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Forum Interview thread-Questions for Ghost
Half of them answered, but mafia game deadline. Be up aftermidnight or tomorrow morning.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
(2012-08-17, 04:34 AM)Ghost Wrote: Oh gawd yues *^*

What is your opinion on the still ongoing inactivity of Team Chrono?

chrono was a sick beast that had to stay down for awhile to regroup. If it ever does restart, i doubt that it'll be with the old core group intact.

Quote:Can you define your name in full detail?

Orboknown-a baws gangsta who can't stay off forums, listens to old rock n roll because it's the best music, and Has a terrible luck when it comes to getting GFs

Quote:What is/was your most cherished moment in the game?

Becoming a CM, considering i hardly ever play the game.

Quote:Are you and good ol' Nitz_X still buddies?
Of course.

Quote:How do you think science has impacted global health?
It's made people live overall longer lives, but then nukes and chemical warfare.:/

Quote:Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
def oreos

Quote:Do you believe that Parallel lines don't exist due to the connection in a One Point perspective line?
one point cannot pass through every point in the universe.

Quote:Do you think that a zombie apocalypses is inevitable?
Not inevitable, no.

Quote:How did you become a forum mod?
This guy was posting bad stuff and no other mod was on. I reported it, got mod.
This guy was posting bad pictures and after i banned him i couldn't get rid of the pics so cefurkan made me a super mod.

Quote:Have you ever banned a friend and felt terrible for it?
nah, i only ban when neecessary. Though dei and i simultaneously banned each other once.

Quote:Do you think that i can possibly run America by becoming governor in every state?
you aren't allowed to be governer in more than one state at once.

Quote:Define your opinion on Nyan Cat in full detail.
That thing can die.
(2012-08-18, 04:35 AM)juytr Wrote: Why did you choose the username "orboknown"?
it's literally available on every site.
Quote:What country do you live in?
(usa for you lame people out there)
Quote:What is your favorite food?
Honestly, I don't know. Too many choices.
Quote:How did you become a forum and game mod (I'm not going to copy what you did to become a mod)?
see above for forum mod, for CM dei pulled some strings.

Quote:What is your favorite monster in the game (only 1)?
yetee if Nything

Quote:Did you play craft back then?
Quote:Who do you call your friends in this game?
All the oldtimers, plus quanto rake and raith
Quote:Do you like banning people?
not really. Except when i banned lamb seven times in fige minutes in alpha.
Quote:Who are you most close to in this game?
Nitz and Guider and Quanto and Raks.
(2012-08-19, 04:28 AM)Rock127 Wrote: [u]What made you begin the trend of playing Mafia games on the forum?

Wanted to spice up the forum. Didn't really work:/
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Neither? Idk

If you were the administrator for one year, what will be the biggest change you will make in the system?

Making the moderator group and the entire system more autonomous so it doesn't depend on just one person to progress. Make a few more admins, s council to help the admins brainstorm, and such.
Def get the forum active. Make some competitions/giveaways on there, and give donators a cool little backroom to chat in and such.
Gamewise, i'd have to trust the other admins to do the work there.

You're trapped in a mall! Which store would you want to be trapped in overnight?
Gamestop obv.

Pick one thing you would like the most to grow off trees.

You find yourself in a Pokémon game with nothing but a shiny Magikarp with Splash which has unlimited PP and 999 potions. What will you do?
Start throwing the magicarp at things so it can use tackle.

You died! You have been transported to the UG from The World Ends With You. Who will be your pact partner?

Uhhhhhh ive never played twewy? The guy with the black hat?(Sho??)
(2012-08-19, 06:35 AM)Nitz_X Wrote: In your honst opinion, What makes a good game, be it paper or video, good?

The game has to be able to hold your mind for awhile. Stuff like DND has been around because it keeps someones attention amd mind focused.
Razors or elecric shaver?

I use razors.

What is your earliest memory on this site?

Someone gave me a. Bird type pokemon. Idr who or which

You've been captured by some Drug lords! the only way to get away is to amuse them by getting a large tatoo on your chest. What is the tatoo of?

A funny picture /loophole

A few minutes earlier we were mentioning zombie orcs and a freind of mine and i said simultaneously "Zork" im horrible at coming up with names

The world has decided that there is to much music. Every band much cut one song, and Owl city must lose Fireflies ( ), or Take to the sky ( ).

part a. Did you enjoy the songs?
part b. Which song was better?

The second, slightly

A bird in hoof or two in a bush?
I never did get what this saying meant.

Can you understand when a Brony like me is being a real pain the flank and and speaking to everypony around them in full Equine? (i.e. renaming things like Amareica)

Best G N R song?

November rain. Though I've been listening to mr brownstone a lot lately

Tonight you freeze to death if you do not burn some books. These are the last copies of the book on the entire earth and you must choose one of them to destroy to survive.

1. The Art of War

2. Complete collection of William Shakespeare

3. The Lord of The Rings (and the hobbit)

4. The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Never was a big Sherlock fan.

Dye your hair purple or Green?


poni should poni poni?Huh?

(2012-08-19, 07:13 AM)staff vidyasagar Wrote: whom do u like the most in game?in person

Answered above

(2012-08-19, 08:20 AM)Ramza_X Wrote: game related question:
- Why did you chose the name "orboknown"? Is this because you are orbo and known? Indeed, my orboness is well known
- How does it feel to be a super mod in the forum, and a chat moderator in the game?pretty chill man
- How did you earn the title of a super moderator?answered to ghost
- Have you tried the test server? Nope. Been on my ipod the past few days
- What do you like about this game the most? The community
- How was MonsterMMORPG introduced to you? I came from craft.
- Who is one of your closest friend in this site?Nitz/Guider/Quanto/Rake
- If you were to take Cef's place for a day, what will you do? Make more admins to help run things

non-game related questions:
- How do you distinguish a male from a female? By appearence mostly.
- Are you, by chance, an alien that came from space gasp! My cover is blown!
- Followed by the second question, if you were to be an alien, what is the first thing you will do? Blend in imo
- Can you describe your educational background? The orb is in college atm
- Which do you prefer: to be buried alive, or be stuck in a room filled with lions that haven't eaten for years? If they've been starved for years they're dead most likely xd
- What is your favorite animal? Tiger.
- Are you somewhat funny, or somewhat serious? Both, depending on the situation
- If you were given a chance to travel around the world, where will you go first? Somewhere in Europe.
- How many languages can you speak? Name at least half of those you mentioned.1 can't name half of english can I? XD
- If you were to be a manager of a company, what will you do? Get a better manager?

(2012-08-19, 07:22 PM)Guider456 Wrote: how did you come to be on this site? Googled polemon games online

what is your favorite thing to do? Chill with friends. What i am doing depends on who I'm with

is mafia the only thing you do every day?
Not een close. It just requires the most time.
if you had 1 day left to live what would you do?
Spend it with friends and my family
if you could give anything in the world for money what would you give away?
Does it have to be. Physical posession? If so, probably my bike. If not, my shyness around girls.
(2012-08-19, 07:22 PM)Guider456 Wrote: what is your best trait? I'm very understanding and easy to talk to.

what is it like in college? It's just a community college, so like HS ith less time in classes. I spend a lot of my day waiting for other classes to start

what is in your opinion the best thing in college?
all the people you meet you wouldn't have met otherwise
what was the last book you read?
The Dragonlance series. Raistlin is my favorite fictional magic user ever
what was the last movie you watched?
The A-Team?
the last show?
Burn Notice
last videogame you played?
Played mw3 with a friend today
favorite food?
See jusyr's question wrt my answer
What would you do if you were trapped in a mafia game in real life? Depends on my alignment and role. Mafia is so frickin flexible. How one player uses his role can completely change the game
[/u]Well then. That took an hour to type on my ipod. Kinda go lazy with the formatting at the end, so hope it's an enjoyable easy read.

Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Rock127, Nitz, and Ghost for the next inteRview
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
Vote: Ghost
Our resident Trololo guy...

Took me long enough to realize I posted on the wrong thread... multitasking FTW
Constantly dying yet never dead
Vote: Ghost
"A man who's lost his pride can never be free" 
- Ramza Beoulve
Vote : Ghost
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
Vote: Rock
[Image: 1z69xds.jpg]
If you want a signature like this, I can make you one by ordering in this thread:
Nobody's gonna comment on the actual answers! You're no fun :/
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.

so i can make it fun 2:2
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
Votes tied at three.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
hmmmmmmmm ghost is gonna do it
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
If he wins. If we don't have a winner by tomorrow night I'll cast the tiebreaker
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
No! Vote:Ghost -3-
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
4-3. Tempted to vote rock to annoy ghost
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
(2012-08-22, 01:17 PM)orboknown Wrote: 4-3. Tempted to vote rock to annoy ghost
By all means if you want to just wait a whole afternoon for a little forum bug. -3-
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
Vote for rocm guys! :3
So much win xD
Monster MMORPG's first Kpop fan!
Back after more than 12 months of vacation. 
[Image: 2vkc4nq.gif]
(2012-08-22, 01:17 PM)orboknown Wrote: 4-3. Tempted to vote rock to annoy ghost
lol orbo wanting to vote rock to avoid ghost
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
To troll, why not vote for nitz? XD
"A man who's lost his pride can never be free" 
- Ramza Beoulve
I actually was hoing to, but sadly he won't win. Was gonna just voye rock to annoy ghost XD
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
lol some1 should vote nitz and also how about your m30 award thingy?
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
(2012-08-22, 01:41 PM)staff vidyasagar Wrote: lol some1 should vote nitz and also how about your m30 award thingy?
...m30??? 0.o lol, I have no idea what you are talking about.
"A man who's lost his pride can never be free" 
- Ramza Beoulve
The forum awards. Kinda dOne with it since noone ever really took to it and sinc it's this late in the year.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
lol u should think something for this year again
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
If people will actuqlly pay attention to it, i might.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
So whose getting interviewed?
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
Vote: Rock

ghost has now been trolled, good game :3
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
(2012-08-22, 01:29 PM)Ramza_X Wrote: To troll, why not vote for nitz? XD
I'm not so sure you'd want to hear my opinion on some of the questions i'd surely get asked. it's better to just put such thoughts out of your head.

Besides, I'm not interesting enough to get enough votes to have to answer questions :p

(That is not a challenge btw)
CeFurkan Wrote:
@Nitz_X u really should leave this game
[Image: kSLYA.png]
Who wins the voting? Idc if it's me or not, I just wanna ask a barrage of question, or do the answering.
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]

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