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Ask Site Related Questions Here!(ONLY STAFF ANSWER!)
OK, thanksSmile
[Image: 11jozyq.jpg]
Not a problem
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I'm having trouble with something in the game, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way.  I can't read signs or walk in doors (aside from Monster Centers and Shops of course).  Is that the way it's supposed to be?
Yes, that is intentional.
Quote: Do you hear the Whisper Men The Whisper Men are near
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ears
Do not hear the Whisper Men whatever else you do
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you.
I'm currently having trouble with the Forum.. it keeps saying the following when I try to post something. :

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

  1. Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
  2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
  3. Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
  4. You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.
But the thing is I've already activated my account.
Im Having trouble with switching my monster team out i dont know what to do
(2014-04-25, 10:53 PM)Narumi310 Wrote: Im Having trouble with switching my monster team out i dont know what to do

you can do it from monster center

please watch this video Big Grin
How did you start creating this browser game?
Like what programs did you use and had you already learned how to create browser games in some IT school or something?
What would I need in terms of knowledge and programs if I ever wanted to start a own browser game of any sort?
(2015-01-06, 11:31 AM)Monsterman Wrote: How did you start creating this browser game?
Like what programs did you use and had you already learned how to create browser games in some IT school or something?
What would I need in terms of knowledge and programs if I ever wanted to start a own browser game of any sort?

it was my graduation project from computer engineering 2009

i used c#

well learn these extremely well before starting

css, javascript, html, jquery - which i did not so ended up requiring full redesign of interface atm
Even though three if my monsters are already at 800 TP can I get them any higher?
(2015-06-04, 06:46 PM)Foolsgold Wrote: Even though three if my monsters are already at 800 TP can I get them any higher?

Nope the max Tp a monster can have is 799 once that is reached you cannot obtain any more Tp for the specified Monster 
but you can always use Tp Degrade to remove unwanted Tp and Do it On some other Stats
[Image: tO3jDrM.png]
How do I play on iOS with an iPod Touch? I tried to play it but screen crunch happened. Will there be an iOS App for Monster MMORPG?
(2015-07-15, 02:57 PM)James Jamerson Wrote: How do I play on iOS with an iPod Touch? I tried to play it but screen crunch happened. Will there be an iOS App for Monster MMORPG?

well it is not possible atm however fully mobile site is planned that would work on every device
В этой игре монстры разных полов может быть - будут ли они размножаться, и если да, то как ?
( Написание perevotchik , прозьба не судить и ошибок) .
(2015-08-30, 12:35 PM)Himera86U Wrote: В этой игре монстры разных полов может быть - будут ли они размножаться, и если да, то как ?
( Написание perevotchik , прозьба не судить и ошибок) .

no they cant multiply

yes there are genders in this game like in pokemon but no breeding 

and please post in english next time
Okay did a search did not find anything in reference to this so here goes

With Regulars being the weakest of the 7 Classes is there really any reason to even Capture a Regular (or a Superior for that matter).  I mean are there like special events that only allow Regulars and/or something along those lines?  Thanks in advance for the answer
(2016-01-26, 06:29 AM)DeJoker Wrote: Okay did a search did not find anything in reference to this so here goes

With regulars being the weakest of the 7 Classes is there really any reason to even Capture a Regular (or a Superior for that matter).  I mean are there like special events that only allow Regulars and/or something along those lines?  Thanks in advance for the answer

Yes, the reasons being :
1.Collection of course Big Grin (catch 'em all!)
2.DMS(different Monster score), DMS affects 3/6 ranking factors, being :
AVG Level, AVG EXP, Overall EXP.
While the DMS itself only counts once per Monster, the 6highest of each Monster still count towards avg lvl/exp and overall exp.

So, having 6of each ancient/legendary etc. Still leaves some storage space, which can be filled, and umtimately, having all Monsters of all classes = Most DMS and that means good rank :p 

Besides that, sometimes players may Set up a PvP tournament, and they may set class restrictions etc. So it isn't the worst thing to have a couple of good Monsters for all classes 
Let's just go and see the world and just show them
What it really means to live life golden.

The Rekfast Club
(2016-01-26, 08:07 AM)Galliant Wrote:
(2016-01-26, 06:29 AM)DeJoker Wrote: Okay did a search did not find anything in reference to this so here goes

With regulars being the weakest of the 7 Classes is there really any reason to even Capture a Regular (or a Superior for that matter).  I mean are there like special events that only allow Regulars and/or something along those lines?  Thanks in advance for the answer

Yes, the reasons being :
1.Collection of course Big Grin (catch 'em all!)
2.DMS(different Monster score), DMS affects 3/6 ranking factors, being :
AVG Level, AVG EXP, Overall EXP.
While the DMS itself only counts once per Monster, the 6highest of each Monster still count towards avg lvl/exp and overall exp.

So, having 6of each ancient/legendary etc. Still leaves some storage space, which can be filled, and umtimately, having all Monsters of all classes = Most DMS and that means good rank :p 

Besides that, sometimes players may Set up a PvP tournament, and they may set class restrictions etc. So it isn't the worst thing to have a couple of good Monsters for all classes 

very good answer
When I go into the monster center and manage my team, I see options to activate nature change, activate UV value change, and activate ability change, all for various (large) sums of gold. How exactly do I change these values once I pay the gold? My starter monster already has nature change and UV change enabled apparently, but I cannot figure out how to actually change them.
(2016-08-15, 10:58 PM)veldez Wrote: When I go into the monster center and manage my team, I see options to activate nature change, activate UV value change, and activate ability change, all for various (large) sums of gold. How exactly do I change these values once I pay the gold? My starter monster already has nature change and UV change enabled apparently, but I cannot figure out how to actually change them.

You have to go 2 the manage reward monsters screen for that it's under profile
Another question, if I transform a monster, does it start over at level 1, or does it retain its earned levels?
(2016-08-16, 05:18 PM)veldez Wrote: Another question, if I transform a monster, does it start over at level 1, or does it retain its earned levels?

you keep the level
i got the wrong starter and need some help i got dracby and wanted beetlet if you could help me that would be great
(2018-03-30, 02:14 AM)lazertheblazer Wrote: i got the wrong starter and need some help i got dracby and wanted beetlet if you could help me that would be great

game is broken so this kind of things are happening don't worry go to and change your stater again
@OrboKnown.1)I will not be on here often cause of pokemonpets.2)Hi^^
Pkmn X and Y name:Zayden
If u need tips,just PM me on pokemon:
I'll have Wi-fi soon so here is my friend code:
2209 1370 2565
Mii name:Zayd Attack
Bye yall Shy

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