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What are Monster escape counters
✓ Monster escape counters is a new system that will increase your chances to catch your favorite rare Monsters

✓ It currently keeps track for Zenith, Legendary, Ancient Monsters

✓ The counters will be visible at user profile page

[Image: monster_escape_counters_by_monstermmorpg-d8b1l2b.png]

✓ How does it work?

✓ Whenever you encounter (either you battle or escape does not matter) a Monster one of these 3 counters will increase by 1. The chances are equal.

✓ For Zenith class per 325 counter will increase your zenith encountering chance by 100%

✓ For Legendary per 1250 counter will increase your legendary encountering chance by 100%

✓ For Ancient per 10000 counter will increase your legendary encountering chance by 100%

✓ So lets say your Ancient counter is 14547 that means 100% increase rate. Normally in our game Ancient encounter rate is 1/10000 that means when you reach 10000 it will become 2/10000

✓ For another example when you reach lets say 85474 it will be 1+(85474/10000)/10000 = 1+8/10000 = 9/10000 = 900% of regular chance

✓ Another example for zenith lets say your counter is 1244 which will increase your chance (1244/325) by 300%

✓ If there are more than 1 zenith or legendary Monster in your current map only one of them will get the boost not all of them

✓ When will they get reset ? If only if you enter battle with them. So lets say you encountered an Ancient however you mis-clicked run, the counter will stay. Only when you enter a battle it will get to 0 again. Even if you lose battle it will still get reset

✓✓ This system is coming at next update which will happen hopefully in few days or perhaps today Smile ✓✓
Nice. I like this system.
sol it is only helpful for people that are running from everything without looking and/or people who doesnt pay atention, right?
if only the interwebs were faster here so i could start running at 10000 encounters per hour or more like those people
My first ancient
[Image: daa154e0-1b59-4c7d-ae84-372078000ab3.png]
Al haber gatos no hay ratones
this is cool
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
(2014-12-24, 05:04 PM)tons_o_snot Wrote: sol it is only helpful for people that are running from everything without looking and/or people who doesnt pay atention, right?
if only the interwebs were faster here so i could start running at 10000 encounters per hour or more like those people

this is useful for everybody

lets say you want to catch an ancient

you try so hard but you mis click run and it flew away

now you return 0 but with this system you will still have boost to find again

so your time will not be a total waste
it still helps the careless people and maybe cheaters, they only need to check every now and then for captchas or forced battles, not worrying if they run from any digipokefakemonsterpetsummon they wanted, making it easier for them

other than that, are the counters separated by digipokefakemonsterpetsummon and get reset when you find and fight the same one?
or by class and get reset when you fight the same class regardless the digipokefakemonsterpetsummon?
or do they get reset regardless the class you fight?
is it possible to get a forced battle with higher classes than emmysary?
My first ancient
[Image: daa154e0-1b59-4c7d-ae84-372078000ab3.png]
Al haber gatos no hay ratones
(2014-12-25, 05:07 PM)tons_o_snot Wrote: it still helps the careless people and maybe cheaters, they only need to check every now and then for captchas or forced battles, not worrying if they run from any digipokefakemonsterpetsummon they wanted, making it easier for them

other than that, are the counters separated by digipokefakemonsterpetsummon and get reset when you find and fight the same one?
or by class and get reset when you fight the same class regardless the digipokefakemonsterpetsummon?
or do they get reset regardless the class you fight?
is it possible to get a forced battle with higher classes than emmysary?

it gets reset whenever you enter a battle with that class - which monster you battled do not matter
(2014-12-24, 02:42 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: If there are more than 1 zenith or legendary Monster in your current map only one of them will get the boost not all of them

Then how do you determine which one gets the boosted encounter rate?
My first ancient
[Image: daa154e0-1b59-4c7d-ae84-372078000ab3.png]
Al haber gatos no hay ratones
(2014-12-25, 05:07 PM)tons_o_snot Wrote: it still helps the careless people and maybe cheaters, they only need to check every now and then for captchas or forced battles, not worrying if they run from any digipokefakemonsterpetsummon they wanted, making it easier for them

other than that, are the counters separated by digipokefakemonsterpetsummon and get reset when you find and fight the same one?
or by class and get reset when you fight the same class regardless the digipokefakemonsterpetsummon?
or do they get reset regardless the class you fight?
is it possible to get a forced battle with higher classes than emmysary?

I'm laughing too hard at this. digipokefakemonsterpetsummon xD Wow dude.
I'm trying to understand the questions and the system though. Still reading and thinking.
ceff there is a typo it say
For Ancient per !!!1000!!! counter will increase your legendary encountering chance by 100%
it should be 10000 be right so 1 extra 0
This is the coolest system ever. It rewards players for being dedicated hunters, but it still resets to keep it fair. It's balanced; I like it!
WHEN FIRST I APPEAR, I SEEM MYSTERIOUS! But when explained, I'm nothing serious. :3
Find me on deviantART, FanFiction, or YouTube!
Co-Composer of the Monster MMORPG Soundtrack
Sooo , my zenith encounter count went way down and my other 2 went up even though  ive only seen zeniths....Any fix to that?
[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
now all monsters will get equal boost from escape counters

so lets say there is 2 legendary and you get 100 boost total

so they will get 50 each one
thank for this tip
so if i run into a zenith and battle it and catch it, does it also reset the counter for the legendary and ancient counter? or does it only reset zenith?
Resident noob
(2019-04-01, 05:23 AM)PupK9 Wrote: so if i run into a zenith and battle it and catch it, does it also reset the counter for the legendary and ancient counter? or does it only reset zenith?

only zenith is reset

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