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I gotta start doing my stuff, night. Since your drawing style was based off of mine, Tongue
And I just finished Arctipede. Looks like a baws
(2012-08-23, 01:44 PM)night phoenix Wrote:
(2012-08-23, 05:09 AM)Ghost Wrote: Those crayons<3
?i use pencils...strictly. and occasional highliter.

(2012-08-23, 05:37 AM)Rock127 Wrote:
(2012-08-22, 05:40 PM)night phoenix Wrote: It is part of my multi-step plan. and here, the last Drexle card (number wise, not order)
[Image: 08212012102823am.jpg&action=rotate]
Wow, my penmanship is getting bad, gonna hafta work on that, and can i see your guys Texas?
Oops. Sorry to rain on your parade, but using the G word is strictly prohibited. Also, that ability... :/
After every attack, he gains 2x attack... What?
Sorry about that Tongue

Thanks for all the comments..except rock -_-, but rock has good points, ill try to do that. See, im trying to break away from the pokemon animation and more towards graphic, but that will be in a long time, but i still will never give up. and if some1 steals my ideas, will any of u back me up in trying to prove there mine? Anyway, here is a more "graphic" Drexle: (It's a wolf icyaquapiplup)
[Image: 08232012085403am.jpg&action=rotate]
Well I was thinking the colors should have been black and red but I still love it thx phoenix Big Grin
[Image: 2vkani9.jpg]
Small words FTW 8D
(2012-08-23, 07:37 PM)night phoenix Wrote: Trying to perfect fire, that's really hard, also, here r some water types:
[Image: 08232012023520pm.jpg&action=rotate]
[Image: 08232012090337am.jpg&action=rotate]
What happen to strictly using marks?
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
Keep on looking good, these pics look incredible and with an eye for detail
In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems.
For issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

[Image: Gavel-Outside-w.jpg]
(2012-08-23, 09:00 PM)rock gyo Wrote: Fire is one of the most hard things to perform, talking about hand drawing, not computer art. I saw you said 'thanks everyone except rock'.. maybe you got the point wrong. I've never flamed ayone and didnt intend to start here, it's called constructive criticism. Smile I'm drawing IRL (mostly buildings though - architecture) but I'm still enjoying to give criticism. I was drawing like that when I was ~5, when I first started, was able to draw animes and cartoons with just having them in front. Whatever.. what I'm saying is that you shouldn't post all your art here, but work on them to make ur drawing better, and post from time to time your artworks, so we can also see improvement, not just monster ideas. Smile
well, if u read on, i said u had good points. im not trying to make new monsters, as the title suggests, and these r old ones. except for some new ones like the fire one.

(2012-08-23, 11:37 PM)ShockZekrom Wrote: I gotta start doing my stuff, night. Since your drawing style was based off of mine, Tongue
And I just finished Arctipede. Looks like a baws
Nothing i have is based off you! that's one reason i abandoned Fizzle Lights. Almost all of these ideas r original.
Another reason i made these.

Again Ghost, i said i dont use marks, ill try crayons, ok?
Alright, 4 stage evolution, on a scale of 1-10, what do u think? (10 is the best)
[Image: 08242012092842am.jpg&action=rotate]
I rate 5.5
[Image: 1z69xds.jpg]
If you want a signature like this, I can make you one by ordering in this thread: http://forum.monstermmorpg.com/Thread-Mu...First-Time
...ok, any1 else?
I'll give them all a 9. Smile
YES! I LIKE U...hopefully u realize what i mean by that and not something weird
My scanner busted. Might not post any pics for a while, sorry.
For some reason, wont scan my night phoenix drawing....maybe if it was smaller...
i love the 1st to 3rd stage drawings but 4th stage monster has messy scales.

(2012-08-24, 02:34 PM)night phoenix Wrote: Alright, 4 stage evolution, on a scale of 1-10, what do u think? (10 is the best)
[Image: 08242012092842am.jpg&action=rotate]
[Image: 501b5ca62c27bjpg.png]

Trying to be more "detailed"...my detail is different, and the last 1, made 2day thought i could put it in with the first three which r months old. Anyway, shouldve posted this one a long time ago:
[Image: 08242012010134pm.jpg&action=rotate]

[Image: 08242012013435pm.jpg&action=rotate]
...not sure y i posted that, sorry.
Sorry,just trying to bump.
nice pics........?)
thanx, i think???
currently taking requests...so lemme hav em!
(2012-08-24, 05:57 PM)swjfire Wrote: i love the 1st to 3rd stage drawings but 4th stage monster has messy scales.

(2012-08-24, 02:34 PM)night phoenix Wrote: Alright, 4 stage evolution, on a scale of 1-10, what do u think? (10 is the best)
[Image: 08242012092842am.jpg&action=rotate]
10 10 10 10 10!!!!!!!!!!!!

how's this
[Image: viptis_by_seviper3-d4lb1dk.jpg]
Special Attack COFFEE TABLE FLIP!!!- Lord death
I shall not be defeated by toilet paper-Death the kid
FOOLS!- Excalibur
Pumpkin Pump-Pumpkin- BLAIR!!!

I love anime 

Fairy tail
Soul Eater
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nice piks
[Image: 34fxtdy.jpg]
you like my drawing
Special Attack COFFEE TABLE FLIP!!!- Lord death
I shall not be defeated by toilet paper-Death the kid
FOOLS!- Excalibur
Pumpkin Pump-Pumpkin- BLAIR!!!

I love anime 

Fairy tail
Soul Eater
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ha Ha impressive keyboard skills! sorry, were u just posting dat dragon or did u want me to redraw it or what? haven't been on for a while. here is a new grass/fire supposed to be like a bug...
[Image: 08312012122755pm.jpg&action=rotate]
sorry, dont know how to make a poll, so just vote by commenting:
[Image: 09022012125211pm.jpg&action=rotate]
oops, which one do u like da most?
First: Sixtablaze-grass/fire-insect
Second: Killerwea (like the volcano, Kilowea)-water/fire-killer whale
Third: Serpond (Serpent/pond)-water/grass-serpent
Meh like. lolzin
(2012-09-02, 06:02 PM)Viperianw Wrote: Meh like. lolzin
..yeees, but which one specifically? Does no1 know how to vote?!?!!?
PEGASUS! (Yeah I know, not very creative/detailed)
[Image: 09052012063959pm.jpg&action=rotate]
red and green is best (: but all are awesome !
[Image: 9s5dhk.jpg]
I would post my team of choice (only 4 in a party) but im having trouble with that, so, I thought maybe you could request something, like a cat, and id post it for u and u could create your own team. Or a type combo, ie Light/dragon

AngelUnicorns pooping RAINBOWS and barfing PIXIE DUSTAngel
I like Fineedle, Dravame, Serpond, Sixtablaze, the pegasus, and the Night Phoenix.
WHEN FIRST I APPEAR, I SEEM MYSTERIOUS! But when explained, I'm nothing serious. :3
Find me on deviantART, FanFiction, or YouTube!
Co-Composer of the Monster MMORPG Soundtrack
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