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I'll set up some guidelines for each team here. We are basically in Beta and if we have teams, we are needing guidelines.

War Guidelines :
  • War Records - Each team are to hold records of every war they have. No matter if you win, lose, or lose all the time. You have to have a war record. Place the winner first and the loser second.
  • Battles - If it was a 1 team on 1 team war, each battle between users are 2/3. You can use up to any members you want.
  • Rematching - You cannot rematch a team on the same day, you have to wait at least 2 days.
  • War Status - Also, teams are allowed to withdraw from war status. Each team will have a notice on their front page saying if they are available for wars or not. No one can force a team into a war. You are allowed to refuse wars ^_^ But you cannot refuse a war offer every time. Teams cannot withdraw from wars longer than 2 weeks.
Official/Unofficial Teams :
  • Official Team - To be an official team, the founder must have at least 2-3 other members without counting them self. Another official team can be of 1 person but that person has to at least be in the top 10. Also, register your team in the team census.
  • Unofficial Team - Basically the opposite with additions. If a team is made with only the founder and they are not in the top 10, it can not be a team until that person has recruited 2-3 people.
What a Team/Guild Should Have in Their Opening Post :
  • Requirements to join.
  • A slogan.
  • Ranks/Members List
  • Your reasoning for the team. Your team's goal.
  • A monster type and a mascot.
  • Any kind of cool artwork that symbolizes your team.
Some Extra Features to Spice Up Your Guild! :
  • Special Groups/Special Tasks - Make Special groups for certain stuff to do, special tasks for some members to specialize in.
  • Traitors - Those who left for whatever reason, if it's legit for you or not legit, they left = not loyal.
  • Branches - A sub-guild to have for lower members or another group
  • Team Account - A team account to store donations and all team financial/monster items for events and stuff.
  • Event Page - Have an event page that contains tournaments, lotteries, different activities to keep your guild going.
  • Mission Page - Something to have for your members to stay active in the game. Make up a system
Recommendations from Higher Ups! :
  • Get some good members that have full game knowledge and forum knowledge to assist with members that don't have that knowledge
  • PVP experts in team can help with all issues relevant to Pvp
  • Trust-worthy substitute or co-worker is an important asset to have when running a guild. You will need a backup leader to run the guild in your absence, you can set restrictions as well, as it is your guild.
This will be updated.
(2011-09-01, 01:48 PM)Deidara Wrote: I'll set up some guidelines for each team here. We are basically in Beta and if we have teams, we are needing guidelines.
  • Wars : Each team are to hold records of every war they have. No matter if you win, lose, or lose all the time. You have to have a war record. Place the winner first and the loser second. If it was a 1 team on 1 team war, each battle between users are 2/3. You cannot rematch a team on the same day, you have to wait at least 1 day. Also, teams are allowed to withdraw from war status. Each team will have a notice on their front page saying if they are available for wars or not. No one can force a team into a war. You are allowed to refuse wars ^_^ But you cannot refuse a war offer every time.
  • Official/Unofficial Teams : To be an official team, the founder must have at least 2-3 other members without counting them self. Another official team can be of 1 person but that person has to at least be in the top 10. An unofficial team is the opposite ._. If a team is made with only the founder and they are not in the top 10, it can not be a team until that person has recruited 2-3 people.
This will be updated.
Each team are to hold records of every war they have, No matter if you win, lose, or lose all the time, You have to have a war record, and you must place the winner first and the loser second. Wars may only last one week, at which time they will be considered over. You may not have more than three wars on one team in a months time. There are three things that determine a winner;
a. The amount of monsters defeated (IE. Team A defeats 12 monsters and Team B defeats 15 monsters, Team B is the winner). Total match wins do not matter.

b. A tourney style battle in which all players enter a tournament and battle each other until one side no longer has any members.

c. The team may have it's strongest members/leaders brawl it out in a straight battle.

Also, teams are allowed to withdraw from war status; although this counts as a defeat, as does refusing to partake in a war. A team may go into "Team Vacation" to refuse wars. See the clause on "Team Vacation" For more information.

While you reserve
the right to not partake in a war, you may not refuse 3 wars in a row. If you do and proof is provided, you will be subject to team suspension. See the "Team suspension" Clause for more information.

CeFurkan Wrote:
@Nitz_X u really should leave this game
[Image: kSLYA.png]
*is wondering where the clauses are* lol

And Nitz I was going to update it later <_<
I know dei, but I think all teams need to have a part in this. Were drafting a team constitution here, so we all have to be a part of it, not just one person. If only one person makes it, no one will follow it.
CeFurkan Wrote:
@Nitz_X u really should leave this game
[Image: kSLYA.png]
(2011-09-01, 06:02 PM)Nitz_X Wrote: I know dei, but I think all teams need to have a part in this. Were drafting a team constitution here, so we all have to be a part of it, not just one person. If only one person makes it, no one will follow it.
I wasn't even doing this as a TL, I was kinda doing it was a SM tbh.
so your saying my team could get suspend for not taking part in a war 3 times in a row seems i have to appoint a new leader then Dodgy
[Image: ZekromSig.png]

Credits to SparrowHawk
hmm... want me to sticky this?
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
(2011-09-01, 09:20 PM)Guider456 Wrote: hmm... want me to sticky this?
It was already stickied but Idk what happened.

ok then
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
..this is still in effect?
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Teams are seriously dead and there are other things to work on then fooling around with this.
akatslowi isnt dead.chrono isnt.PH isnt.this does get some poeple into the game(like quanto/myself)
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I'm just talking about overall activity. What do we have in the game so far? r.r Nothing dealing with teams.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
how do people join a guild

(2012-01-25, 01:55 PM)blackace890 Wrote: how do people join a guild
Each guild has it's own guild lines. Check their pages.
CeFurkan Wrote:
@Nitz_X u really should leave this game
[Image: kSLYA.png]
Not to be rude or anything but....whats to say we have to follow these guidlines
We are currently looking for new members of our guild, and we are willing to help people in learning more about this game.

If you are interested in joining our guild, you may sign up here:
just a general consensus that says if you don't everyone else will hate on you.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
this looks realizable i cant wait to form a team
I also can't wait to for a team of my own ^.^

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