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Version 1.2.0 TEST
(2012-11-30, 10:46 PM)TexasToast Wrote: Errors I noticed:
Nytinel cannot learn Mega Radiation, and therefore cannot evolve. Either this should change in the update, or the evolution method should be edited.

Also, it said Henrie was the concept artist. Since Nytinel and Nytenos were my creations, I would like a change to the Concept Artist box. I hope this will be fixed soon, or at the very least in the final update. If I am not credited for my concepts in the final update, I will delete all of my concepts that I have posted on my drawings thread, and I will place the thread under permanent hiatus, request lock, and refuse to put any more of my creative energy into this game, be it concepts, characters, places, or new features. If this seems drastic, I apologize, but I really have no regrets. I get very nasty when angered; I had to come back and edit this post to make it calmer and less of a rant. (And if it was just a trivial oversight, forgive my drastic measures, plz.)

And if this is ignored when the update officially occurs, I will send a formal complaint PM to both Henrie and CeFurkan, because I know Henrie will back me up, and CeFurkan... Well, he's CeFurkan. He can fix it; it's his game. Wink
ye there was a move error fixed that at the software

also by threatening you can not achieve anything. though i fixed the name problem.
edited post
[Image: 9s5dhk.jpg]
concept artist things will be fixed at next update

post them here
(2012-11-30, 11:18 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: concept artist things will be fixed at next update

post them here
All of my concepts:
Triloflight *not lilobite or morbite*
[Image: 9s5dhk.jpg]
Oh... Okay. Thank you. YAY NOW I'M HAPPY! I should really learn to get over myself faster. >.> I'm such an emotional young female Earthling human. o.e
Now that my screen of creative wrath has been erased, (and my self-esteem bruised from overzealously attacking the administrator, only to be struck down by the all-powerful hand of justice) I can see clearly that this update is going to be SO FLIPPIN' AMAZING
I haven't signed up for the test server in a while because of the account deletes that frequently happen with every patch. Now, I'm tempted to jump in face-first from the sheer, overwhelming awesomeness of it all. And now I don't have to delete my concepts! I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that. *guilty face*
I shall take my leave to join the ranks of the Millenial Dex...
WHEN FIRST I APPEAR, I SEEM MYSTERIOUS! But when explained, I'm nothing serious. :3
Find me on deviantART, FanFiction, or YouTube!
Co-Composer of the Monster MMORPG Soundtrack
There is no effect description on the move called 'Water Symbol'....
[Image: 2zpicqx.jpg]
[Image: 2vru43d.jpg]
the move snaka needs to evolve cant learn it
What if all the Ancient Greek Sculptures are actually Victims of Medusa 0_0
yay!! way to go drawers,graphic designers, leaders!! thanks everyone for your hard work!! =^-^=

[Image: 4ab640cb58ed8813afd342449a09e628.jpg]
 3DS FC: 0103-9714-7767
 Name: Dexter
 Friend Safari: Electric

(2012-12-01, 12:17 AM)Char02 Wrote: There is no effect description on the move called 'Water Symbol'....
[Image: 2zpicqx.jpg]
thanks for reporting fixed

Quote:the move snaka needs to evolve cant learn it
all this kind of errors will be fixed at next patch
thank you for your hard work cefurk
What if all the Ancient Greek Sculptures are actually Victims of Medusa 0_0
Glad to see update, but I can't do anything i have exams
[Image: ZekromSig.png]

Credits to SparrowHawk
(2012-12-01, 01:27 AM)Pein Wrote: Glad to see update, but I can't do anything i have exams
[Image: 4ab640cb58ed8813afd342449a09e628.jpg]
 3DS FC: 0103-9714-7767
 Name: Dexter
 Friend Safari: Electric

hmm why does the move metal armor burn the enemy?
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
Amazing as always Cefurkan InshAllah we will see this working perfectly in the real game soon =]
[Image: tumblr_m8mm02adYC1qgqflko1_500.gif]
(2012-12-01, 01:30 AM)fjkulit Wrote: hmm why does the move metal armor burn the enemy?
move names and their features matching will be fixed just before going real server
okat thanks.. There are currently lots of errors...
some of them.. spelling/grammar
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
Are We Gonna Update Npc This Week Or .... i can't wait for big update ._.
Are the Npc's Even Done Yet?
[Image: patrick_star_signature__by_astra_star-d393bi2.jpg]
this bush has monsters?
coordinate # 2837

can't post image, photobucket became stupid
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
(2012-12-01, 02:14 AM)Danny Wrote: Are We Gonna Update Npc This Week Or .... i can't wait for big update ._.
Are the Npc's Even Done Yet?
npc images are almost done i suppose
still waiting the guy who is gonna complete them
but i did not work on npc assignment software yet

but i do have plans

such as each map contains 2 npc and those npcs has the most powerful monsters of that map Big Grin

gym leaders will have the most powerful of that zone ^^
2 ancients here
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
i can't wait , is there anyway we can update the maps into the real server W/ monsters and wait for npcs ? :c old maps getn
[Image: patrick_star_signature__by_astra_star-d393bi2.jpg]
(2012-12-01, 03:11 AM)fjkulit Wrote: 2 ancients here
ye but they appear differently
so there is no problem Smile
(2012-12-01, 03:15 AM)Danny Wrote: i can't wait , is there anyway we can update the maps into the real server W/ monsters and wait for npcs ? :c old maps getn
Seems I should keep much better track of monster concepts. I realized this a little while back and started keeping a record of it. x'D Will make more effort in the future to make sure Cef has this information during updates. Larger updates, it is harder to coordinate so many details at once.

Also, thank-you to all of the testers, especially the ones finding errors in the Monster-Pedia; finding those now is a good thing. If there are any more evolution hiccups, let Cef know here. ^_^

Monster concept credits:
Nytinel (TexasToast) --- Nytenos (TexasToast)
Treeant (Henrie) --- Prowood (Rock127)
Lilobite (Henrie) --- Triloflight (zacherymatthews) --- Morbite (Henrie)
Kittoxic (Henrie) --- Sabern (Kamenashi)
Dracolor (zacherymatthews)
Killipede (SlimJimForHim)
Eelloy (Henrie) --- Psycheel (Sparrow Hawk)

And that should conclude the new monsters that were suggested by forum users and drawn by me. You know, in a handy list. x'D Thanks for catching the error guys, it was an honest mistake and I haven't combed the dex like I wanted to yet. In the future, PM's are nice. c: We're not trying to cheat anyone out of anything.
[Image: MightyenaSig.png]
henrie! where's the 3 you said you'll announce today >Big Grin

edit: it seems that i'm the only one checking in the test server.. Sad
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
(2012-12-01, 03:32 AM)fjkulit Wrote: henrie! where's the 3 you said you'll announce today >Big Grin

edit: it seems that i'm the only one checking in the test server.. Sad
I am so totally still on Friday, futere-dude! XD Gathering my batch of spams for my regular thread first. Do not worry, I will reveal your new monsters. c: (Though they'll be added to the game later. I'm 99% sure it's easier for Cef to add/update monsters in bunches. I don't want to impede his progress on new game features.)
(2012-12-01, 03:49 AM)Henrie Wrote:
(2012-12-01, 03:32 AM)fjkulit Wrote: henrie! where's the 3 you said you'll announce today >Big Grin

edit: it seems that i'm the only one checking in the test server.. Sad
I am so totally still on Friday, futere-dude! XD Gathering my batch of spams for my regular thread first. Do not worry, I will reveal your new monsters. c: (Though they'll be added to the game later. I'm 99% sure it's easier for Cef to add/update monsters in bunches. I don't want to impede his progress on new game features.)
LOL, it's already saturday here XP
hahahahaha ok, I'm just that excited
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
Problems encountered so far for me:
Edistorm is spelled Edistrom by accident.
Jealothelo should evolve from Iagoat (It should be Greeyed -> Iagoat -> Jealothelo)
[Image: GolurkSig.png] Sig by SparrowHawk. Go check his sigs out.
Sorry, I got up at 6 am just to check some stuff out.

Concepts of le art?


I believe that is all from me.
Prowood was my concept :3
[Image: cyprawl.png]

But Treeant was surprising...
Constantly dying yet never dead
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