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Henrie's Spam Corner -Random Stuff?-
(2012-03-29, 04:59 AM)Henrie Wrote:
(2012-03-29, 04:26 AM)Anomandaris Giovanni Rake Wrote:
(2012-03-29, 03:52 AM)Henrie Wrote: I can't be-leaf you'd go there, rake.
that drawing makes me green with envy...

challenge accepted , from now on i shall only make witty puns and reference things from your livestream....

Don't Bee getting cocky, Rake. You'll have a shell of a time keeping up with my awful puns!

[Image: beeroth.png]

I wish I could keep the fedora too, guys. X'D

So, all second stages are... done? wtfnowai. O.o;

...Beetall next! I'll work from the back to the front of the dex this time! 8D

At-last , the be-Tall to end all bug monsters, i can honestly say you RED right through me on this one henrie, Im glad you weren't too YELLOW to make it interesting. Although all of these bugs are starting to SCAR(e)- AB(M)E, couldn't you take A FLYER and try redrawing Vladepes or raising go rogue and raise a little Hell - icanine

You dare Challenge ME ?

man why must you two be so silleh?
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
wow a lot of nice monsters Smile Henrie please send them me via devaintart. Hopefully i will update tomorrow
I Beetall of you were looking forward to this, otherwise, I'm sorry to bug you. ;3

[Image: beetall_by_fishbatdragonthing-d4uga98.png]

May take a flying leap once starters are finished, but I don't think I can keep Rake-ing in the puns. I'm a featherweight. |D
[Image: MightyenaSig.png]
once again your monsters are fanastic
[Image: ZekromSig.png]

Credits to SparrowHawk
Roivile and Quensea!!!!! I want to see everyone do that though o-o
I'll take a stab at Quensea when I get home from work tonight, how's that sound? Tongue (AHA, Quensea will be my 50th monster! WHOO! At this rate, I'll be done in... a.. year. D: And a half. DDDD: )

Untill then, Kermit.

[Image: kimodrown_by_fishbatdragonthing-d4ugaat.png]
[Image: MightyenaSig.png]
all these are really awesome i hope i could be able to draw like u some day Smile
[Image: 277851-vegeta_vs_goku.jpg]

These are fantastic redesigns Smile
[Image: quensea_by_fishbatdragonthing-d4uvdgl.png]

Quensea... want.

Golden, drawing just takes patience, practice, and persistence. If you're willing to practice, someday you'll end up drawing better than I can. x'D I've seen it happen.

And whee! narsilion comment! XD It's like having GK post on my thread all over again. *derp* ;P Thanks.

Pyrain time? Pyrain time. Big Grin
[Image: MightyenaSig.png]
My Quensea!! *_*

*his eyes are twinkling of excitement*
(2012-04-01, 04:29 AM)Kamidara Wrote: My Quensea!! *_*

*his eyes are twinkling of excitement*
Precicely! XD Glad you like 'im. Dunno when images will be updated next, but I'm kinda looking forward to this one.

And this next one, too. Pyrain, woot!

[Image: pyrain_by_fishbatdragonthing-d4uvdfu.png]

Looking at the new images I'm cranking out and looking back at Ironate, I can already tell he's going to be redrawn before this is over. x'D So, just a tiny F.Y.I. that's coming up soon-ish.
nice...go water types!

and luckily i posted here so you could do your next 1 >_>
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
These are amazing Henrie Smile
^^Thanks for this signature to SparrowHawk^^
[Image: ArceusHeatshot.png]
Game Assistant-Turkish Forum Lead Moderator

I never saw Pyrain lol I didn't even see you post after me. Pyrain looks awesome.
(2012-04-01, 06:57 PM)heatshot Wrote: These are amazing Henrie Smile
TR forum Super Moderator

[Image: trc5.png]
Roivile!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Henrie will you plaease do Monason
[Image: ZekromSig.png]

Credits to SparrowHawk
I want Miyavi to do Monason <.<
Henrie would make Monason look like a boss.
"If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be"
I am excited to see Henrie's take on Magnilok. Pretty Please!!!
Maybe Wilitus Smile
^^Thanks for this signature to SparrowHawk^^
[Image: ArceusHeatshot.png]
Game Assistant-Turkish Forum Lead Moderator

i guess henrie has taken a break with all these stuff. good for her!
Piraid and Piribbean! We need more swashbucklin' Monsters!
Constantly dying yet never dead
Yes, yes. Was taking a kind-of break. x'D Working alot of overtime at the regular job. But I did manage to get one monster done in the meantime! Big Grin Chloroot!

[Image: chloroot_by_fishbatdragonthing-d4wgbst.png]

Terrire's evolution next. Should be fun.
[Image: MightyenaSig.png]
It's cool :/

so wickedly epic
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
Love it.
"If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be"
you're starting to define epic Henrie.... i'm thinking I need a new word to define your epicosity... but i don't think it has been invented yet
"For what is a man, what has he got. If not himself, then he has naught" - Frank Sinatra
[Image: 2ppzlnp.jpg]
(2012-04-05, 09:23 PM)Henrie Wrote: Yes, yes. Was taking a kind-of break. x'D Working alot of overtime at the regular job. But I did manage to get one monster done in the meantime! Big Grin Chloroot!

[Image: chloroot.png]

Terrire's evolution next. Should be fun.
Look down, back up, what's there, it's a Chloroot

Back down, up again, what's in my hand, it's to monsterboxes with full uv Chloroot's in them

You look to the side, back at me, what's that in my arms? It's a awesome new Chloroot

Down again, back up, i'm on a Rockoal
You dare Challenge ME ?

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