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Rune's Monster Designs
Howdy do and salutations folks my name is Runeis Arune aka KirinWorks and I'm one of the new artist.

I enjoy drawing for the simpleness..well of drawing!

If you want to see something fleshed out don't be shy about pming me.

Currently I am busy redrawing a few of my older monsters.

-Monster Profiles-

Name: Wookey
Size: 4'1
Weight: 75.9 Pounds
Stage: One
The Brush Monkey Monster
Pronunciation: Woo-Key

Monster Type: Grass Elemental Monster
Monster Codex info- Wookey comes in both male and female forms however the females tend to be a lot more shy than the males.

Name: Furtama
Size: 5'0
Weight: 173 Pounds
Stage: Two
The Woodland Ape Monster
Pronunciation: Fur-Ta-ma

Monster Type: Grass Elemental Monster
Monster Codex info- Furtamas are known to be territorial and in some rare cases have been known to eat tamers who do not have monsters at their side.

Name: Tikidra
Size: 10'0
Weight: 839 Pounds
Stage: Three
The Guardian Beast Monster
Pronunciation: Tea-key-dra

Monster Type: Grass/Dragon Elemental Monster
Monster Codex info- Having fully grown up they outgrow their territorial nature and become highly attached to their environment and tamer.

Name: Floraby
Size: 2'8
Weight: 15.3 Pounds
Stage: One
The Seedling Egg Monster
Pronunciation: -Flow-rah-be

Monster Type: Grass/Flying Elemental Monster
Monster Codex info- Floraby use their umbrella like stems to collect sunlight and catch the breeze for flight.

Name: Furtama
Size: 4.0
Weight: 59.0 Pounds
Stage: Two
The Brush Raptor Monster
Pronunciation: Or-chi-rus

Monster Type: Grass/Flying Elemental Monster
Monster Codex info- Having lost it's protective seed like shell Orchirus tend to be shy and timid.

Name: Florasarus
Size: 5'2
Weight: 102 Pounds
Stage: Three
The Nut Dinosaur Monster
Pronunciation: Flow-rah-sarus

Monster Type: Grass/FlyingElemental Monster
Monster Codex info- Florasarus are stealthy hunters who prey on smaller monsters.

[Image: Gagaandlillipusssizechat_zps02063736.png]
-From left to right-

Name: Gagapuss
Size: 2'5
Weight: 24 Pounds
Stage: One
The Juvenal Flower Octopus Monster
Pronunciation: Ga-Ga-Puss

While Gagapuss might have sharp teeth and a veracious look it in fact only eats insects. It will burrow into the ground to hide itself if it feels threatened.

Name: Lillipuss
Size: 5'7
Weight: 200 Pounds
Stage: Two
The Flower Octopus Monster
Pronunciation: Lilly-Puss

It uses it's tendrils to make itself look bigger than it's opponent. Lillipuss no longer only eats insects but anything it can fit into it's mouth.
These are just adorable. I would make the second type light instead of dragon just because we have so many dragon types and not enough light.
[Image: 11jozyq.jpg]
they are very cute and awesome i wanna see more Smile
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
hey thanks a lot for helping us voluntarily

welcome to team
its adowable! XD
[Image: Page%202.png]
Not bad. I like your style. Can you draw something darkish? Like a black/dark monster thingy. That would be awesome...
            thx PRYSMA 2
  [Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]
(2014-06-15, 10:14 AM)Santy Wrote: Not bad. I like your style. Can you draw something darkish? Like a black/dark monster thingy. That would be awesome...

Like a slime or something or a shadow monster? I'll give it a go.
They look adorable, but yet they have something.. a certain je ne sais quoi
In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems.
For issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

[Image: Gavel-Outside-w.jpg]
no slime.. I prefer shadow monster thingy ^^ thx
            thx PRYSMA 2
  [Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]
(2014-06-15, 04:46 PM)Santy Wrote: no slime.. I prefer shadow monster thingy ^^ thx

Soon as I get some new nibs in I'll get to work on it because right now I'm drawing with the eraser.
it looks awesome and with your hand hurt you can draw so well ? you man are a legend
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
(2014-06-20, 08:13 PM)staff vidyasagar Wrote: it looks awesome and with your hand hurt you can draw so well ? you man are a legend

I don't give up also I should be in bed. lol
nice done!!
            thx PRYSMA 2
  [Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]
.-. Man Florasarus you took up a lot of the page.
u are getting better each time keep improving :d

it will help both you and the game

ty very much
            thx PRYSMA 2
  [Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]
Interesting concepts, designs and color choices. I must say, you have a great talent Smile
15 years old german girl wich is intrested in drawing animals and fantasy creatures.
If you are intrested, look at these:
[Image: anna_lena_pixel_commission_by_mayor_sou_...7tw5h2.gif]
great job runeis
[Image: 20230703_155353.jpg]
no gif avvys plz
So about the Godzilla thingy Smile 
I would like the overall design to be based off on the american "Zilla"
The quite more Dinosaur look would fit better into this game.
However i would love it to have those Snowflake/crystal thingies from the original "Godzilla" / "Godzilla 2000".
In Somewhat a similiar stance to korrodo, actually the color play with those contrast could be similar aswell like grey with a lighter white blue for those snowflake things ect.
Type should be Poison/Light 
And i would even volunteer to come up with a Description for it :>
Hope you were having around the samething in mind Big Grin
Let's just go and see the world and just show them
What it really means to live life golden.

The Rekfast Club
nice! very impressive work
[Image: Page%202.png]
Nulgon + evo = DO WANT
WHEN FIRST I APPEAR, I SEEM MYSTERIOUS! But when explained, I'm nothing serious. :3
Find me on deviantART, FanFiction, or YouTube!
Co-Composer of the Monster MMORPG Soundtrack
i am looking forward to Runeis new computer Big Grin
So how id you go about getting your thread for posting your artwork?
Nice drawings
That plant thing is pretty awesome! Big Grin
keep doing it

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