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Comment section on the MonsterDex
what i mean by that is like having a little comment section under the Monster entry in the Dex so that people can talk about the movesets, looks of the monster Etc.. it sounds kinda dumb but i kinda like the thought of it x)?
Only problem with that is, estimating we will have many many many people playing the game we cant have so many comments on the dex because it may slow the site down while people are trying to play.

We will have all the monsters up on the forum (All Monsters section) etc, we might be able to comment on them there.

Thanks for the idea Smile

If you've got errors/glitches report on the forums or to me and CeFurkan, thank you
it's not dumb not at all i kinda like the idea it'd be like a chat except its smaller and you can actually help people on there if they don't register on the forum but there still needs to be a main chat though Tongue
[Image: SamurottGSig.png]
Dont mess with the Samu or else you'll be left to rott in the Sanzu.
Credits go to SparrowHawk for the amazing sig.
the "All Monsters" section on the forum seems great Smile
yea thats what i was getting at guider ;P
(2011-05-04, 10:21 PM)JosrRocks Wrote: the "All Monsters" section on the forum seems great Smile
yea thats what i was getting at guider ;P

I'm glad

If you've got errors/glitches report on the forums or to me and CeFurkan, thank you
Seems like an ok idea, but I already experience a lot of random computer freezes... Is it possible to do this without freezing up the game?
i havent gotten any freezes?? maybe its ur computer? i find the dex to be amazing
[Image: tumblr_m8mm02adYC1qgqflko1_500.gif]
The dex is good, I don't think there should be a comments section in the dex, as others said it'd slow it down, plus with alot of people, there will be spam and stuff, plus I don't think the mods can delete comments on there? (Not sure)

I think if people want to comment on the monsters, then there should be a thread on the forums on "How to improve/balance a Monster" and people will post suggestions with their own ideas and criticize on a Monster.
Not really a fan
I think it's a great idea! Having a comment section under each monster entry in the Dex would let players share their thoughts on movesets, design, and strategies, and it could create a fun community vibe around the game.
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