statements i made, like the stat boosts for wild monsters
and the influence of random abilities and monster catch rates.
Because no matter how many monsters you throw out there, i'd still wish for the core mechanics to be balanced in a competitive way.
Also, Quality over Quantity anytime

Keep up your awesome work!
![[Image: un76e.jpg]](
2012-12-05, 03:37 PM
(2012-12-05, 03:18 PM)Dandragoon Wrote: Unfortunately i didn't screenshot the immunity thing, it was on monsay, some emissary with either ice or psyche immunity that had the ability, can't remember exactly, sorry.i will check this ability thing
I can see the Number of maps making sense with more monsters beeing added to the game, i give you that.
I still don't see why there is a need for having the almost exact same move with very little differences in 20 or 30 versions, not matter how many monsters there will be in the game.
It still does not add to the actual gameplay or playability.
I am glad you took your time reading my feedback CeFurkan, and i do hope you think about the other statements i made, like the stat boosts for wild monsters
and the influence of random abilities and monster catch rates.
Because no matter how many monsters you throw out there, i'd still wish for the core mechanics to be balanced in a competitive way.
Also, Quality over Quantity anytime
Keep up your awesome work!
also i am working alone so quality is harder. because of that i am focusing on quantity

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2012-12-05, 04:01 PM
ok found the ability type damage problem thanks for reporting
also you can see how we determine ability pools at here :
also you can see how we determine ability pools at here :
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2012-12-05, 04:06 PM
yes i agree with dan.
i have been griping about, how current moves can be improved and npcs implemented if the priority is on them instead of mass producing new monsters and new moves, to people. i know the idea is probably to create a "vast and adventurous" gameplay, but from a player standpoint, i'd rather a "concise and comfortable" one, in terms of traveling. i don't mean making the game easier, walking less does not equate easier gameplay.
with lesser monsters, there would bring about greater uniqueness and flavor to every monster, rather than having 80% of them being insignificant, at least for me <.<. if we have 10000 monsters, we could only remember the few useful ones (being a normal human being), which is about 100. if i had to describe "more maps" to the extreme, i would call it "lag", because it lags me from getting to these 100 monsters lol, even if they are not ancients, and lag is not a challenge.
there are players who love mass maps and mass monsters. (i mean mass, not more, everyone loves more monsters, but at a slower rate). but they are the minority few, in my opinion. they love it because they can find powerful monsters which others have overlooked, and so can use them in pvp contests. but, the majority would prefer averting such "lag" if they could.
but since cefurkan is the solo creator, i probably won't understand what problems he face. it's easier said than done, but seeing dan's comment stoked me to pipe in. as cefurkan puts it, he had rather update quantity rather than nothing, since he has time constraints. either way, i am fine with it as long as the game is up, lol.
i have been griping about, how current moves can be improved and npcs implemented if the priority is on them instead of mass producing new monsters and new moves, to people. i know the idea is probably to create a "vast and adventurous" gameplay, but from a player standpoint, i'd rather a "concise and comfortable" one, in terms of traveling. i don't mean making the game easier, walking less does not equate easier gameplay.
with lesser monsters, there would bring about greater uniqueness and flavor to every monster, rather than having 80% of them being insignificant, at least for me <.<. if we have 10000 monsters, we could only remember the few useful ones (being a normal human being), which is about 100. if i had to describe "more maps" to the extreme, i would call it "lag", because it lags me from getting to these 100 monsters lol, even if they are not ancients, and lag is not a challenge.
there are players who love mass maps and mass monsters. (i mean mass, not more, everyone loves more monsters, but at a slower rate). but they are the minority few, in my opinion. they love it because they can find powerful monsters which others have overlooked, and so can use them in pvp contests. but, the majority would prefer averting such "lag" if they could.
but since cefurkan is the solo creator, i probably won't understand what problems he face. it's easier said than done, but seeing dan's comment stoked me to pipe in. as cefurkan puts it, he had rather update quantity rather than nothing, since he has time constraints. either way, i am fine with it as long as the game is up, lol.
He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right -Confucius
Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity -Will Smith
Be cool. Be an Akatslowinian -Slow
2012-12-05, 04:14 PM
(2012-12-05, 04:06 PM)Slow Wrote: yes i agree with pretty hard thing. at least we will try to improve our software together with your feedback
i have been griping about, how current moves can be improved and npcs implemented if the priority is on them instead of mass producing new monsters and new moves, to people. i know the idea is probably to create a "vast and adventurous" gameplay, but from a player standpoint, i'd rather a "concise and comfortable" one, in terms of traveling. i don't mean making the game easier, walking less does not equate easier gameplay.
with lesser monsters, there would bring about greater uniqueness and flavor to every monster, rather than having 80% of them being insignificant, at least for me <.<. if we have 10000 monsters, we could only remember the few useful ones (being a normal human being), which is about 100. if i had to describe "more maps" to the extreme, i would call it "lag", because it lags me from getting to these 100 monsters lol, even if they are not ancients, and lag is not a challenge.
there are players who love mass maps and mass monsters. (i mean mass, not more, everyone loves more monsters, but at a slower rate). but they are the minority few, in my opinion. they love it because they can find powerful monsters which others have overlooked, and so can use them in pvp contests. but, the majority would prefer averting such "lag" if they could.
but since cefurkan is the solo creator, i probably won't understand what problems he face. it's easier said than done, but seeing dan's comment stoked me to pipe in. as cefurkan puts it, he had rather update quantity rather than nothing, since he has time constraints. either way, i am fine with it as long as the game is up, lol.

But i have some awesome plans. Such as upgradeable items from mobs that your account will wear. Such as gloves as +10 attack bonus at item level 1 and 20 at item level 2

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2012-12-06, 05:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 2012-12-06, 12:26 PM by kunwarkharbanda.)
(2012-12-05, 03:07 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: ok now the main issue that you don't get right now is, this game will have over 10k monsters and maybe even moreMONSTER NAME :- Nightheos (Legendary)
so i am designing the game according to that. but you are thinking in a way that we will have 1k monsters and not anymore
This is your biggest fail point. I am planning constantly add new monsters to the gameThat is why i have to have so many maps, moves. Right now it is natural that you are seeing same monster spawning at many maps. But imagine if there were 10x more monsters what would happen
And the only thing here
First off a little bug (or whatever you can call it, it seems wrong):
Monster that are immune to certain elements can still get the immunity
ability for that element.
I thought i had fixed this problem. Can you give example monster ?
MONSTER NAME :- Miroushon (Legendary)
REEDIT:- MONSTER NAME :- Dimagem (Legendary)
MONSTER NAME :- Rabblade (Zenith)
MONSTER NAME --- Killipede (Zenith)
MONSTER NAME :- Grythin (Ancient)
there are just some of them
2012-12-06, 03:12 PM
I feel like there is a core problem with how the game is progressing and what people, and by people i mean the actual long time plyers, are suggesting.
This is not meant to be rude or offensive, but meant in all honesty since i really enjoy the game, and i'd really wish it would stay enjoyable in the future.
CeFurkan, why do you prefer to implement things such as a really massive number of monsters (referring to the 10k you mentioned) when the players are skeptical about those quantities
and the overall course you decided to go?
What i ask myself is this:
Do you plan and add features / new monsters because you personally feel they would be cool, or do you think about the impact these things have on your game?
You might want to consider player based opinions for changes that have a huge impact on the game, or change the way the game is played as a whole.
Yes, you are just one person, and can only do so much alone, i think we all understand that.
But why not make polls and ask people what they actually expect from the game in the future?
It sure is a nice little benefit for you getting donations for all the time and effort you put into this game, and you well deserve it.
But if you keep doing things just because you personally think they are cool, you might end up with a lot less players to appreciate your effort,
and with less donations to account for that.
I am sure there are a lot of the regular players out there that would be willing to help you with concepts and balancing, and with manually going through
those things assigned by software to even it out in a balanced way.
If you love the game as much as we regular players do, please think about my words, they are meant in a constructive way, not to offend you.
If you don't feel like discussing this in a public environment, feel free to PM me anytime, i am one of those who would be glad to provide help with whatever i can.
This is not meant to be rude or offensive, but meant in all honesty since i really enjoy the game, and i'd really wish it would stay enjoyable in the future.
CeFurkan, why do you prefer to implement things such as a really massive number of monsters (referring to the 10k you mentioned) when the players are skeptical about those quantities
and the overall course you decided to go?
What i ask myself is this:
Do you plan and add features / new monsters because you personally feel they would be cool, or do you think about the impact these things have on your game?
You might want to consider player based opinions for changes that have a huge impact on the game, or change the way the game is played as a whole.
Yes, you are just one person, and can only do so much alone, i think we all understand that.
But why not make polls and ask people what they actually expect from the game in the future?
It sure is a nice little benefit for you getting donations for all the time and effort you put into this game, and you well deserve it.
But if you keep doing things just because you personally think they are cool, you might end up with a lot less players to appreciate your effort,
and with less donations to account for that.
I am sure there are a lot of the regular players out there that would be willing to help you with concepts and balancing, and with manually going through
those things assigned by software to even it out in a balanced way.
If you love the game as much as we regular players do, please think about my words, they are meant in a constructive way, not to offend you.
If you don't feel like discussing this in a public environment, feel free to PM me anytime, i am one of those who would be glad to provide help with whatever i can.
![[Image: un76e.jpg]](
@kunwarkharbanda yes i found the logic error what causes monsters to get abilities what they are immune 
will fix it at npc update on test server

will fix it at npc update on test server
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
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Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
(2012-12-06, 03:12 PM)Dandragoon Wrote: I feel like there is a core problem with how the game is progressing and what people, and by people i mean the actual long time plyers, are suggesting.
This is not meant to be rude or offensive, but meant in all honesty since i really enjoy the game, and i'd really wish it would stay enjoyable in the future.
CeFurkan, why do you prefer to implement things such as a really massive number of monsters (referring to the 10k you mentioned) when the players are skeptical about those quantities
and the overall course you decided to go?
What i ask myself is this:
Do you plan and add features / new monsters because you personally feel they would be cool, or do you think about the impact these things have on your game?
You might want to consider player based opinions for changes that have a huge impact on the game, or change the way the game is played as a whole.
Yes, you are just one person, and can only do so much alone, i think we all understand that.
But why not make polls and ask people what they actually expect from the game in the future?
It sure is a nice little benefit for you getting donations for all the time and effort you put into this game, and you well deserve it.
But if you keep doing things just because you personally think they are cool, you might end up with a lot less players to appreciate your effort,
and with less donations to account for that.
I am sure there are a lot of the regular players out there that would be willing to help you with concepts and balancing, and with manually going through
those things assigned by software to even it out in a balanced way.
If you love the game as much as we regular players do, please think about my words, they are meant in a constructive way, not to offend you.
If you don't feel like discussing this in a public environment, feel free to PM me anytime, i am one of those who would be glad to provide help with whatever i can.
yes i understand your point but it is impossible to depend on others. so i almost have no other choice. but don't worry hopefully game will be more fun

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Adding to dan's point . . .
Having tons of maps and monsters doesn't necessarily mean it will be cool and enjoyable to all. Also, with the new maps that we have, we can't even view a decent zone/world maps 'coz all they have are up/down/left/right pathway. What happened is "draw me hundreds of maps and I'll pay you" without even carefully planning the entire map first. What I am trying to say is that the artist that drew the maps doesn't even care 'bout the game.
Right now the registered players is almost 560K. But let's see once you delete all those inactive accounts as you said, bet what will be left ain't even at 1K specially if you'll slash off alt accounts. Players come and go with the current setting we have. What more if you make the game too hard to play with. Too hard in a sense that you'll have to spend hours/days/weeks/months just to find the monsters that you like. Why don't you try it for your self boss and catch a hall or any decent natured fendark the way we are doing it.
My point is don't make the game too hard to play for new players will be very overwhelmed that'll make them not to play again. I myself want new players to stay and for them to enjoy the game (and i say i have done my part even in a very little way i know of) but unfortunately, it's very hard to make them stay. (even lots of regular players got tired and quit)
To wrap it all up, good luck to you boss and i thank you for this game and all the efforts you put in it . . . =)
Having tons of maps and monsters doesn't necessarily mean it will be cool and enjoyable to all. Also, with the new maps that we have, we can't even view a decent zone/world maps 'coz all they have are up/down/left/right pathway. What happened is "draw me hundreds of maps and I'll pay you" without even carefully planning the entire map first. What I am trying to say is that the artist that drew the maps doesn't even care 'bout the game.
Right now the registered players is almost 560K. But let's see once you delete all those inactive accounts as you said, bet what will be left ain't even at 1K specially if you'll slash off alt accounts. Players come and go with the current setting we have. What more if you make the game too hard to play with. Too hard in a sense that you'll have to spend hours/days/weeks/months just to find the monsters that you like. Why don't you try it for your self boss and catch a hall or any decent natured fendark the way we are doing it.
My point is don't make the game too hard to play for new players will be very overwhelmed that'll make them not to play again. I myself want new players to stay and for them to enjoy the game (and i say i have done my part even in a very little way i know of) but unfortunately, it's very hard to make them stay. (even lots of regular players got tired and quit)
To wrap it all up, good luck to you boss and i thank you for this game and all the efforts you put in it . . . =)
2012-12-07, 05:20 AM
Sounds like you could sum half of this up with
More stuff =/= More Enjoyable.
It's attention to detail that needs to be captured, and what we have now feels like an endless expanse of repetitive maps and hit and miss neat monsters. Kinda cried when I ran into a puddle. x'D Sorry, a Pudde . After doing some research into the actual monster (15 minutes of tracking down the artist and seeing their take on it) it got more interesting, but it was still sad to see at first.
Going around and asking fakemon artists for permission is great and all, but is there any quality check going on? Things are getting outright repetitive and there's no way to tell by visuals alone what you are fighting. That gets frustrating. You're adding things in by the hundreds and what's being accomplished is fewer and fewer of the creatures are even vaguely interesting anymore.
Can't we just work with what we have for a while? A good while? Let people become comfortable with what's available? When I first started playing, I went out to capture one of everything. Gave up after a while (Because the dex doesn't track previously owned monsters, OUCH). If I were to just start this game as a new player with the same goal, I'd... just go somewhere else. Like, back to my gameboy. (To be honest, all the other pokemon-like games out there lost my interest with metallic and shiny and golden and ghost and JEEBUS, GUYS.) You advertise this as a Pokemon-like game. Aside from catching monsters, there is no comparison.
What it is right now, as is on the test server, is massive puddle of gameplay. There's no depth at all. There's the potential to create an ocean of a game, deep and fulfilling to play, but instead you're working so hard to stretch the puddle out and make it... wider? Puddles aren't fun. You can't swim in a puddle. You don't enjoy a puddle. You walk through and hope it doesn't soak through your sneakers.
Cef, slow your roll.
(Oi, I'm writing so much on the forum lately. Blech.)
To the people making points on this board, excellent job. lol Extra points to Dan for dividing his critique into sections. Very helpful. I would like to address some of those points though, with my super-awesome cheatyface behind the scenes knowledge. (Hah, like there is such a thing.)
They are painful to walk through. Mostly because my monsters were out-leveling the enemies very quickly and there is nothing to do in the game currently besides race to level 100 and PvP. I think there are too many maps, and I would like to see some of them outright cut from the game (even at the expense of some monsters). But I do also believe a large part of this issue will be resolved with NPCs, quests, and monster drops. Playing the game will go from "I need to get to the final caves" to "Hey, I want to collect these items from this map to make this item before moving on". Having something to do on the maps will ease this issue. Although I do worry about the difficulty curve, as it's not been accurately tested. Am I going to be spending a day on each map to level my monsters because enemies of the same level are too difficult to fight? This is something that can only be tested with the exp ratio turned to normal. But that is a last-minute tweak.
Monster assignment on the maps is psudo-random. Types are restricted (no pure ice types in the fire zone, although I had the pleasure of running from a Hyreigna that reminded me dual-types get around these rules.) in each zone. However, they're also randomized, and in theory, will shuffle/migrate on occasion, making some monsters unavailable and some that were uncatch-able before catch-able. With so many maps, this is almost a necessity. It took months previously to assign monsters to maps. It would take longer still now with over 1k of them. Narrowing the type selection down seems like a valid idea, though it limits type availability for newer players a small bit. But still, legit.
I've got nothing to say about legends/ancients and their map assignment. Argument is totally valid. *nodnod* It's just another one of those tweaks that can be achieved later.
I'm actually thrilled with random abilities, but I totally understand not wanting to add further search time to your monster hunt. What I will say is that we're playing with the idea of adding monster drops and more extensive items into the game. (Great, I just said 'we', lets see how that blows back. XD) One of the item sets might very well be ability-modifiers. Granted, not cheap or too easy to find (At least the better ones.
) but they would take all of the guesswork out of raising your perfect monsters. Might even be rare monster drops that raise UVs. Though I don't think you should be able to change natures. Personal thing, lol.
Monster Catching:
The wild monster boosts should be evaluated with a normal experience gain rate. I think they're excessive currently, but maybe they'll be more proper if your monsters had similar boosts available to them or the standard experience gained got a boost. (More exp, more exp! *chant*) Item drops/avatar items might lead to your entire team getting a 25% attack bonus or something similar. :o
I... I just. They are very, very ugly right now. Totally agree with you! There are lots and lots of attacks, and they don't make sense. But they cannot be tweaked and fixed until all of the mechanics have been tested. Is burn working, is trap working, does a move that says it boosts speed actually boost speed. Once the mechanics are tested, we can add more rules to the random move-generating software that break things off into 5-point increments and don't double up on moves.
While I cannot say this will shorten the move list, it should make for a better variety. And once that's accomplished, we can go through the pain-staking process of re-naming all of the attacks. But I like your suggestions, they're similar to my own. x'D PUSHING THE ISSUE. It's a Henrie-exclusive skill. Next update, I'll probably drop a skill capsule. Whoo~
And, and! .... Wall of text=done. Whew. I love seeing blow-back on items added into the game BEFORE they're actually in the game. Much easier to giveth and taketh away in a test phase than it is after the fact. "Where's my favorite map, you deleted it, why is my monster doing this? why, this, that, the other, whaaah!?"
All glory to the test crew (You guys)!!
More stuff =/= More Enjoyable.
It's attention to detail that needs to be captured, and what we have now feels like an endless expanse of repetitive maps and hit and miss neat monsters. Kinda cried when I ran into a puddle. x'D Sorry, a Pudde . After doing some research into the actual monster (15 minutes of tracking down the artist and seeing their take on it) it got more interesting, but it was still sad to see at first.
Going around and asking fakemon artists for permission is great and all, but is there any quality check going on? Things are getting outright repetitive and there's no way to tell by visuals alone what you are fighting. That gets frustrating. You're adding things in by the hundreds and what's being accomplished is fewer and fewer of the creatures are even vaguely interesting anymore.
Can't we just work with what we have for a while? A good while? Let people become comfortable with what's available? When I first started playing, I went out to capture one of everything. Gave up after a while (Because the dex doesn't track previously owned monsters, OUCH). If I were to just start this game as a new player with the same goal, I'd... just go somewhere else. Like, back to my gameboy. (To be honest, all the other pokemon-like games out there lost my interest with metallic and shiny and golden and ghost and JEEBUS, GUYS.) You advertise this as a Pokemon-like game. Aside from catching monsters, there is no comparison.
What it is right now, as is on the test server, is massive puddle of gameplay. There's no depth at all. There's the potential to create an ocean of a game, deep and fulfilling to play, but instead you're working so hard to stretch the puddle out and make it... wider? Puddles aren't fun. You can't swim in a puddle. You don't enjoy a puddle. You walk through and hope it doesn't soak through your sneakers.
Cef, slow your roll.
(Oi, I'm writing so much on the forum lately. Blech.)
To the people making points on this board, excellent job. lol Extra points to Dan for dividing his critique into sections. Very helpful. I would like to address some of those points though, with my super-awesome cheatyface behind the scenes knowledge. (Hah, like there is such a thing.)
They are painful to walk through. Mostly because my monsters were out-leveling the enemies very quickly and there is nothing to do in the game currently besides race to level 100 and PvP. I think there are too many maps, and I would like to see some of them outright cut from the game (even at the expense of some monsters). But I do also believe a large part of this issue will be resolved with NPCs, quests, and monster drops. Playing the game will go from "I need to get to the final caves" to "Hey, I want to collect these items from this map to make this item before moving on". Having something to do on the maps will ease this issue. Although I do worry about the difficulty curve, as it's not been accurately tested. Am I going to be spending a day on each map to level my monsters because enemies of the same level are too difficult to fight? This is something that can only be tested with the exp ratio turned to normal. But that is a last-minute tweak.
Monster assignment on the maps is psudo-random. Types are restricted (no pure ice types in the fire zone, although I had the pleasure of running from a Hyreigna that reminded me dual-types get around these rules.) in each zone. However, they're also randomized, and in theory, will shuffle/migrate on occasion, making some monsters unavailable and some that were uncatch-able before catch-able. With so many maps, this is almost a necessity. It took months previously to assign monsters to maps. It would take longer still now with over 1k of them. Narrowing the type selection down seems like a valid idea, though it limits type availability for newer players a small bit. But still, legit.
I've got nothing to say about legends/ancients and their map assignment. Argument is totally valid. *nodnod* It's just another one of those tweaks that can be achieved later.
I'm actually thrilled with random abilities, but I totally understand not wanting to add further search time to your monster hunt. What I will say is that we're playing with the idea of adding monster drops and more extensive items into the game. (Great, I just said 'we', lets see how that blows back. XD) One of the item sets might very well be ability-modifiers. Granted, not cheap or too easy to find (At least the better ones.

Monster Catching:
The wild monster boosts should be evaluated with a normal experience gain rate. I think they're excessive currently, but maybe they'll be more proper if your monsters had similar boosts available to them or the standard experience gained got a boost. (More exp, more exp! *chant*) Item drops/avatar items might lead to your entire team getting a 25% attack bonus or something similar. :o
I... I just. They are very, very ugly right now. Totally agree with you! There are lots and lots of attacks, and they don't make sense. But they cannot be tweaked and fixed until all of the mechanics have been tested. Is burn working, is trap working, does a move that says it boosts speed actually boost speed. Once the mechanics are tested, we can add more rules to the random move-generating software that break things off into 5-point increments and don't double up on moves.
While I cannot say this will shorten the move list, it should make for a better variety. And once that's accomplished, we can go through the pain-staking process of re-naming all of the attacks. But I like your suggestions, they're similar to my own. x'D PUSHING THE ISSUE. It's a Henrie-exclusive skill. Next update, I'll probably drop a skill capsule. Whoo~
And, and! .... Wall of text=done. Whew. I love seeing blow-back on items added into the game BEFORE they're actually in the game. Much easier to giveth and taketh away in a test phase than it is after the fact. "Where's my favorite map, you deleted it, why is my monster doing this? why, this, that, the other, whaaah!?"
All glory to the test crew (You guys)!!
![[Image: MightyenaSig.png]](
2012-12-07, 05:36 AM
Since I haven't really been playing much of the game, I won't / can't go into as much depth but.
A) Agree on the monster quality thing. Just... sure, it's nice having more but looking through the ones we got recently a lot of them feel redundant, are poor quality, are evos of prexisting Pokemon (Which even then we already have evos of. We have like what. 2 Steel Eeveelutions and 2 Mawile evos now? <:T) as well as a stolen idea of all things. I mean really.
B) There are too many maps, not enough change, and... it's just a pain there.
C) The moves will forever bother me. And everyone else. I'm sure if we just mustered up the forum / community as a whole to assign stuff to them that /makes sense/ things would be great
A) Agree on the monster quality thing. Just... sure, it's nice having more but looking through the ones we got recently a lot of them feel redundant, are poor quality, are evos of prexisting Pokemon (Which even then we already have evos of. We have like what. 2 Steel Eeveelutions and 2 Mawile evos now? <:T) as well as a stolen idea of all things. I mean really.
B) There are too many maps, not enough change, and... it's just a pain there.
C) The moves will forever bother me. And everyone else. I'm sure if we just mustered up the forum / community as a whole to assign stuff to them that /makes sense/ things would be great
![[Image: GolurkSig.png]](
2012-12-07, 08:29 AM
Same here, I agree with most of what has been mentioned above.
My main issue with the game now is its difficulty. The chances of finding ancients (or even legendaries) is way too low, (and this is forgetting about good natures). Any new player coming to the game will see the 0.01% chance of finding any ancient and, let's be honest, will probably just leave.
When creating a game like this, you have to try and create something that will appeal to the majority of the players. I understand that a handful of people like the idea of monsters being hard to find. However, these players do spend a LOT of time playing and are a minority. The other 560K of people can only play a few hours a week and so making the game incredible hard will scare them off. You will just end up with 50 people playing the game.
I thought that perhaps a solution would be, for example, make zeniths 0.5%, legendaries .2% and ancient .1%. In this case, they would still be obtainable, but the game wouldn't be too easy. ).1% is quite low.
However, you could then pick the best 5 ancients in the game and give them .01% (or maybe even lower), for the hardcore players out there to challenge themselves.
As ever, I still think the games awesome, I just feel that you have to make adjustments which will attract the majority of players and not a small minority of people. Players want to be able to catch the ancients, not just look at the picture in the monsterdex.
My main issue with the game now is its difficulty. The chances of finding ancients (or even legendaries) is way too low, (and this is forgetting about good natures). Any new player coming to the game will see the 0.01% chance of finding any ancient and, let's be honest, will probably just leave.
When creating a game like this, you have to try and create something that will appeal to the majority of the players. I understand that a handful of people like the idea of monsters being hard to find. However, these players do spend a LOT of time playing and are a minority. The other 560K of people can only play a few hours a week and so making the game incredible hard will scare them off. You will just end up with 50 people playing the game.
I thought that perhaps a solution would be, for example, make zeniths 0.5%, legendaries .2% and ancient .1%. In this case, they would still be obtainable, but the game wouldn't be too easy. ).1% is quite low.
However, you could then pick the best 5 ancients in the game and give them .01% (or maybe even lower), for the hardcore players out there to challenge themselves.
As ever, I still think the games awesome, I just feel that you have to make adjustments which will attract the majority of players and not a small minority of people. Players want to be able to catch the ancients, not just look at the picture in the monsterdex.
2012-12-14, 03:17 AM
(2012-12-07, 05:36 AM)garbagekeeper Wrote: Since I haven't really been playing much of the game, I won't / can't go into as much depth but.
A) Agree on the monster quality thing. Just... sure, it's nice having more but looking through the ones we got recently a lot of them feel redundant, are poor quality, are evos of prexisting Pokemon (Which even then we already have evos of. We have like what. 2 Steel Eeveelutions and 2 Mawile evos now? <:T) as well as a stolen idea of all things. I mean really.
I think this is my biggest problem right now. All these new monsters thrown in and, I don't want to insult anyone, but a big majority are just... not good quality. And the evos of actual pokemon? One or two I'm fine with, but when you have over four, I feel that's not ok.
2012-12-19, 12:20 AM
ok i read all of it people including @Henrie
i can say you have many valid points. but bear with me to make this game better
now i also agree with monster quality and i promise i am planning to spend some budged on new monsters later
so more beautiful ones will come
although collecting not very good looking monsters won't hurt you :d
i have plans that will make this game 10x more attractive and more fun
but all requires time
about this moves thing soon we will start fixing their names and making them have a meaning
i can say you have many valid points. but bear with me to make this game better

now i also agree with monster quality and i promise i am planning to spend some budged on new monsters later
so more beautiful ones will come
although collecting not very good looking monsters won't hurt you :d
i have plans that will make this game 10x more attractive and more fun
but all requires time
about this moves thing soon we will start fixing their names and making them have a meaning

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
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