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2013-12-11, 03:08 PM
Now that I've gotten enough posts to start my own thread, I'm going to begin something I've wanted to do since becoming adept at the game: Create movesets/strategies for competitive PVPing. I will accept requests for different monsters and hope to provide a lot of information regarding the usage of each.
I will detail which natures, tps, moves, items, etc that each monster should be using to maximize it's power in battle, along with alternative movesets that may be usable.
The forum seems to be sorely lacking in the PVP guide department. I would like to begin with ANCIENTS, since they are typically the strongest, most versatile and desired monsters for PVP.
First up I will be doing a guide on VESUVEREX
Expect that to be posted within the next day or two
I will detail which natures, tps, moves, items, etc that each monster should be using to maximize it's power in battle, along with alternative movesets that may be usable.
The forum seems to be sorely lacking in the PVP guide department. I would like to begin with ANCIENTS, since they are typically the strongest, most versatile and desired monsters for PVP.
First up I will be doing a guide on VESUVEREX
Expect that to be posted within the next day or two
2013-12-11, 03:17 PM
(2013-12-11, 03:08 PM)warsystem04 Wrote: Now that I've gotten enough posts to start my own thread, I'm going to begin something I've wanted to do since becoming adept at the game: Create movesets/strategies for competitive PVPing. I will accept requests for different monsters and hope to provide a lot of information regarding the usage of each.
I will detail which natures, tps, moves, items, etc that each monster should be using to maximize it's power in battle, along with alternative movesets that may be usable.
The forum seems to be sorely lacking in the PVP guide department. I would like to begin with ANCIENTS, since they are typically the strongest, most versatile and desired monsters for PVP.
First up I will be doing a guide on VESUVEREX
Expect that to be posted within the next day or two
Yeeees!! I have vesuverex, but i want to know the moves. Thx bud!
thx PRYSMA 2
![[Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]](
2013-12-12, 07:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 2013-12-12, 02:36 PM by warsystem04.)
![[Image: 18-Vesuverex.png]](
#18: Vesuverex
When first looking at Vesuverex, you will immediately notice his insanely high HP and special attack, as well as his 998 base stats. Aside from his attack and defense, all of his other stats are also very high, making him an ideal special sweeper or tank. Anything else would almost be a waste of his talents, because what he does he does VERY well.
Special Sweeper
Nature: Hallucination
TPs: 400 SpAtk/400 Speed
Held Item: Accuracy Weapon
Moveset: Mica Hands
Crystal Fire
Shadow Sword
Triple Blast/Draco Vortex/Rust Away
The most ideal set for Vesuverex is the special sweeper. Even without any UVs or TPs, his HP can easily reach over 1000. Hallucination of course is the best nature for this type of monster, and his already high special attack just goes through the roof, with his speed outrunning most of it's peers. Vesuverex also has a very useful tool in the form of Mica Hands, boosting his accuracy by 3 stages, almost ensuring that each move he makes will connect after just the one boost. Crystal Fire, aside from being a decent STAB move is a way for him to regain HP, and Shadow Sword is a priority move with high accuracy and good coverage. The final slot is somewhat open ended for a heavy hitting move, but Triple Blast is probably your main choice due to it's status inflicting effect. Draco Vortex is also good if you feel you need more coverage against dragon type threats.
Nature: Tank
TPs: 400 Def/400 SpDef
Held Item: Accuracy Weapon/Fire Orb/Rock Orb
Moveset: Mica Hands
Crystal Fire/Antivenin
Shadow Sword
Split Blast/Triple Blast/Draco Vortex/Boils
Vesuverex can also make a fairly powerful tank due to his high HP, SpAtk and SpDef. With his defenses backing him up in this layout, accuracy weapon can be replaced with one of the health gaining orbs if desired, since one use of Mica Hands will set him straight on accuracy. Crystal Fire becomes an even more powerful tool here, since it's use will prolong his life and make him more of an obstacle for the opponent. You can also replace Crystal Fire with Antivenin, and add Split Blast for a stronger STAB move. The same moves as before are recommended to fill the last slot, although the powerful and effective Boils can add a further walling element for your opponent to have to get around, possibly forcing them to switch monsters more than once.
No monster, no matter how powerful is without weaknesses. Vesuverex's typing opens him up to TWO 400% effective types (Water and Ground), as well as making him weak to the somewhat common Fighting type. Wargile in particular can not only usually outspeed Vesuverex, but one hit from a Fighting type move will usually result in a one hit KO. Status problems also prove deadly for Vesuverex since he himself has no way of healing them, although Crystal Fire can help to regain lost HP from a Burn or Bleeding infliction if he survives.
2013-12-12, 08:47 PM
Good job
2013-12-14, 01:34 PM
![[Image: 22-Gigoliath.png]](
#22: Gigoliath
Boasting incredibly good stats in every single category and a highly varied movepool, Gigoliath can be used to fill almost any role on a team. While using him as a tank is most likely the most rewarding option, this monstrosity can also be used as a wall or even a sweeper.
Nature: Tank
TPs: 200 HP/200 Def/400 SpDef OR 400 Def/400SpDef
Held Item: Psychic Orb/Rock Orb/Accuracy Weapon
Moveset: Bad Omen
Rock Shower
Cosmic Power/Limestone Barrier/Compose Havoc
Cosmic Power/Limestone Barrier/Compose Havoc
A Gigoliath outfitted as a tank is an absolute nightmare to fight against. His high defenses and HP ensure he will stick around long enough to either take out an opposing monster, or cripple one (or more) and force the opponent to switch. Bad Omen is an extremely useful move, automatically inflicting the enemy with Bleeding and healing yourself at the same time. With maxed out UVs, Rock Shower is a base 135 damage Normal type special attack with 80% accuracy, one of Gigoliath's most reliable offenses. The last two slots can go one of two ways. If you choose to equip him with Accuracy Weapon, Limestone Barrier is an ideal choice since it is not only an EXTREMELY powerful move, but it also gets additional STAB damage. Cosmic Power is great too, as it is a priority STAB attack. Compose Havoc is a great stat booster and should be considered if you want to use a healing orb instead of Accuracy Weapon.
Nature: Profound
TPs: 400 Def/400 SpDef
Held Item: Psychic Orb/Rock Orb
Moveset: Bad Omen
Maximum Limit
Mental Relax
Rocky Punch/Coal Burn/Compose Havoc
Gigoliath also has access to pretty much every sort of move a monster needs to be an effective wall. With multiple status inflicting outlets, ways to heal and cure itself, ways to reset enemy stats, and ways to lower enemy stats, it has a wide array of status moves at its disposal. Choose it's moveset based on what the other monsters on your team are lacking, or already have covered. With another solid supporter, this Gigoliath can become nearly impenetrable due to it's SIX resistances.
Special Sweeper
Nature: Hallucination
TPs: 400 SpAtk/400 Speed
Held Item: Accuracy Weapon
Moveset: Mica Hands
Cosmic Power
Limestone Barrier
Rock Shower
A special sweeping Gigoliath has a similar moveset to the tank variant, but with the added bonus of Mica Hands. Since a sweeper needs to only focus on attack and speed, throw aside Bad Omen and other status moves for Mica Hands, which will ensure that the insanely strong Limestone Barrier will hit it's mark after just one boost.
Physical Sweeper
Nature: Trembling
TPs: 400 Atk/400 Speed
Held Item: Accuracy Weapon
Moveset: Mica Hands
Mind Crash/Telekinetic Shot/Mind Eater
Surprising Power/Seismic Shard/Mind Eater
Diamond Thrust/Seismic Shard
A physical sweeping Gigoliath has an even wider variety of weapons at it's disposal. Again, Mica Hands is a must have to get your accuracy on point. There are THREE very viable Psychic type moves to choose from, depending if you want to go a higher damage route, a stat reducing path or high damage and a cure. Diamond Thrust traps the enemy, but it has a -1 priority. Seismic Shard is a powerful STAB move with high accuracy. This variant really comes down to personal preference.
Weaknesses: While it has many resistances, Gigoliath's typing also makes it susceptible to EIGHT super effective types. Neither the physical nor special sweeper version is fast enough to outrun more prominent sweepers such as Aturion, Wargile, Vesuverex or Aurorile, and he can also become walled by Ghost or Dark types. Use caution when switching in Gigoliath though, and he will be VERY hard for your opponent to defeat.
2013-12-17, 05:27 AM
Personally I would leave Vesu as a mixed attacker. He's too slow for a sweeper, and that HP means nothing if an Aturion or Wargile is against him. They'll Ohko him with ease.
2013-12-23, 10:26 AM
Hey dude,
Can you make aturion move set? I want to train him (he's trembling natured).
It would be nice. If you can't its ok
Can you make aturion move set? I want to train him (he's trembling natured).
It would be nice. If you can't its ok

thx PRYSMA 2
![[Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]](