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Different gaming suggestions!!
(2012-01-08, 09:42 PM)Kamidara Wrote: Dizzard that pokeathlon and pokecontest would mostly be from Pokemon which we can't have '-'
I did mean something in the same direction, I know you can't just use pokeathlon or pokecontest.

any new ideas lately dei?
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
None at all.

I want Shoshinryu to comment :<

And Snoozn :<
PVP Suggestion : A spectator mode would require the connection of all users to a single PvP battle, this would create latency issues even more than PvP already has and would require an advanced system. While I like the idea, I think with how the game is currently set up it would cause too many issues. As far as a chat bar goes, you only have 15 seconds in-between moves, with such a short time limit I would only see a chat bar as a distraction.

Different Servers : I see the allure of having different servers, but this would require him to have multiple computers to host the servers on/be very taxing to the computer he has the server on. The game simply doesn't have the financial backing it would need for multiple servers like that. However, I think it would be just as good idea to have new chat channels for different subjects such as; Trading, Clan Recruitment, Events, etc....

Player Vs. Player Point System!! : I am already working on a PvP Points Ranking system for the coming update. These ideas have been taken into account. I can't say much about it, but it will have a points and reward system that will be fair and balanced.

Battle Clubs In-Game : I like the idea of having an NPC Battle Tower/Club, in that you could slowly work your way up the tower and gain more rewards the farther along you get. This would also work with having different difficulties of battle towers in different areas, with perhaps a maximum number of floors and a time-limit between uses of the Tower after completion (For instance, if you get to floor 25 which is the last floor and win, then you would have to wait until the next server update (ranks) to use the BT again). This could be set up with a Battle Tower Ticket system, where you would need to purchase or find a ticket to enter the Battle Tower.

Membership : I like the idea of having in-game purchasable Exp/Gold boosts as well as a Donation method. There is already ideas on a donation method for boosts, but if/when/how this will be implemented won't be decided until the game has more content which makes it worth it.

Team Work/Clans : There will be a system for team rankings/points and maximum members.

Automatic Monster Sparring Center : There would have to be a maximum amount of exp a monster could gain from this method, as well as a limit to the number of monsters taht could be in the AMSC at a single time. I do like the idea, as it is somewhat like an offline training system, but without limits then I could stick all my low level monsters in, leave them for a really long time, and train other stuff while also getting all the others trained. I like the idea though.

Starting out differently : I like the idea.
[Image: shoshinsig2.png]
Click my signature to be taken to the Wiki!!
@Shoshinryu -

About PVP Suggestion and Different Servers, I don't mind if they aren't added ^_^
It's mostly for the future if it was ever to be added to the game, could be 10 years, I don't mind Big Grin

Point System - Glad to hear it.

Battle Clubs - I'd be glad to share ideas with you, I like the ones you added Big Grin

Membership - Yup, it was mostly for new maps and I'd like to give everyone a chance at something, making them equal to donators. Just like how you have your shops.

About teams and such, I already know that there will be a team function in the game. CeFurkan made that announcement.

AMSC - Yea an offline training system but with limitations. If there were no limitations and someone put in 50 monsters, it would cost them a whole lot. Also, there should be something where if a monster is in too long and the player hasn't retrieved it, it would be released to nature. (Evil LOL)

Starting Out Differently - Indeed.

We need a storyline.

I'll help with it, we could just get a few people together for a committee and that committee could work out everything through cefurkan.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
i would rather not have a storyline come until npcs arenas...and other stuff are done since we'ree getting new region in summer...maybe we could create a storyline then? or just work on it now and then show cefurkan the storyline we wrote together when that new region is done.
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
that would be fine.

We could still gets a comittee together though.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I personally would love to see PvP brackets as far as 1-25 monster pvp, 25-50, and 50+.
Or a bracketed system of pvping with all classes of monsters, ancient all the way to the puny regulars having some factor or separate type of pvp oriented with them.

And finally, i would love to have a 1v1 pvp type style matchup offered, that pitted your absolute powerhouse monster, vs someone elses. Whichever stood victorious, is the winner of the matchup.
You can always negotiate in pvp. Use the PVP board here in forum.
Hey I'm not sure is this the correct thread to post, but I'm actually thinking that there should a pop up window when you are invited to a pvp challenge as sometimes we might not notice someone invited us as it is not that obvious :O
(2012-02-22, 02:59 PM)ultimatehydra Wrote: Hey I'm not sure is this the correct thread to post, but I'm actually thinking that there should a pop up window when you are invited to a pvp challenge as sometimes we might not notice someone invited us as it is not that obvious :O
But that would get quite annoying, seeing a pop up window appear frequently on your screen.
Maybe there is an option whereby it allow the user to either enable the pop up. If it is implemented, user that declined that specific pvp 5 times and will forbid it from sending for another 30mins. Because it will hard to realize with that small box. If really will annoy the user, why not putting a bigger text or box where it will attract the user's eyes? Smile
You have 7 posts, create a new thread in this section with your suggestion :/
Okay sure thanks and sorry about that ._."
i like the idea of a battle tower,but i wonder if it is possible to make the monsters appear in different times,like in pokemon?also,if we had a dive move,that would be awesome, too.think about it,underwater exploration Smile
Hey he give me a idea, is there possible to pvp but than again, for example, I have a level 68 monster and he have a level 71 monster, maybe there is a "Level 50 Battle Option" and it will reduce or increase it to level 50 for all the monster that is in pvp Smile
not fair lol
Haha just for temporary because there is a feature something like this on Pokemon game, it consist of either you can choose lvl 100 or lvl 50, player can get to choose Big Grin
This thread is not your little side conversations that are completely off-topic <.<

Like I said, make your own thread.
The starting out differently idea is epic ;w;
Me gusta.
Your life just got better. 

You're welcome.

[Image: k29ed.jpg]
Massive bump due to those suggesting what is already suggested. Any ideas/improvements can be posted here.

This thread already received many supporters and is on the Official To-Do List. Do not go off-topic. Forum rules apply.

Do not create a thread that basically suggests what has already been posted here. You can ready the OP (Original Post) and comment on it.
i agree with this
Special Attack COFFEE TABLE FLIP!!!- Lord death
I shall not be defeated by toilet paper-Death the kid
FOOLS!- Excalibur
Pumpkin Pump-Pumpkin- BLAIR!!!

I love anime 

Fairy tail
Soul Eater
Fullmetal Alchemist
Different gaming experiences offer players unique opportunities to explore various worlds, test their skills, and immerse themselves in diverse narratives. From competitive online games to story-driven adventures, the range of genres available today ensures that there is something for everyone. For those interested in specific games, such as Type Soul, finding all codes for Type Soul might enhance their gaming journey, offering rewards, new challenges, or unlocking hidden features. These codes could potentially open up a wealth of content and experiences that otherwise might be inaccessible, adding another layer of excitement to the game. Whether you're exploring vast open worlds or engaging in tactical battles, the variety in gaming keeps the experience fresh and intriguing.

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