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PVP/Hunting show abilities
An idea created by sale990 and mlinka 2, im presenting on their behalf.

The idea is to make the abilities easier to view in  PVP game. This would result in people being able to waste less time looking at new tabs.

This also helps people who are hunting monsters with specific abilities. Every amount of time saved helps in the long run

Examples are posted below:
[Image: abiliti_1_3.jpg]
jpg images
[Image: abiliti_2_2.jpg]
gif upload
[Image: abiliti_3_1.png]

Look forward to hearing the communities thoughts
Ty Darkrenegade (sale990)
This is very good idea... Cef knows already.. I hope this forum thingy helps for making a decision. I got my hopes up Big Grin
            thx PRYSMA 2
  [Image: 7G5XCZU.jpg]
like it goodluck guys!
[Image: 149ay5s.png]
Monster Of The Hidden Mist
I like it as if it were my own puppy
In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems.
For issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

[Image: Gavel-Outside-w.jpg]
Support +1
[Image: 11jozyq.jpg]
Definitely a good idea. I mean, if we already see the nature, why not the abilities as well. Although it can provide some nice surprises (in both PVP and hunting / PVE)!
I am no developper / programmer nor an artist / photoshopper

What I do have in turn is 15 years of experience with more or less any browser/client/pokemon - game that exists. I also do not speak english as my native language, however I think it is acceptable.

If anyone feels that he could use my help with anything, be it text, grammar, simple systems in games, new player experience or long term motivation concerning anything about this game, I will be willing to help him / her!

At first, let's revive this forum!
i guess this is a good idea it will save some time for every one some how
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
I support
[Image: 9s5dhk.jpg]
Great idea. can we also add TP points as well? possibly shown when u can chose to battle or run as well.

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