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(( ooh what kind of pods?))
((pods with things in them))
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
(( I was thinking Insecticon pods))
(you'll find out. btw check the social thread on this board you two)
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
"I wonder what's in these pods." Loftwing said as he poked one of them.

((Heehee. Poking the pods. It's fun. *does a creepy laugh*))
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
We can always pry one open.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
"Um... You pry them open." Loftwing said.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
Shockwave formed his arm cannon into its shadowblade form and carefully sliced the pod open...
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
((And then DEATH came out of the pod. Death is EVERYWHERE. That's why when someone says "Oh hey I wonder what that is." you should always assume it is DEATH. That thing right there kid,that thing is called DEATH. That's what it is. Dramatic,I know .3. ))
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
Mission Log 3 (Continued):

Beastmaster awoke in Jetfire's lab, feeling a bit strange. Jetfire noticed this, "Welcome back Beastmaster, you'll be happy to know that you're fully functional again.", he said. " Thank you Jetfire, but I must say I'm sorry...", Beastmaster said remembering his past experience. "I've been a fool, challenging Shockwave at such a time, when I know his allies could've destroyed me.". "Heh, I'm not going to lie to you, that was pretty stupid, but you did complete the mission, and you were brave in the presence of death.", said Jetfire with sympathy. " I talked to Optimus when you were out, told him all about the mission", said Jetfire. "What did he say?", questioned Beastmaster. " He said you did all that you could and he was impressed by it, as we learned more about Dark Energon."
Beasmaster was quiet for a moment, " What are they planning to do with that Dark Energon? I doubt they're just manufacturing detpacks with it...". " We don't know for sure, but Optimus has his suspicions, by the way I've made a couple upgrades to you.", said Jetfire. " What kind of upgrades?", Beastmaster said curiously.
Suddenly,Skyrain appeared out of nowhere next to Jetfire.

"Upgrades? I want to know what kinds of upgrades you did to Beastmaster!" Skyrain demanded.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
Mission Log 3 (Continued):

" Beastmaster now has reinforced armor, so he will be able to take more punishment. I have also created a new companion for him.", Jetfire said. " Beastmaster meet Striker, may he serve you well.", Jetfire said pointing to a containment pod in the corner of the lab. It opened and through the cloudy mist Beastmaster could see a shadow. When it cleared he could see a large armadillo-like robot, "He'll be very helpful in combat, he can deflect blasts with his shell, can transform into a shield, etc.", said Jetfire looking at his creation. " Thank you Jetfire, I'll take great care of him.", said Beastmaster gratefully. " Your welcome Beastmaster, you should go see Optimus, he might have a mission for you", replied Jetfire. "Will do Jetfire", Beastmaster said thinking about his own conduct toward his Autobot brothers, maybe he should helping his Autobot brothers and forming instead of isolating himself. Many thoughts rushed through Beastmaster's head as he walked down the hall...
"What should I go do Jetfire?" Skyrain asked,looking up at Jetfire.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
Mission Log 3 (Continued):

" Well, can you run an errand for me Skyrain? You could be my assistant.", replied Jetfire.
"Well,what do I have to do Jetfire?" Skyrain asked.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
(and out popped a new character!)
Faction:Corrupticon[new one i made up]
Appearence-Jet black with dark red and gold trim
Alt-form:Bahamut from Final Fantasy 7-Advent Children, but smaller.
Weapons-Double-edged Chaotic blade sword with shield, wrist mounted gauntlets with plasma cannons in each.
Bio-one of the last of his kind, The great corrupticon warrior has lain dormant for centuries, until shockwave's arrival via teleport field activated him due to some weird energy fluctuation
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
((Corrupticon? Sounds even more evil than the Destructicons. Accepted!! ^^))
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
[I've been waiting for that all day!:fistpump:]

Chaoticus emerged from the pod, flexing his fingers as though to ease some soreness. He glanced around before setting his gold eyes on Shockwave and Loftwing. "what year is it, and which side of the war are you on?

Shockwave glanced him over and decided to answer the strange looking transformer."It's 57,935[or something, idk] and We are Decepticons, though we know not the war you speak of."
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
"Now the question is who are you?" Loftwing asked,glaring at the robot that emerged from the pod.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
"My name is Chaoticus"
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
"What were you doing inside that pod?" Loftwing continued to glare at Chaoticus.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
"Supplies were running low in the war, so my warrior regiment volunteered to go into stasis until we were needed to allow civilians to use more of the supplies."

[i like this guy more then shockwave, so Shock might go in the lab for awhile Big Grin]
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
((Someone really needs to be Soundwave... I miss him and his little children ;o; Btw,I'm just gonna ask Shockwave one more thing...))

"Ok...Shockwave do you know anyway out of this place?" Loftwing asked Shockwave.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
"I saw nothing on my way down Loftwing" Shockwave said.
"Assuming the tunnels haven't collapsed, I can lead us out" cut in Chaoticus.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
imma be soundwave and bruticus
Special Attack COFFEE TABLE FLIP!!!- Lord death
I shall not be defeated by toilet paper-Death the kid
FOOLS!- Excalibur
Pumpkin Pump-Pumpkin- BLAIR!!!

I love anime 

Fairy tail
Soul Eater
Fullmetal Alchemist
(2012-12-05, 01:36 AM)Josh Barrett Wrote: imma be soundwave and bruticus
((NU!! You cannot handle Papa Soundwave and his children!!! >:I Bruticus....I need to think about that...))

"Well lead the way then Chaoticus." Loftwing said.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
You are here -------l --------l
L-----l l
exit v_______J

it looks better before posting :angry:
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Um...was that an attempt at making a map? If it isn't then I have no idea what that is .3.
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
that was a map of us leaving the cave :mad:
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
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