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Monster MMORPG Version 7.0.0
=== This update is prepared between July 11 - 2021 and April 2 - 2022 ===
![[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]](
![[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]](
1.0) Grand Tournaments will be listed at the tournaments page from now on
1.1) You can see the records of grand tournaments at the bottom of the tournaments page :
1.2) Grand Tournaments will be sponsored by players and their specifics will be decided by the sponsor
1.3) You can also have your custom rewards and rules having Grand Tournament
1.4) To have a grand tournament please contact CeFurkan in the game or in the discord direct message (discord is better)
2.0) Now if your account level is equal or bigger than 50, you can use up to 5 uppercase letter in game chat
3.0) Now our game supports untradeable item
3.1) Our first untradeable item can be obtained in our first NPC event :
4.0) Now you can be sponsor of custom events like below ones
4.3) The events details are determined by the sponsor
4.4) Please contact me in game or in discord for more information regarding becoming a custom event sponsor
5.0) From now on, even if your auto battle is enabled, if you encounter a wild Monsters from these classes, auto battle will be disabled until you manually enable again : Ancient, Starter or Legendary
6.0) There was a bug that caused you to battle against your own Monsters or some random Monster of your enemy (not in his Tournament or PvP team) when doing a live PvP battle, especially in Tournament battles
6.1) This bug is fixed and should not happen again starting from 10:36 AM UTC Time, 19 July 2021
7.0) A new shortcut added battle Monster page to turn of or turn on auto battle
7.1) 0: Enable / disable automatic battle :
8.0) Now you can filter Monsters at Bazaar page as : list Monsters that you own or you do not own
9.0) Now, if your Account Level is below 26, when you battle a Gym Leader in the first 10 zones, you will get 5x more Account EXP from battles
10.0) The number of custom quick teams count increased to 40 from 20 :
11.0) UV change system of manage reward Monsters system improved :
11.1) Lets say you have a Monster which has Attack UV 49. Now you can keep it and change other UVs to 45
11.2) If you try to change Attack UV to 50 mistakenly, now it will be kept as 49
11.3) Remember, If you change Attack UV to 48 from 49, you cannot go back to 49
12.0) The descriptions of the following items improved to make them more explanative:
12.1) Educational Armor > If a Monster is holding an Educational Armor item in the party and this Monster has not fainted, the item works the following way: Half of the total gained exp is shared equally between all battle participants and not fainted Monster even if that Monster is holding an Educational Armor item. Then half of the total gained EXP is shared equally among all Monsters holding an Educational Armor item and not fainted even if that Monster has participated in the battle. A Monster can get EXP from both battle participation and holding Educational Armor item.
12.2) Party Educational Armor > If a Monster in the team has Party Educational Armor item and has not fainted in the battle, every Monster in the party is counted like holding an Educational Armor item.
13.0) Tournaments system improved and new features added :
13.1) You can read full thread here :
13.2) There is an exception for this feature. If the player started Tournament have banned moves, your Tournament registered moves will be saved and even if you change your moves after registering the Tournament, your registered moves will be used when the Tournament starts
13.3) Now you can ban certain Monster from Tournaments. Just enter desired Monster numbers each one separated with a semicolon ;
13.4) Now you can ban certain Monster moves from Tournaments. Just enter desired move full names each one separated with a semicolon ;
13.5) Now you can give Patron Coins as rewards. The distribution works same as Gold reward.
13.6) Now you can limit Monster team size in Tournaments
13.7) Now you can ban Monster switching unless fainted in Tournaments
13.8) Now you can give custom gold rewards and Patron coin rewards to custom ranks. When giving out custom ranks, same score having players will be sorted by Tournament Points descending, then by Account EXP descending, then by ELO Score descending and then by ELO Win count descending
13.9) If no one comes as your designated rank, you will get full refund of extra custom gold or Patron coin reward you have set
13.10) Now you can give custom Monster rewards to custom ranks. When giving out custom ranks, same score having players will be sorted by Tournament Points descending, then by Account EXP descending, then by ELO Score descending and then by ELO Win count descending
13.11) If no one comes as your designated rank, you will get back your custom Monster reward
14.0) New overworld sprites that you can use added to the game :
15.0) New PvP improvements
15.1) Now in all PvP battles, you can switch your Monster up to 100 times
15.2) Once you reach 100 times switching, then you will be only able to switch your Monster when it becomes fainted
15.3) After each switching of your Monster, your remaining switch count will be displayed in the battle logs panel
15.4) Now when doing a live PvP battle, if the enemy player misses to attack 5 times, the enemy player will become auto mode instead of losing battle
15.5) If player returns to the game, he/she can disable auto battle mode but whenever misses another attacking turn, will turn into auto mode immediately
15.6) Now, after you switch a Monster, you have to wait at least 1 turn before switching into another Monster. This rule will not apply if your Monster is fainted
15.7) When you enter a live PvP battle, there were a 90 seconds pre-battle waiting period. This is reduced to 60 seconds
15.8) All live PvP battles are now restricted to maximum 500 turns. After 500 turns, the battle will be ended as draw
15.9) Non-live PvP battles are now restricted to maximum 500 turns. After 500 turns, you will be counted as lost the battle
15.10) Remaining battles types are limited to 5,000 turns. After 5,000 turns, you will be counted as lost the battle except tower battles. Tower battles are limited to 32,000 turns.
15.11) When you enter a live PvP Guild War battle, there were a 90 seconds pre-battle waiting period. This is increased to 120 seconds
16.0) Quickly do another Ranked ELO League Match added to the result screen of ELO battles
17.0) Computer battle AI will not use anymore status moves that resets all stat gains of the enemy unless the enemy has stat boost and if the move does not have any secondary feature. Example moves: Cleanse, Aero Strike, Calming Buzz
18.0) There was a rare bug that prevented you to get ELO protection when you were defender and lost the ELO battle. This bug is fixed
19.0) When you defeat player A, the player A gets ELO revenge battle right against you. When you are defeated by player B, you get 24 hours ELO protection. When player A make as a revenge battle to you and lose that battle, your existing ELO protection were ending. We have tracked this bug and fixed it.
20.0) More than 1 player were able to attack the same enemy player in guild wars
20.1) This was causing attack points to be wasted
20.2) Now in a particular guild war, if a particular player is battling as the defending side, you won't be able to start another battle against this player until his/her defending battle ends
21.0) When doing a PvP battle and your Monster got fainted, in rare cases the system was using the last registered move of the fainted Monster even after you switched into a new Monster. This bug is fixed now
22.0) When doing a live Guild War battle, the first screen waiting enemy player duration increased back to 90 seconds from 30 seconds
23.0) Two options in the control panel improved upon request :
23.1) Accept Automatically ELO PvP Battles and Guild War Battles if not in any battle when another player battles against you? (if you are in a Guild Quest Battle you will still enter the Guild War Battle)
23.2) Accept Automatically ELO PvP Battles and Guild War Battles even if in Wild Monster or NPC battles? (if you are in a Guild Quest Battle you will still enter the Guild War Battle)
24.0) Historical maximum ever reached Endless Tower Level statistics added to the game
24.1) This record will never get erased with seasons, etc.
24.2) This statistics will be displayed at the user profile and Endless Tower Battles pages : &
24.3) This record starts as 0 from the day 2022.01.18
25.0) Since now PVP battles are limited to 500 rounds, when your Monster runs out of MP in all moves, it won't get automatically fainted anymore like before
26.0) Now, If you are the defender side of an ELO revenge battle and if you lose more than 10 ELO score in that battle, you will get 24 hours ELO protection
27.0) Now, If you do an ELO revenge battle against another player, your existing ELO protection will end
28.0) To make ELO PvP system more fun and prevent possible exploits, we have modified the ELO scoring system.
28.1) Now a player will win minimum 1 point ELO score and will lose maximum 30 points ELO score per ELO League Ranked match (so you will lose min 1 score and earn max 30 score)
29.0) In certain PvP battles, enemy Monster prestige stat bonuses were not applied and this problem is fixed
30.0) If your account gets into auto attack mode in live PvP battle due to your inactivity, that auto attack mode will be enabled for only that particular battle now
31.0) New guild sortings feature added to the Guild Wars page :
31.1) Now you can sort guilds by : Guild Id, Guild Level, All Times Score, Weekly Score - both ascending and descending
32.0) Now it will display number of Monsters you own for each Monster in MonsterDex, another user all Monsters, and Manage Monsters pages
32.3) If you have only 1 of that particular Monster it won't display any number
33.0) All Monsters on all maps have been re-assigned (shuffled). If you have suggestions to our shuffling algorithm we are open to suggestions
33.1) All NPCs on all maps have been re-assigned (shuffled)
33.2) All Monster teams of all NPCs have been re-assigned (shuffled)
33.3) Due to NPC reset, the current history of Daily Boss has been erased (current system forces this)
34.0) All chat history has been erased for performance improvements (we still have backups)
35.0) All Monster trades history has been erased for performance improvements (we still have backups)
36.0) All Item trades history has been erased for performance improvements (we still have backups)
37.0) Account bound Monsters of yours will not be displayed anymore in the Market sell / trade Monster pages
38.0) Manage Reward Monsters page were lagging at some users due to page size. The number of displayed Monsters in that page has been reduced to 25 from 50 to reduce this possible lag issue and improve overall user experience :
39.0) On the page that lists the users you have blocked on the chat screen, if there were too many users you have blocked, there was interface corruption problem and this has been fixed.
39.1) You can now delete all the users you blocked on the chat screen from the blocked list at once
40.0) IP-Country matching table has been updated. Therefore, the country of the players should be more accurate now
41.0) When sorting by the Total Number of Monsters at the Top Trainers page, maximum of 10 of the each Monster was taken into account instead of the user's all Monsters. This bug has been fixed :
Check next post for Monster updates
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
The name and the images of the following Monsters have been updated:
Class: Emissary, Id: 92, Vipid > Isurus
Class: Emissary, Id: 93, Pythrall > Cetorhinus
Class: Emissary, Id: 94, Serphrodite > Alopias
Class: Regular, Id: 180, Volbee > Barbet
Class: Regular, Id: 181, Bumblelley > Bolognese
Class: Superior, Id: 269, Laminish > Rook
Class: Emissary, Id: 291, Geshi > Yukey
Class: Emissary, Id: 292, Fansha > Macurara
Class: Emissary, Id: 293, Geshimono > Macaque
Class: Zenith, Id: 366, Gampha > Opisthote
Class: Emissary, Id: 611, Puppin > Jersand
Class: Emissary, Id: 612, Gathread > Charboa
Class: Emissary, Id: 613, Voodoll > Jermoon
Class: Regular, Id: 615, Slutdrice > Slushdrake
Class: Emissary, Id: 651, Servire > Puppyro
Class: Emissary, Id: 652, Prinsinge > Fahrenhound
Class: Emissary, Id: 653, Kingnite > Dalmarson
Class: Emissary, Id: 661, Nukid > Feilong
Class: Emissary, Id: 662, Cautant > Shaolong
Class: Emissary, Id: 663, Radiaution > Longkong
Class: Superior, Id: 745, Caypt > Gangreen
Class: Superior, Id: 746, Pherumy > Necroseps
Class: Zenith, Id: 780, Alieian > Natalus
Class: Regular, Id: 1202, Punchish > Decoral
Class: Regular, Id: 1203, Komon > Deconaut
Class: Regular, Id: 1319, Quilava > Posewer
Class: Regular, Id: 1382, Herbyte > Lizquire
Class: Regular, Id: 1383, Herwatt > Chameleot
Class: Emissary, Id: 1575, Muntica > Chroball
Class: Emissary, Id: 1576, Loligeist > Comprice
Class: Emissary, Id: 1577, Gorgella > Permaton
Class: Regular, Id: 1740, Storoxic > Swimarul
Class: Regular, Id: 1741, Venoserve > Gozarine
Class: Zenith, Id: 1821, Blazichamp > Wildebeest
Class: Zenith, Id: 2028, Caprimon > Metadrago
Class: Legendary, Id: 2071, Skulldowvermon > Stallion
Class: Emissary, Id: 2152, Hongruor > Equus
Class: Emissary, Id: 2266, Fursona > Snowy
Class: Zenith, Id: 2338, Geosaur > Predator
The types and the move pools of the following the Monsters have been updated. Therefore, if you own any of the below Monsters, their known moves have been reset:
Class: Emissary, Id: 94, Type 1: psychic > water | Type 2: flying > psychic
Class: Regular, Id: 180, Type 1: bug > normal | Type 2: grass > flying
Class: Regular, Id: 181, Type 1: bug > normal | Type 2: flying > flying
Class: Emissary, Id: 93, Type 1: psychic > water | Type 2: null > psychic
Class: Emissary, Id: 612, Type 1: normal > normal | Type 2: ghost > ground
Class: Emissary, Id: 1575, Type 1: ghost > ice | Type 2: dark > rock
Class: Emissary, Id: 1576, Type 1: ghost > ice | Type 2: dark > rock
Class: Regular, Id: 1203, Type 1: water > water | Type 2: fighting > grass
Class: Regular, Id: 1202, Type 1: water > water | Type 2: fighting > grass
Class: Emissary, Id: 2152, Type 1: ghost > normal | Type 2: grass > grass
Class: Emissary, Id: 661, Type 1: poison > dragon | Type 2: null > light
Class: Regular, Id: 1741, Type 1: poison > water | Type 2: null > poison
Class: Emissary, Id: 92, Type 1: psychic > water | Type 2: null > null
Class: Emissary, Id: 613, Type 1: normal > normal | Type 2: ghost > ground
Class: Emissary, Id: 611, Type 1: normal > normal | Type 2: null > ground
Class: Emissary, Id: 663, Type 1: poison > dragon | Type 2: fighting > light
Class: Emissary, Id: 293, Type 1: psychic > normal | Type 2: light > ice
Class: Emissary, Id: 292, Type 1: psychic > normal | Type 2: light > ice
Class: Zenith, Id: 2028, Type 1: water > steel | Type 2: dark > dragon
Class: Zenith, Id: 366, Type 1: dark > water | Type 2: psychic > ice
Class: Zenith, Id: 1793, Type 1: grass > grass | Type 2: null > poison
Class: Emissary, Id: 1577, Type 1: ghost > ice | Type 2: dark > rock
Class: Regular, Id: 1319, Type 1: fire > steel | Type 2: light > poison
Class: Superior, Id: 269, Type 1: water > ghost | Type 2: dark > flying
Class: Emissary, Id: 662, Type 1: poison > dragon | Type 2: null > light
Class: Legendary, Id: 2071, Type 1: dark > dark | Type 2: null > fire
Class: Regular, Id: 1740, Type 1: poison > water | Type 2: null > poison
Class: Zenith, Id: 1821, Type 1: fighting > fighting | Type 2: fire > steel
Class: Emissary, Id: 291, Type 1: psychic > normal | Type 2: light > null
The move pools of the following the Monsters have been updated. Therefore, if you own any of the below Monsters, their known moves have been reset:
Class: Zenith, Id: 2338, Type 1: ground > ground | Type 2: fire > fire
Starter Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+6):
Ancient Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+33):
Legendary Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+46):
Zenith Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+78):
Emissary Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+97):
Superior Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+133):
Regular Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+215):
The number of total new Monsters have been added to the game is 608
Class: Emissary, Id: 92, Vipid > Isurus
Class: Emissary, Id: 93, Pythrall > Cetorhinus
Class: Emissary, Id: 94, Serphrodite > Alopias
Class: Regular, Id: 180, Volbee > Barbet
Class: Regular, Id: 181, Bumblelley > Bolognese
Class: Superior, Id: 269, Laminish > Rook
Class: Emissary, Id: 291, Geshi > Yukey
Class: Emissary, Id: 292, Fansha > Macurara
Class: Emissary, Id: 293, Geshimono > Macaque
Class: Zenith, Id: 366, Gampha > Opisthote
Class: Emissary, Id: 611, Puppin > Jersand
Class: Emissary, Id: 612, Gathread > Charboa
Class: Emissary, Id: 613, Voodoll > Jermoon
Class: Regular, Id: 615, Slutdrice > Slushdrake
Class: Emissary, Id: 651, Servire > Puppyro
Class: Emissary, Id: 652, Prinsinge > Fahrenhound
Class: Emissary, Id: 653, Kingnite > Dalmarson
Class: Emissary, Id: 661, Nukid > Feilong
Class: Emissary, Id: 662, Cautant > Shaolong
Class: Emissary, Id: 663, Radiaution > Longkong
Class: Superior, Id: 745, Caypt > Gangreen
Class: Superior, Id: 746, Pherumy > Necroseps
Class: Zenith, Id: 780, Alieian > Natalus
Class: Regular, Id: 1202, Punchish > Decoral
Class: Regular, Id: 1203, Komon > Deconaut
Class: Regular, Id: 1319, Quilava > Posewer
Class: Regular, Id: 1382, Herbyte > Lizquire
Class: Regular, Id: 1383, Herwatt > Chameleot
Class: Emissary, Id: 1575, Muntica > Chroball
Class: Emissary, Id: 1576, Loligeist > Comprice
Class: Emissary, Id: 1577, Gorgella > Permaton
Class: Regular, Id: 1740, Storoxic > Swimarul
Class: Regular, Id: 1741, Venoserve > Gozarine
Class: Zenith, Id: 1821, Blazichamp > Wildebeest
Class: Zenith, Id: 2028, Caprimon > Metadrago
Class: Legendary, Id: 2071, Skulldowvermon > Stallion
Class: Emissary, Id: 2152, Hongruor > Equus
Class: Emissary, Id: 2266, Fursona > Snowy
Class: Zenith, Id: 2338, Geosaur > Predator
The types and the move pools of the following the Monsters have been updated. Therefore, if you own any of the below Monsters, their known moves have been reset:
Class: Emissary, Id: 94, Type 1: psychic > water | Type 2: flying > psychic
Class: Regular, Id: 180, Type 1: bug > normal | Type 2: grass > flying
Class: Regular, Id: 181, Type 1: bug > normal | Type 2: flying > flying
Class: Emissary, Id: 93, Type 1: psychic > water | Type 2: null > psychic
Class: Emissary, Id: 612, Type 1: normal > normal | Type 2: ghost > ground
Class: Emissary, Id: 1575, Type 1: ghost > ice | Type 2: dark > rock
Class: Emissary, Id: 1576, Type 1: ghost > ice | Type 2: dark > rock
Class: Regular, Id: 1203, Type 1: water > water | Type 2: fighting > grass
Class: Regular, Id: 1202, Type 1: water > water | Type 2: fighting > grass
Class: Emissary, Id: 2152, Type 1: ghost > normal | Type 2: grass > grass
Class: Emissary, Id: 661, Type 1: poison > dragon | Type 2: null > light
Class: Regular, Id: 1741, Type 1: poison > water | Type 2: null > poison
Class: Emissary, Id: 92, Type 1: psychic > water | Type 2: null > null
Class: Emissary, Id: 613, Type 1: normal > normal | Type 2: ghost > ground
Class: Emissary, Id: 611, Type 1: normal > normal | Type 2: null > ground
Class: Emissary, Id: 663, Type 1: poison > dragon | Type 2: fighting > light
Class: Emissary, Id: 293, Type 1: psychic > normal | Type 2: light > ice
Class: Emissary, Id: 292, Type 1: psychic > normal | Type 2: light > ice
Class: Zenith, Id: 2028, Type 1: water > steel | Type 2: dark > dragon
Class: Zenith, Id: 366, Type 1: dark > water | Type 2: psychic > ice
Class: Zenith, Id: 1793, Type 1: grass > grass | Type 2: null > poison
Class: Emissary, Id: 1577, Type 1: ghost > ice | Type 2: dark > rock
Class: Regular, Id: 1319, Type 1: fire > steel | Type 2: light > poison
Class: Superior, Id: 269, Type 1: water > ghost | Type 2: dark > flying
Class: Emissary, Id: 662, Type 1: poison > dragon | Type 2: null > light
Class: Legendary, Id: 2071, Type 1: dark > dark | Type 2: null > fire
Class: Regular, Id: 1740, Type 1: poison > water | Type 2: null > poison
Class: Zenith, Id: 1821, Type 1: fighting > fighting | Type 2: fire > steel
Class: Emissary, Id: 291, Type 1: psychic > normal | Type 2: light > null
The move pools of the following the Monsters have been updated. Therefore, if you own any of the below Monsters, their known moves have been reset:
Class: Zenith, Id: 2338, Type 1: ground > ground | Type 2: fire > fire
Starter Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+6):
![[Image: 2631-Ghostquil.png]](
![[Image: 2632-Ghostlava.png]](
![[Image: 2633-Ghostlosion.png]](
![[Image: 2634-Torfight.png]](
![[Image: 2635-Crorock.png]](
![[Image: 2636-Twindrag.png]](
Ancient Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+33):
![[Image: 2382-Hammerhead.png]](
![[Image: 2383-Dragonbeast.png]](
![[Image: 2385-Armorgolem.png]](
![[Image: 2386-Lightdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2388-Polarbeast.png]](
![[Image: 2391-Atropa.png]](
![[Image: 2392-Galeocerdo.png]](
![[Image: 2396-Sicklefin.png]](
![[Image: 2412-Slimedragon.png]](
![[Image: 2416-Saphira.png]](
![[Image: 2418-Magmadragon.png]](
![[Image: 2426-Aquos.png]](
![[Image: 2427-Goldendragon.png]](
![[Image: 2438-Sequoia.png]](
![[Image: 2440-Mantodea.png]](
![[Image: 2451-Galapagos.png]](
![[Image: 2453-Orca.png]](
![[Image: 2455-Kong.png]](
![[Image: 2554-Robodrill.png]](
![[Image: 2555-Whitetiger.png]](
![[Image: 2564-Toxicodendron.png]](
![[Image: 2569-Plymouth.png]](
![[Image: 2578-Firemon.png]](
![[Image: 2757-Whitedragon.png]](
![[Image: 2878-Orbu.png]](
![[Image: 2884-Upgrade.png]](
![[Image: 2903-Mechaboss.png]](
![[Image: 2917-Meltera.png]](
![[Image: 2920-Thundersteel.png]](
![[Image: 2946-Cyberwolf.png]](
![[Image: 2957-Electricball.png]](
![[Image: 2970-Giantcricket.png]](
![[Image: 2972-Sundew.png]](
Legendary Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+46):
![[Image: 2381-Phoenix.png]](
![[Image: 2384-Amoyensis.png]](
![[Image: 2387-Ankole.png]](
![[Image: 2390-Armormecha.png]](
![[Image: 2393-Mesomelas.png]](
![[Image: 2395-Chimaera.png]](
![[Image: 2399-Chergach.png]](
![[Image: 2400-Yakut.png]](
![[Image: 2405-Beefmaster.png]](
![[Image: 2406-Stargazer.png]](
![[Image: 2409-Fangtooth.png]](
![[Image: 2414-Paradoxus.png]](
![[Image: 2415-Manticora.png]](
![[Image: 2417-Aashni.png]](
![[Image: 2420-Queenbee.png]](
![[Image: 2424-Warmammoth.png]](
![[Image: 2430-Fireblade.png]](
![[Image: 2431-Ghostserpent.png]](
![[Image: 2433-Blackmamba.png]](
![[Image: 2435-Wyrm.png]](
![[Image: 2441-Nixpardus.png]](
![[Image: 2442-Dragonspider.png]](
![[Image: 2466-Ripjaws.png]](
![[Image: 2482-Galavern.png]](
![[Image: 2489-Puff.png]](
![[Image: 2493-Hoba.png]](
![[Image: 2495-Icewolf.png]](
![[Image: 2498-Misumena.png]](
![[Image: 2510-Dracosaur.png]](
![[Image: 2518-Trexon.png]](
![[Image: 2550-Unicorn.png]](
![[Image: 2566-Slimemon.png]](
![[Image: 2572-Moskstraumen.png]](
![[Image: 2574-Monachus.png]](
![[Image: 2710-Crystaldragon.png]](
![[Image: 2713-Tealdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2798-Sombercap.png]](
![[Image: 2866-Venena.png]](
![[Image: 2879-Pterotaum.png]](
![[Image: 2901-Venosnap.png]](
![[Image: 2918-Volcanica.png]](
![[Image: 2919-Bonedragon.png]](
![[Image: 2935-Slimeguardian.png]](
![[Image: 2953-Grizzlybear.png]](
![[Image: 2954-Frostgorilla.png]](
![[Image: 2988-Armoredturtle.png]](
Zenith Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+78):
![[Image: 2389-Maxilla.png]](
![[Image: 2394-Tuckerella.png]](
![[Image: 2398-Precatorius.png]](
![[Image: 2408-Pomacea.png]](
![[Image: 2422-Dilong.png]](
![[Image: 2423-Combatspider.png]](
![[Image: 2429-Orcinus.png]](
![[Image: 2434-Geosaur.png]](
![[Image: 2436-Arcanegolem.png]](
![[Image: 2437-Leo.png]](
![[Image: 2445-Shadowshield.png]](
![[Image: 2447-Librarygolem.png]](
![[Image: 2452-Enjin.png]](
![[Image: 2454-Robotsoldier.png]](
![[Image: 2456-Furiousdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2467-Wildbeast.png]](
![[Image: 2468-Trifusion.png]](
![[Image: 2469-Elemental.png]](
![[Image: 2470-Ferocious.png]](
![[Image: 2473-Rhincodon.png]](
![[Image: 2477-Xmon.png]](
![[Image: 2481-Python.png]](
![[Image: 2504-Pappochelys.png]](
![[Image: 2512-Kamasaur.png]](
![[Image: 2521-Daimine.png]](
![[Image: 2522-Xiirksha.png]](
![[Image: 2548-Aveon.png]](
![[Image: 2551-Fireagle.png]](
![[Image: 2552-Gula.png]](
![[Image: 2558-Zeraoid.png]](
![[Image: 2560-Marty.png]](
![[Image: 2561-Fireserpent.png]](
![[Image: 2562-Deathcap.png]](
![[Image: 2568-Genlisea.png]](
![[Image: 2573-Incirrata.png]](
![[Image: 2576-Darkplasma.png]](
![[Image: 2586-Castlefall.png]](
![[Image: 2587-Golddragon.png]](
![[Image: 2621-Relix.png]](
![[Image: 2639-Fossect.png]](
![[Image: 2678-Radiaution.png]](
![[Image: 2681-Gaffnowser.png]](
![[Image: 2698-Hydragrym.png]](
![[Image: 2699-Rooter.png]](
![[Image: 2708-Toxicdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2711-Alieninsect.png]](
![[Image: 2712-Batdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2714-Reptilicus.png]](
![[Image: 2756-Vinedragon.png]](
![[Image: 2758-Qing.png]](
![[Image: 2789-Ceratosaurus.png]](
![[Image: 2867-Werewolf.png]](
![[Image: 2868-Obsidian.png]](
![[Image: 2869-Vigor.png]](
![[Image: 2870-Megabat.png]](
![[Image: 2887-Donu.png]](
![[Image: 2888-Deca.png]](
![[Image: 2892-Greeneye.png]](
![[Image: 2898-Dragonvale.png]](
![[Image: 2902-Bossdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2904-Snowdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2907-Beta.png]](
![[Image: 2923-Orthocanna.png]](
![[Image: 2924-Gemstone.png]](
![[Image: 2925-Wingdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2926-Zeograth.png]](
![[Image: 2927-Firebird.png]](
![[Image: 2930-Seadragon.png]](
![[Image: 2932-Mechascorpion.png]](
![[Image: 2933-Skeletondragon.png]](
![[Image: 2939-Shadowtiger.png]](
![[Image: 2949-Cyberogre.png]](
![[Image: 2950-Angler.png]](
![[Image: 2952-Mechasnake.png]](
![[Image: 2955-Screwmon.png]](
![[Image: 2962-Rockgiant.png]](
![[Image: 2965-Blacktrex.png]](
![[Image: 2968-Mechadragon.png]](
Emissary Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+97):
![[Image: 2397-Skulldowvermon.png]](
![[Image: 2401-Bathyphysa.png]](
![[Image: 2407-Melanosuchus.png]](
![[Image: 2421-Airgead.png]](
![[Image: 2425-Icedrake.png]](
![[Image: 2428-Mullidae.png]](
![[Image: 2432-Buscobeast.png]](
![[Image: 2439-Hexalepis.png]](
![[Image: 2443-Lasius.png]](
![[Image: 2444-Terros.png]](
![[Image: 2459-Ursus.png]](
![[Image: 2460-Dramalli.png]](
![[Image: 2461-Ray.png]](
![[Image: 2462-Sonar.png]](
![[Image: 2463-Lumi.png]](
![[Image: 2472-Tigris.png]](
![[Image: 2476-Diamondhead.png]](
![[Image: 2480-Draik.png]](
![[Image: 2490-Wuailer.png]](
![[Image: 2494-Griphon.png]](
![[Image: 2509-Nivael.png]](
![[Image: 2513-Taomeng.png]](
![[Image: 2514-Firedrake.png]](
![[Image: 2515-Ninetails.png]](
![[Image: 2519-Vespira.png]](
![[Image: 2520-Greendragon.png]](
![[Image: 2523-Ahool.png]](
![[Image: 2524-Ziz.png]](
![[Image: 2537-Skrutter.png]](
![[Image: 2542-Billystorm.png]](
![[Image: 2543-Nekoma.png]](
![[Image: 2544-Larpupil.png]](
![[Image: 2545-Violamantis.png]](
![[Image: 2547-Drawtober.png]](
![[Image: 2553-Hornedhorse.png]](
![[Image: 2559-Xinaosura.png]](
![[Image: 2567-Yeti.png]](
![[Image: 2584-Wingless.png]](
![[Image: 2585-Spikedshark.png]](
![[Image: 2598-Glider.png]](
![[Image: 2599-Saxum.png]](
![[Image: 2605-Monon.png]](
![[Image: 2608-Gryphon.png]](
![[Image: 2613-Vulcan.png]](
![[Image: 2619-Staleon.png]](
![[Image: 2628-Deadict.png]](
![[Image: 2684-Alocoat.png]](
![[Image: 2685-Limpex.png]](
![[Image: 2687-Copperva.png]](
![[Image: 2688-Coppsule.png]](
![[Image: 2689-Oxytoova.png]](
![[Image: 2691-Abelisaurus.png]](
![[Image: 2692-Afrovenator.png]](
![[Image: 2694-Smaugust.png]](
![[Image: 2700-Jaka.png]](
![[Image: 2709-Swampdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2722-Gigabble.png]](
![[Image: 2723-Gigament.png]](
![[Image: 2724-Gigageist.png]](
![[Image: 2759-Seawing.png]](
![[Image: 2760-Xilidorsal.png]](
![[Image: 2761-Lionfishdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2762-Pipanemon.png]](
![[Image: 2763-Tweemon.png]](
![[Image: 2764-Kadumon.png]](
![[Image: 2765-Sabadimon.png]](
![[Image: 2770-Chinadrago.png]](
![[Image: 2783-Grassdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2804-Fuego.png]](
![[Image: 2815-Flamunny.png]](
![[Image: 2816-Jaflare.png]](
![[Image: 2817-Blazelope.png]](
![[Image: 2839-Bonobo.png]](
![[Image: 2840-Gorilla.png]](
![[Image: 2860-Oxygem.png]](
![[Image: 2863-Glacio.png]](
![[Image: 2871-Megacroc.png]](
![[Image: 2872-Eels.png]](
![[Image: 2874-Greenfox.png]](
![[Image: 2880-Siph.png]](
![[Image: 2891-Junix.png]](
![[Image: 2899-Alps.png]](
![[Image: 2900-Firewings.png]](
![[Image: 2906-Icebear.png]](
![[Image: 2908-Baboon.png]](
![[Image: 2910-Rooster.png]](
![[Image: 2913-Iceape.png]](
![[Image: 2922-Parrotking.png]](
![[Image: 2928-Firehorse.png]](
![[Image: 2931-Whitedraco.png]](
![[Image: 2941-Dodoraptor.png]](
![[Image: 2948-Alicorn.png]](
![[Image: 2956-Darkcrow.png]](
![[Image: 2959-Firespider.png]](
![[Image: 2960-Earthwolf.png]](
![[Image: 2961-Ancientowl.png]](
![[Image: 2964-Tigerking.png]](
Superior Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+133):
![[Image: 2402-Chiroptera.png]](
![[Image: 2403-Nicotiana.png]](
![[Image: 2404-Dryococelus.png]](
![[Image: 2411-Duskywing.png]](
![[Image: 2413-Cerdocyon.png]](
![[Image: 2419-Ammonite.png]](
![[Image: 2446-Crabking.png]](
![[Image: 2448-Dumbo.png]](
![[Image: 2449-Steamrobot.png]](
![[Image: 2450-Goldscorpion.png]](
![[Image: 2457-Cockatrice.png]](
![[Image: 2458-Megalodile.png]](
![[Image: 2471-Drosera.png]](
![[Image: 2474-Swampfire.png]](
![[Image: 2475-Canidae.png]](
![[Image: 2478-Elemon.png]](
![[Image: 2479-Heatblast.png]](
![[Image: 2486-Bomba.png]](
![[Image: 2491-Wildwing.png]](
![[Image: 2496-Snowmonster.png]](
![[Image: 2497-Slimespider.png]](
![[Image: 2499-Nightmare.png]](
![[Image: 2500-Hadrosaur.png]](
![[Image: 2505-Persian.png]](
![[Image: 2506-Gharial.png]](
![[Image: 2507-Bluesteel.png]](
![[Image: 2508-Nightdeer.png]](
![[Image: 2511-Triakis.png]](
![[Image: 2538-Parina.png]](
![[Image: 2539-Parasaur.png]](
![[Image: 2540-Scorvera.png]](
![[Image: 2541-Scorpowildo.png]](
![[Image: 2556-Bluemecha.png]](
![[Image: 2563-Brownbear.png]](
![[Image: 2565-Hyperion.png]](
![[Image: 2570-Tusk.png]](
![[Image: 2575-Tristate.png]](
![[Image: 2588-Treant.png]](
![[Image: 2589-Snowbomb.png]](
![[Image: 2601-Griffin.png]](
![[Image: 2602-Goldeneagle.png]](
![[Image: 2604-Pteropus.png]](
![[Image: 2610-Queenyamon.png]](
![[Image: 2611-Tigarurumon.png]](
![[Image: 2615-Varecia.png]](
![[Image: 2620-Spidra.png]](
![[Image: 2626-Armewda.png]](
![[Image: 2642-Geoghost.png]](
![[Image: 2643-Graghost.png]](
![[Image: 2676-Khamega.png]](
![[Image: 2683-Palaestra.png]](
![[Image: 2686-Ayadowel.png]](
![[Image: 2693-Seenua.png]](
![[Image: 2695-Tanua.png]](
![[Image: 2701-Rotaar.png]](
![[Image: 2715-Pupurn.png]](
![[Image: 2716-Wolflame.png]](
![[Image: 2717-Pyrokami.png]](
![[Image: 2719-Coelaling.png]](
![[Image: 2720-Ichtyorine.png]](
![[Image: 2721-Mosabemoth.png]](
![[Image: 2728-Shoshark.png]](
![[Image: 2729-Pardshark.png]](
![[Image: 2730-Bushat.png]](
![[Image: 2731-Vampirat.png]](
![[Image: 2732-Blueberrat.png]](
![[Image: 2738-Splasholf.png]](
![[Image: 2739-Liqwere.png]](
![[Image: 2740-Werepool.png]](
![[Image: 2768-Waterwolf.png]](
![[Image: 2769-Lutot.png]](
![[Image: 2771-Dratlemon.png]](
![[Image: 2772-Mofumon.png]](
![[Image: 2773-Guvemon.png]](
![[Image: 2774-Dragonflymon.png]](
![[Image: 2775-Yochimon.png]](
![[Image: 2776-Flochimon.png]](
![[Image: 2777-Hanabemon.png]](
![[Image: 2778-Mirimon.png]](
![[Image: 2779-Grarmon.png]](
![[Image: 2781-Exocomon.png]](
![[Image: 2782-Alepisaurumon.png]](
![[Image: 2784-Lodhmon.png]](
![[Image: 2785-Charagomon.png]](
![[Image: 2791-Caviramidae.png]](
![[Image: 2792-Kushu.png]](
![[Image: 2793-Hauceit.png]](
![[Image: 2794-Kilhunter.png]](
![[Image: 2803-Darthicon.png]](
![[Image: 2805-Blackhorse.png]](
![[Image: 2806-Wingedhorse.png]](
![[Image: 2807-Beheleaf.png]](
![[Image: 2808-Behebark.png]](
![[Image: 2809-Behemoss.png]](
![[Image: 2833-Seamonster.png]](
![[Image: 2834-Armoredshark.png]](
![[Image: 2835-Jotalic.png]](
![[Image: 2836-Iridon.png]](
![[Image: 2837-Osmigon.png]](
![[Image: 2838-Alloyvern.png]](
![[Image: 2841-Thyofen.png]](
![[Image: 2842-Greatshark.png]](
![[Image: 2849-Voltstinger.png]](
![[Image: 2850-Zappi.png]](
![[Image: 2861-Homaar.png]](
![[Image: 2862-Lobster.png]](
![[Image: 2864-Blackbat.png]](
![[Image: 2873-Ave.png]](
![[Image: 2883-Crystalmon.png]](
![[Image: 2886-Amphipod.png]](
![[Image: 2905-Firesalamander.png]](
![[Image: 2909-Bloodspider.png]](
![[Image: 2914-Goldenbird.png]](
![[Image: 2921-Helidragon.png]](
![[Image: 2929-Automato.png]](
![[Image: 2934-Catamount.png]](
![[Image: 2936-Bighorn.png]](
![[Image: 2937-Blackdraco.png]](
![[Image: 2938-Dracofly.png]](
![[Image: 2940-Ancientdriller.png]](
![[Image: 2943-Iceraptor.png]](
![[Image: 2945-Rockshield.png]](
![[Image: 2947-Hoarfrost.png]](
![[Image: 2951-Spirulida.png]](
![[Image: 2958-Foreststag.png]](
![[Image: 2963-Antprotector.png]](
![[Image: 2966-Forestwolf.png]](
![[Image: 2977-Turteen.png]](
![[Image: 2978-Turtank.png]](
![[Image: 2979-Turtidal.png]](
![[Image: 2980-Blupillar.png]](
![[Image: 2981-Silkocoon.png]](
![[Image: 2982-Faerifly.png]](
Regular Class following Monsters newly added to the game (+215):
![[Image: 2410-Automaton.png]](
![[Image: 2464-Chough.png]](
![[Image: 2465-Desmodus.png]](
![[Image: 2483-Fluffycow.png]](
![[Image: 2484-Robodog.png]](
![[Image: 2485-Wuyue.png]](
![[Image: 2487-Muertora.png]](
![[Image: 2488-Schameleon.png]](
![[Image: 2492-Acidile.png]](
![[Image: 2501-Dinobird.png]](
![[Image: 2502-Caudipteryx.png]](
![[Image: 2503-Redfish.png]](
![[Image: 2516-Merriami.png]](
![[Image: 2517-Luxali.png]](
![[Image: 2525-Paws.png]](
![[Image: 2526-Pangolin.png]](
![[Image: 2527-Furost.png]](
![[Image: 2528-Bankhartic.png]](
![[Image: 2529-Arcticub.png]](
![[Image: 2530-Pantundra.png]](
![[Image: 2531-Trilarva.png]](
![[Image: 2532-Platerobite.png]](
![[Image: 2533-Caloptox.png]](
![[Image: 2534-Grimra.png]](
![[Image: 2535-Goshock.png]](
![[Image: 2536-Galvadius.png]](
![[Image: 2546-Stagoat.png]](
![[Image: 2549-Arabel.png]](
![[Image: 2557-Kitox.png]](
![[Image: 2571-Greensnake.png]](
![[Image: 2577-Darkspider.png]](
![[Image: 2579-Hornedrabbit.png]](
![[Image: 2580-Flylizard.png]](
![[Image: 2581-Swallowtail.png]](
![[Image: 2582-Brownslug.png]](
![[Image: 2583-Hornet.png]](
![[Image: 2590-Hornedbeast.png]](
![[Image: 2591-Frostmane.png]](
![[Image: 2592-Tusker.png]](
![[Image: 2593-Serpentis.png]](
![[Image: 2594-Nightroc.png]](
![[Image: 2595-Nightmane.png]](
![[Image: 2596-Thornicrofti.png]](
![[Image: 2597-Arcticwolf.png]](
![[Image: 2600-Cloudlep.png]](
![[Image: 2603-Runagi.png]](
![[Image: 2606-Crystalizard.png]](
![[Image: 2607-Skink.png]](
![[Image: 2609-Wirm.png]](
![[Image: 2612-Voltmon.png]](
![[Image: 2614-Velveteon.png]](
![[Image: 2616-Toxparce.png]](
![[Image: 2617-Toxiclean.png]](
![[Image: 2618-Sunboro.png]](
![[Image: 2622-Quitomon.png]](
![[Image: 2623-Pawlaris.png]](
![[Image: 2624-Clustar.png]](
![[Image: 2625-Owloch.png]](
![[Image: 2627-Chamon.png]](
![[Image: 2629-Snowpuff.png]](
![[Image: 2630-Snowybear.png]](
![[Image: 2637-Hanaboar.png]](
![[Image: 2638-Ninjaott.png]](
![[Image: 2640-Drillsparce.png]](
![[Image: 2641-Intimidramon.png]](
![[Image: 2644-Gomoblimon.png]](
![[Image: 2645-Furroboros.png]](
![[Image: 2646-Farrew.png]](
![[Image: 2647-Farrow.png]](
![[Image: 2648-Antarctel.png]](
![[Image: 2649-Plugini.png]](
![[Image: 2650-Cerawatt.png]](
![[Image: 2651-Cesstoid.png]](
![[Image: 2652-Coronoid.png]](
![[Image: 2653-Rocky.png]](
![[Image: 2654-Goosh.png]](
![[Image: 2655-Quaggle.png]](
![[Image: 2656-Fowlant.png]](
![[Image: 2657-Luna.png]](
![[Image: 2658-Tia.png]](
![[Image: 2659-Gauntress.png]](
![[Image: 2660-Ibice.png]](
![[Image: 2661-Thermille.png]](
![[Image: 2662-Millacial.png]](
![[Image: 2663-Nageel.png]](
![[Image: 2664-Moranagi.png]](
![[Image: 2665-Moshka.png]](
![[Image: 2666-Morinori.png]](
![[Image: 2667-Olmold.png]](
![[Image: 2668-Moulder.png]](
![[Image: 2669-Podophiss.png]](
![[Image: 2670-Tesseriss.png]](
![[Image: 2671-Scolini.png]](
![[Image: 2672-Wyrmega.png]](
![[Image: 2673-Tenschnee.png]](
![[Image: 2674-Thermolophus.png]](
![[Image: 2675-Vitreorb.png]](
![[Image: 2677-Cuspup.png]](
![[Image: 2679-Etufo.png]](
![[Image: 2680-Startian.png]](
![[Image: 2682-Mineapple.png]](
![[Image: 2690-Sealook.png]](
![[Image: 2696-Teelade.png]](
![[Image: 2697-Musmince.png]](
![[Image: 2702-Snocat.png]](
![[Image: 2703-Lycycle.png]](
![[Image: 2704-Buffalo.png]](
![[Image: 2705-Muntjac.png]](
![[Image: 2706-Vepunis.png]](
![[Image: 2707-Vercalu.png]](
![[Image: 2718-Zyphreon.png]](
![[Image: 2725-Scorponox.png]](
![[Image: 2726-Genlasor.png]](
![[Image: 2727-Cravender.png]](
![[Image: 2733-Chicutic.png]](
![[Image: 2734-Colfairly.png]](
![[Image: 2735-Colfenair.png]](
![[Image: 2736-Ferlit.png]](
![[Image: 2737-Gloferine.png]](
![[Image: 2741-Furcoon.png]](
![[Image: 2742-Bugur.png]](
![[Image: 2743-Mothair.png]](
![[Image: 2744-Ghostspider.png]](
![[Image: 2745-Lemubrat.png]](
![[Image: 2746-Racur.png]](
![[Image: 2747-Origameon.png]](
![[Image: 2748-Poisonslug.png]](
![[Image: 2749-Fireslug.png]](
![[Image: 2750-Spinzal.png]](
![[Image: 2751-Retzoi.png]](
![[Image: 2752-Pondara.png]](
![[Image: 2753-Ripuire.png]](
![[Image: 2754-Frostflight.png]](
![[Image: 2755-Frigatox.png]](
![[Image: 2766-Slowsage.png]](
![[Image: 2767-Spritish.png]](
![[Image: 2780-Shuxyadramon.png]](
![[Image: 2786-Orcus.png]](
![[Image: 2787-Crockni.png]](
![[Image: 2788-Dwarfdragon.png]](
![[Image: 2790-Epidexipteryx.png]](
![[Image: 2795-Hippawn.png]](
![[Image: 2796-Kinneon.png]](
![[Image: 2797-Pilliga.png]](
![[Image: 2799-Yellowboyo.png]](
![[Image: 2800-Owstonboyo.png]](
![[Image: 2801-Burmese.png]](
![[Image: 2802-Bombay.png]](
![[Image: 2810-Weaslo.png]](
![[Image: 2811-Burgeasle.png]](
![[Image: 2812-Frinchicity.png]](
![[Image: 2813-Conduvian.png]](
![[Image: 2814-Fowlvolt.png]](
![[Image: 2818-Levsea.png]](
![[Image: 2819-Leviawave.png]](
![[Image: 2820-Tsuniathan.png]](
![[Image: 2821-Mewxie.png]](
![[Image: 2822-Meowspree.png]](
![[Image: 2823-Frillflitz.png]](
![[Image: 2824-Woski.png]](
![[Image: 2825-Misquiwah.png]](
![[Image: 2826-Misquinight.png]](
![[Image: 2827-Wormoth.png]](
![[Image: 2828-Mobulb.png]](
![[Image: 2829-Lumotha.png]](
![[Image: 2830-Lumie.png]](
![[Image: 2831-Magmil.png]](
![[Image: 2832-Mirrwight.png]](
![[Image: 2843-Elebug.png]](
![[Image: 2844-Voltantula.png]](
![[Image: 2845-Miniteddy.png]](
![[Image: 2846-Sciurinae.png]](
![[Image: 2847-Fuegoso.png]](
![[Image: 2848-Urso.png]](
![[Image: 2851-Pinesaur.png]](
![[Image: 2852-Tropisaur.png]](
![[Image: 2853-Maranachi.png]](
![[Image: 2854-Ramchic.png]](
![[Image: 2855-Crassel.png]](
![[Image: 2856-Liblikas.png]](
![[Image: 2857-Torpid.png]](
![[Image: 2858-Stelcoon.png]](
![[Image: 2859-Spycoono.png]](
![[Image: 2865-Stantler.png]](
![[Image: 2875-Altex.png]](
![[Image: 2876-Angora.png]](
![[Image: 2877-Bauscat.png]](
![[Image: 2881-Prisi.png]](
![[Image: 2882-Cirrina.png]](
![[Image: 2885-Xochi.png]](
![[Image: 2889-Sealpup.png]](
![[Image: 2890-Velvet.png]](
![[Image: 2893-Gaston.png]](
![[Image: 2894-Molly.png]](
![[Image: 2895-Ana.png]](
![[Image: 2896-Mallard.png]](
![[Image: 2897-Cragadile.png]](
![[Image: 2911-Boa.png]](
![[Image: 2912-Whitecrest.png]](
![[Image: 2915-Scalopus.png]](
![[Image: 2916-Mole.png]](
![[Image: 2942-Goldencrab.png]](
![[Image: 2944-Taurus.png]](
![[Image: 2967-Lamprey.png]](
![[Image: 2969-Shellclaw.png]](
![[Image: 2971-Berserker.png]](
![[Image: 2973-Lightfox.png]](
![[Image: 2974-Moriarty.png]](
![[Image: 2975-Flamound.png]](
![[Image: 2976-Wolflare.png]](
![[Image: 2983-Vesnull.png]](
![[Image: 2984-Vipython.png]](
![[Image: 2985-Snailog.png]](
![[Image: 2986-Trunklug.png]](
![[Image: 2987-Laminish.png]](
The number of total new Monsters have been added to the game is 608
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Reward EXP and Gold amount of each NPCs in the following maps have been increased by the following percentages (100% is base so e.g. 150% means 50% increase) to improve game difficulty balance and such balance will be made after each update:
- Lily Pond : 225%
- Tree Trail : 144%
- Azaleas Path : 282%
- Bluegill Lakes : 230%
- Crossroad Path : 113%
- Lodgepole Town : 221%
- Windmill Valley : 308%
- Orchid Valley : 282%
- Plain Forest : 280%
- Manor Town : 147%
- Silt Road : 205%
- Solar Lake : 259%
- Clover Forest : 59%
- Lazuli Plains : 157%
- Haystack Plains : 118%
- Gateway Road : 31%
- Central Plains : 285%
- Adrenalin Valley : 215%
- Progress City : 277%
- Samnite Arena : 195%
- Eagle Valley : 112%
- Bridge Pathway : 93%
- Crystal Mines F1 : 358%
- Crystal Mines F2 : 350%
- Condor Valley : 139%
- Autumn Path : 79%
- Chlorophyll Town : 95%
- Eerie Path : 162%
- Vine Swamps : 67%
- Dire Woods : 91%
- Grand Ruins : 61%
- Defiled Ruins : 69%
- Swamped Valley : 130%
- Treetop Town : 82%
- Falcon Ponds : 59%
- Caterpillar Lake : 166%
- Mysterious Meadow : 64%
- Robin Woods : 60%
- Woodville Town : 83%
- Grand Field : 75%
- Crow Woods : 142%
- Broad Meadow : 87%
- Oak Meadow : 98%
- Tulip City : 140%
- Photosynthetic Arena : 188%
- Flower Pot Meadow : 60%
- Pinetree Lane : 194%
- Root Cave F1 : 49%
- Root Cave F2 : 64%
- Spider Cove : 67%
- Centipede Jungle : 120%
- Caterpillar Valley : 53%
- Grasshopper Way : 158%
- Mantis Town : 148%
- Earwig Lake : 162%
- Butterfly Woods : 74%
- Insectoid Lane : 768%
- Cricket Valley : 248%
- Termite Town : 116%
- Bumblebee Path : 171%
- Hornet Path : 223%
- Webbed Valley : 193%
- Beetle Town : 135%
- Crawling Pathway : 114%
- Sullen Woods : 332%
- Crescent Valley : 144%
- Blooming Valley : 103%
- Wasp Territory : 202%
- Dragonfly City : 148%
- Hive Arena : 217%
- Whipscorpion Path : 125%
- Tarantula Path : 191%
- Slow Worm Nest F1 : 79%
- Slow Worm Nest F2 : 129%
- Venom Forest : 124%
- Black Widow Way : 191%
- Poisonous Path : 132%
- Poison Barb Town : 127%
- Poison Ivy Path : 102%
- Toxic Woods : 328%
- Scorpion Fields : 201%
- Foxglove Pathway : 213%
- Mantella Town : 133%
- Plague Forest : 116%
- Moldy Woods : 136%
- Gloomy Crossing : 169%
- Snake Path : 113%
- Porcupine Pathway : 198%
- Recluse Town : 108%
- Cobra Meadow : 511%
- Treefrog Glade : 111%
- Mosquito Route : 136%
- Killer Bee Path : 456%
- Death Stalker City : 611%
- Nightshade Arena : 222%
- Fallout Fields : 471%
- Dart Frog Forest : 265%
- Toxic Cave F1 : 104%
- Toxic Cave F2 : 120%
- Bass Swamp : 172%
- Pelican Peninsula : 213%
- Aqua Islands : 89%
- Angler Town : 332%
- Fishermans Cove : 167%
- Paradise Island : 182%
- Deep Sea Island : 176%
- Hydro Beach : 155%
- Dumbbell Isle : 93%
- Shipwreck Atoll : 172%
- Pirate Town : 200%
- Seashell Islands : 93%
- Cruising Isle : 200%
- Sand Skull Island : 185%
- Water Walkway : 221%
- Raft Town : 314%
- Pebble Isles : 118%
- Coral Atoll : 96%
- Resort Isle : 176%
- Shark Islands : 148%
- Ocean Breeze City : 102%
- Tsunami Arena : 126%
- Climb Up Shore : 146%
- Flooded Cave F1 : 109%
- Flooded Cave F2 : 188%
- Seaweed Cave F1 : 126%
- Seaweed Cave F2 : 148%
- Penguin Walk : 375%
- Snowy Forest : 276%
- Frost Valley : 247%
- Breeze Hill : 142%
- Snow Lake Path : 157%
- Frozen Lake : 171%
- Slippery Forest : 78%
- Snowflake Town : 73%
- Albatross Path : 235%
- Sled Hill : 283%
- Polar Bear Path : 267%
- Frozen Town : 334%
- Glacier Cliffs : 221%
- Chilling Route : 205%
- Frosty Forest : 212%
- Iceberg City : 141%
- Arctic Arena : 188%
- Mammoth Road : 220%
- Blizzard Hill : 118%
- Freezing Pathway : 169%
- Subzero Town : 282%
- Frozen River Falls : 293%
- Refreshing Path : 250%
- Chilled Cave F1 : 103%
- Chilled Cave F2 : 121%
- Glacier Cave F1 : 259%
- Glacier Cave F2 : 322%
- Overheated Desert : 591%
- Sandstorm Forest : 218%
- Sandstone Path : 237%
- Central Desert Town : 227%
- Arid Path : 71%
- Abandoned Hill : 121%
- Ancient Ruins : 177%
- Cactus Sands : 128%
- Desert Oasis : 114%
- Twin Sand Lakes : 169%
- Barren Sands : 115%
- Anteater Town : 169%
- Stable Road : 223%
- Sand Bridge Valley : 165%
- Saguaro Way : 114%
- Lone Pyramid Path : 122%
- Oasis Town : 203%
- Rattlesnake Path : 179%
- Sand Dune Path : 120%
- Fortified City : 44%
- Armadillo Arena : 140%
- Withered Path : 154%
- Kangaroo Route : 268%
- Quicksand Cave F1 : 263%
- Quicksand Cave F2 : 88%
- Quicksand Cave F3 : 197%
- Gravel Path : 260%
- Rocky Road : 299%
- Stone Walk : 270%
- Obsidian Pathway : 174%
- Boulder Town : 173%
- Sapphire Route : 269%
- Coal Path : 169%
- Craggy Path : 80%
- Rocky Cliffs : 185%
- Mineral Path : 215%
- Quartz Town : 138%
- Dangerous Bridges : 352%
- Iguana Valley : 295%
- Gecko Valley : 158%
- Scorpionfly Route : 229%
- Miner Town : 183%
- Excavator Path : 180%
- Cautious Path : 139%
- Crystal Cliffs : 268%
- Glyptodon City : 170%
- Terra Arena : 209%
- Rocket Path : 291%
- Molten Exit : 440%
- Rocky Mines F1 : 106%
- Rocky Mines F2 : 243%
- Rocky Cave F1 : 315%
- Rocky Cave F2 : 179%
- Hard Rock Cave F1 : 408%
- Hard Rock Cave F2 : 116%
- Hard Rock Cave F3 : 340%
- Singed Alley : 232%
- Burning Route : 235%
- Boiling Bridge : 163%
- Hot Meadows : 164%
- Ash Path : 182%
- Ember Beach : 169%
- Scorched Town : 968%
- Volcanic Ruins : 465%
- Molten Land : 227%
- Fiery Crossing : 312%
- Blazing Arch : 112%
- Volcano Route : 266%
- Charred Stone Town : 374%
- Lava Bridge : 124%
- Charred Pathway : 135%
- Lavaflow Town : 241%
- Magma Walks : 235%
- Charcoal Route : 401%
- Fireside Walks : 274%
- Volcano City : 45%
- Fireball Arena : 226%
- Torched Tree Path : 200%
- Charred Exit : 654%
- Magma Cave F1 : 398%
- Magma Cave F2 : 158%
- Ruby Cave F1 : 208%
- Ruby Cave F2 : 128%
- Tesla Forest : 186%
- Electrified Path : 469%
- Magnet Valley : 160%
- Oriental Hornet Forest : 157%
- Satellite Valley : 262%
- Sungrazer Path : 104%
- Electron Forest : 146%
- Volt Town : 206%
- Tension Forest : 294%
- Electro Rock Valley : 344%
- Jolt Path : 387%
- Voltage Tower Path : 418%
- Electro Town : 633%
- Electro Tower Valley : 380%
- Anodic Path : 219%
- Voltaic Town : 275%
- Magnetic Path : 346%
- Arch Valley : 199%
- Thunder Valley : 320%
- Energy Forest : 295%
- Lightning Strike Path : 346%
- Power Center City : 47%
- Lightning Arena : 76%
- Volt Rock Cave F1 : 382%
- Volt Rock Cave F2 : 208%
- Voltaic Cave F1 : 241%
- Voltaic Cave F2 : 113%
- Illuminated Valley : 454%
- Flashing Forest : 448%
- Illuminated Ruins : 323%
- Solar Valley : 167%
- Photon Town : 287%
- Golden Valley : 296%
- Beam Path : 87%
- Sky Valley : 481%
- Spectrum Route : 154%
- Xenon Path : 321%
- Ray Town : 304%
- Glimmering Forest : 102%
- Enlightened Way : 388%
- Radiation Woods : 75%
- Laser Town : 205%
- Electromagnetic Forest : 330%
- Galaxy Path : 308%
- Rigel Forest : 505%
- Moonlight Valley : 207%
- Star Light City : 116%
- Luminous Arena : 94%
- Shimmering Path : 123%
- Radiant Exit : 67%
- Illuminated Cave F1 : 164%
- Illuminated Cave F2 : 139%
- Glow Cave F1 : 203%
- Glow Cave F2 : 47%
- Boxing Path : 224%
- Archer Valley : 277%
- Scar Town : 427%
- Warriors Valley : 95%
- Clash Route : 177%
- Kickboxing Valley : 166%
- Combat Fields : 224%
- Karate Path : 280%
- Battle Town : 229%
- Mud Swamp : 126%
- Taekwondo Path : 330%
- Guardians Route : 184%
- Path Of Tears : 180%
- Abbas Town : 561%
- Glorious Path : 140%
- Rambo Route : 518%
- Berserker Path : 145%
- Ninja Valley : 184%
- Martial City : 86%
- Barbarians Arena : 115%
- Protectors Path : 97%
- Defenders Path : 134%
- Struggle Exit : 115%
- Training Cave F1 : 285%
- Training Cave F2 : 245%
- Training Cave F3 : 307%
- Cave Of Tears F1 : 494%
- Cave Of Tears F2 : 124%
- Mechanic Forest : 216%
- Steel Valley : 256%
- Nickel Route : 409%
- Boron Town : 142%
- Structure Route : 396%
- Metallic Fields : 220%
- Iron Fields : 278%
- Manganese Road : 141%
- Crystal Fields : 135%
- Steelworks Town : 89%
- Ironbar Field : 128%
- Diamond Valley : 260%
- Grand Mineral Valley : 170%
- Tungsten Valley : 200%
- Diamond Town : 369%
- Cobalt Road : 518%
- Carbide Path : 155%
- Grand Bridge Valley : 101%
- Copper Valley : 134%
- Ferrous City : 96%
- Titanium Arena : 145%
- Steel Forged Path : 83%
- Metal Gate Way : 57%
- Steel Cavern F1 : 139%
- Steel Cavern F2 : 447%
- Steel Cavern F3 : 79%
- Iron Mines F1 : 107%
- Iron Mines F2 : 169%
- Aries Path : 251%
- Gemini Path : 141%
- Telepathic Ruins : 278%
- Taurus Road : 169%
- Paranormal Forest : 250%
- Stone Shroom Path : 428%
- Telekinetic Valley : 277%
- Scorpio Town : 903%
- Psychokinetic Forest : 295%
- Ridged Valley : 491%
- Drowsy Lane : 300%
- Mystic Town : 176%
- Strange Valley : 372%
- Aquarius Road : 204%
- Psychotic Forest : 272%
- Telepathist Path : 166%
- Perception Valley : 772%
- Mentality Springs Town : 431%
- Rose Valley : 149%
- Capricorn Road : 474%
- Sagittarius Path : 216%
- Sakura City : 188%
- Galactic Arena : 285%
- Metaphysical Cave F1 : 261%
- Metaphysical Cave F2 : 113%
- Telepathic Cave F1 : 165%
- Telepathic Cave F2 : 182%
- Blossom Exit : 225%
- Vulture Path : 324%
- Tempest Valley : 359%
- Zeppelin Valley : 729%
- Cloud Town : 482%
- Air Balloon Forest : 139%
- Cloudy Cove : 365%
- Cloud Mountains Path : 102%
- Takeoff Valley : 519%
- Helium Valley : 192%
- Goose Route : 407%
- Nebula Town : 483%
- Tornado Path : 287%
- Rainbow Forest : 305%
- Orion Valley : 110%
- Star Town : 432%
- Sky Tower Valley : 395%
- Breeze Fields : 427%
- Wing Valley : 270%
- Azure Path : 200%
- Airborne City : 256%
- Hurricane Arena : 321%
- Sky Terra Exit : 95%
- Haunted Path : 279%
- Crypt Forest : 276%
- Graveyard Valley : 165%
- Corroded Cove : 104%
- Creeping Valley : 113%
- Phantom Town : 344%
- Creaking Valley : 177%
- Illusion Forest : 355%
- Spooky Valley : 251%
- Specter Valley : 253%
- Poltergeist Forest : 317%
- Raven Valley : 300%
- Spooky Town : 230%
- Grave Markers Valley : 334%
- Gloomy Forest : 145%
- Grieving Valley : 277%
- Haunted Cavern Town : 266%
- Screaming Valley : 430%
- Malevolent Gateway : 146%
- Panic Valley : 144%
- Nightmare City : 88%
- Spectre Arena : 300%
- Frightening Exit : 99%
- Cave Of Captivation F1 : 262%
- Cave Of Captivation F2 : 670%
- Soul Cave F1 : 241%
- Soul Cave F2 : 265%
- Soul Cave F3 : 647%
- Draco Valley : 584%
- Serpent Forest : 601%
- Dragons Den : 275%
- Pyro Valley : 130%
- Draconic Ruins : 66%
- Drake Town : 688%
- Dragons Well : 221%
- Wyrm Ridge : 425%
- Mist Path : 330%
- Wyvern Town : 503%
- Lindworm Cove : 265%
- Reptile Valley : 650%
- Tyrannosaurus Forest : 255%
- Dragon Territory : 296%
- Ruins Lake : 240%
- Draco Lizard Town : 388%
- Lizard Valley : 501%
- Meteor Falls : 98%
- Hydra Valley : 514%
- Sky Dragon City : 91%
- Legendary Arena : 174%
- Scale Grotto : 461%
- Dragon Lands Exit : 149%
- Magma Chamber F1 : 508%
- Magma Chamber F2 : 407%
- Magma Chamber F3 : 548%
- Dragon Hive F1 : 385%
- Dragon Hive F2 : 442%
- Dragon Hive F3 : 409%
- Ominous Valley : 338%
- Eroding Valley : 276%
- Darkened Path : 928%
- Dark Wasteland : 550%
- Malevolent Grave : 578%
- Marble Cave F1 : 220%
- Marble Cave F2 : 264%
- Marble Cave F3 : 59%
- Fossil Cave F1 : 80%
- Fossil Cave F2 : 210%
- Fossil Cave F3 : 197%
- Nefarious Town : 516%
- Cruel Valley : 245%
- Dusk Valley : 646%
- Shady Fields : 538%
- Murky Fields : 460%
- Obscure Town : 498%
- Shrouded Fields : 770%
- Blight Plains : 1062%
- Sunless Plains : 528%
- Shapeless Fields : 962%
- Doomed Valley : 710%
- Gloom Town : 588%
- Destroyed Fields : 280%
- Faint Forest : 1010%
- Nebulous City : 251%
- Dreary Arena : 466%
- Shadow Fields : 1757%
- Twilight Exit : 211%
- Bleak Cavern F1 : 716%
- Bleak Cavern F2 : 1171%
- Bleak Cavern F3 : 781%
- Mystifying Cavern F1 : 388%
- Mystifying Cavern F2 : 1331%
- Mystifying Cavern F3 : 1222%
- Brightened Gateway : 143%
- Vivid Valley : 133%
- Pleasant Woods : 170%
- New Grass Path : 213%
- New Blossom Path : 208%
- Wild Wood Way : 343%
- Flourished Town : 303%
- Grove Ridge Forest : 469%
- Bushy Grass Path : 285%
- Wide Road Way : 156%
- Twigged Path : 134%
- Colored Fields : 278%
- Oak Town : 296%
- Back Wood Path : 333%
- Forest Clearing : 120%
- Shrubby Path : 559%
- Hilltop Town : 145%
- Battle Fields : 386%
- Old Tree Path : 162%
- Perennial Forest : 355%
- Long Life Forest : 123%
- Grand Monster Capital : 146%
- Grand Master Arena : 95%
- Exalted Cavern F1 : 167%
- Exalted Cavern F2 : 358%
- Exalted Cavern F3 : 81%
- Fused Cave F1 : 219%
- Fused Cave F2 : 268%
- TimeWorn Cave F1 : 285%
- TimeWorn Cave F2 : 50%
- TimeWorn Cave F3 : 414%
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2022-04-19, 12:31 AM
38.0) Manage Reward Monsters page were lagging at some users due to page size. The number of displayed Monsters in that page has been reduced to 25 from 50 to reduce this possible lag issue and improve overall user experience :
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2022-04-29, 10:50 PM
39.0) On the page that lists the users you have blocked on the chat screen, if there were too many users you have blocked, there was interface corruption problem and this has been fixed.
39.1) You can now delete all the users you blocked on the chat screen from the blocked list at once
39.1) You can now delete all the users you blocked on the chat screen from the blocked list at once
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
40.0) IP-Country matching table has been updated. Therefore, the country of the players should be more accurate now
41.0) When sorting by the Total Number of Monsters at the Top Trainers page, maximum of 10 of the each Monster was taken into account instead of the user's all Monsters. This bug has been fixed :
41.0) When sorting by the Total Number of Monsters at the Top Trainers page, maximum of 10 of the each Monster was taken into account instead of the user's all Monsters. This bug has been fixed :
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
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