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Attention Chat Masters
Per Cefurkan: 

From now on when you ban someone in chat please take a screen shot of the broken chat rule and follow up the ban with a pm to the banned user explaining why he was banned. 


"If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be"
Yay! Great announcement. Tongue
It shall be done.
scuttle scuttle
will do!
[Image: viking.png]

The Vikings Will Rampage.
ok ty
If only I could screen shot. I will make it work
In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems.
For issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

[Image: Gavel-Outside-w.jpg]
Mlinka just banned me and sent a pm saying this EVO SAD SAM TE IZBACIO ZATO ŠTO SE PROTIVIŠ JEDNOME OD NAJBOLJIH CM OVA

Meaning. So here I am putting you out because You object to one of the BEST CM OVA
And I haven't done one thing wrong ask everyone 

I'm really sick and tired of Mlinka childish act
[Image: GildartzSigfinished.png]
Be Blinded By My Prowess
Leave it... Mlinka is stressed out...

Stressed or not he needs manner, I'm seriously furious
[Image: GildartzSigfinished.png]
Be Blinded By My Prowess
Understood and will keep in mind for the next time I ban someone
.: If The Sky Is Blue... Then I'm A Muffin :.
[Image: stromeleon_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d6bgozd.png]
.:My Alt Accounts:.
But I Do Not Play Anymore
I even wrote a hate mail to lose my anger , then delete it lol....

But hes really stressed and pissed off and i understand that... So its best to just leave it.
(2013-08-02, 02:36 AM)Knost Wrote: Per Cefurkan: 

From now on when you ban someone in chat please take a screen shot of the broken chat rule and follow up the ban with a pm to the banned user explaining why he was banned. 



okay ^.^
Beta Name : Mystic_Mimic
Alpha name : Misdreavus

[Image: litwick.png]
.: Lose Control :.

guys banning is our last resort Big Grin
(2014-07-10, 10:36 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: guys banning is our last resort Big Grin

Many of you [CM]s are banning through annoyance. Have patience and do your best in helping players. Give a warning but be nice. No need for hostility at all.
Help users out if they need help. No banning when helping.

Also, if some users are being obnoxious on purpose and breaking every chat rule possible, that's a ban. Screenshot then ban.
ok, i will remember it.
Good to know, they are human too, cant be too impartial
this is only for here wat abt pp

can i make a thread in pokemon pets pets abt this
If someone do offers to the same monster in my Trade Monsters, and he/she filled the inbox, could be reason to get a warning? I got more of 150pm from Market :/
Perfection doesn't exist. Seizes the moment, nothing lasts forever
(2016-09-21, 12:18 PM)BagBoy Wrote: If someone do offers to the same monster in my Trade Monsters, and he/she filled the inbox, could be reason to get a warning? I got more of 150pm from Market :/

You can disable market information messages if it bothers you .

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